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Hey peeps.

I'll start by apologizing that the animation isn't out yet. I think the effort in this one got way out of hand, and I wound up going a lot harder on it than I suspected. A lot of the shots are looking great, and I've gotten a ways through BB3, but it's just obviously taken too long. This is exactly why I don't give out release dates, and regret saying this would be out month after month when people press me to know. This is why it annoys me when people ask when something is coming out.

Alas. Here we are. The animation is around 4 minutes long, but they're some solid 4 minutes. These shots are impressive to me, and I have a friend helping me wrap up the coloring and shading, so it's been pretty smooth. I just binged the Scott Pilgrim anime, since I was having trouble writing the start of this animation. But now that I see the SP universe better, I wrote a proper start that makes me enthusiastic to continue and wrap this project up.

I also went a lot harder on requests than I've done before, and spent too much time on those, if you'll notice that most requests this month are made up of multiple drawings instead of just one. It's satisfying to get done, but it slows the process of the animations obviously.

At any rate, I just wanted to let you know I'm on the tail end, things are coming along, just not as fast as I wanted. But I can't let this animation drag on forever, so I'll be wrapping up whatever I have within a month's time. If you're dissatisfied with the month's work, and want your money back, feel free to comment below. I'm not bothered, as I also thought I'd be putting this out this month.

Tsk tsk.

Y'all have a good day, and I'll be sharing some traditional work tomorrow to wrap up July.

I'm eager to be done with this so I can get back to BB3. Ugh.




I'm curious how did he end up in there 👁️ did she do that?

Bobby Mackolatoo

Butts eating people ❤️❤️❤️