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Dont be alarmed (even tho i used an exclamation mark), its just an announcement about the schedule for the months of November and December.

So the schedule for the next two months is going to be a bit different, again dont worry you will still get your lewds. The reason for this re-schedule is because ill be going abroad by the end of November and come back around the start of the second week of December, its my first time traveling in 15-16 years, and ive been planning it for the last 3 so im pretty hyped.

So in order to still be able to do my work here ill have to re-arrange the way im gonna do suggestions, polls and commissions in order to be able to do them even with the time i wont be here, and heres how im gonna do it:


Ill be doing both of the suggestions for the second tier supporters at the same time, on different posts of course, and once they are in ill make both polls at the same time. 

That way the characters will be decided and ready when November starts and i can work on them back to back, and around that same time ill make the announcement of the winners of the monthly commission, so i can work on them back to back as well. 


This one is gonna be a hard one, considering the time ill be coming back and the holidays, Christmas and New Year, it will leave me with around 3 weeks or less to do all the pics for this month. 

My plan is to make the suggestions and polls back to back while im away, ill take my laptop for it, so when i come back, the characters will be decided and ready for me to work on them. While i do that i will also announce the winners of the monthly commissions. 

I considered pausing the pledges for this month but i sadly cant afford to do that and i dont wanna take advantage of you guys, who have been a great help for me. 

So this month is going to be a hard one to deliver everything on time with all things considered, so i hope you guys can understand if i cant meet the deadline on December. I wil give me best for you guys to get your rewards even if im a little late.

Well that was the announcement, its going to be work and work from now on so lets hope everything goes well.

Thank you for you attention and have a wonderful weekend!!! :D



I am always working weekends...I miss having a desk job.


Woah you’re going abroad! That’s so cool! Have fun and be respectful to the locals my g.