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Soooo, as some may know already , vore day is coming up soon, and as any good vore artist out there, I think it would be nice to prepare a little something for that date! 

However, I gotta say that I'm not entirely full of ideas just yet, or at least that really stand out!
So far , I'm either inclining towards a kind of naughty one, featuring Zycra of course, "celebrating" the ocassion with multiple kinds of vore ... xD

This is for now my first potential candidate, but I'm not entirely sure on how to deliver that one just yet.

Second idea that was brought up to me was a potential rampage in a chocolate town ... filled with chocolate people ... and well, you can kinda guess how it would go! x)

But other than that... hmm, I would have to think about it more. I'm sure there are tons of fun things that could be done, so yeah, if any of you have any suggestions or comments to make about this, I would be curious to hear it. ^^



Well "Zycra celebrating the ocassion with multiple kinds of vore" certainly sounds appealing :3 Maybe she invites some fellow Succubi over for a party?


Yeah, I like the idea ... but as said ... not sure "how" I would do it just yet