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Hello there!

If you're reading this, it means you are a patreon supporter! First of all , thank you!

I wanted to make a pinned post that keeps everything organized, as I find people are having trouble finding content.

If you're looking for animated stuff, (Longer MP4s or GIFs) you can use the new Collections system to find those works. They're pretty easy to use, and I think there's a tab for that.
At the bottom of that list, you'll find a post that has all my old animations linked as well. Otherwise I believe the tag system is still in place if you have specific posts you're looking for. Make sure to use keywords.

So please stop asking me where things are. Haha. Just read.

Y'all have a good day.



Hey. I was looking for the one of sophia in the office in the skirt? I cant find it in the folders but there was a teaser on deviantart


Ok i see it. Thanks


Great works as always. Any idea when we might see some new pages in the "Mr. Hare" story? I love that one.


Catra panties TF