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I Am Legend Final

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Rats have the closest genes and DNA to humans, that's why they use rats for testing. Maybe it just wouldn't work on the dog. Although, he could've sedated Sam and restrained her. However, how would that turn out in the end with them having to leave? He'd probably have to let her go.

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My grandpa took his old and sick dog out back and shot him. My sister's dog was terminally ill and had a doctor come to her home to do the deed, had the room set up special, had a spiritual advisor with her, and cooked her dog a great meal beforehand and then they sang songs after.Cultural shifts over time affect our perception of pets/animals. I'm curious if people feel as strong if a pet cat or a pet rabbit is killed in a movie? IN this case, his young daughter was killed and billions of people were killed but as I've seen with reactors in many movies, it is the dog dying that is a show stopper.