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EDIT: just realized I got the settings wrong for who can see this post lol SORRY

I got invited to this Sizecon event online.

I suggest anyone into my work consider signing up to the event. It's a lot of fun to chat with people and be a little more social than usual. Hahaha. The event is through an app called Gather (https://app.gather.town/app), and let's you walk around in a pixel art environment and interact with others along with your favourite size artists. :)

There is a vendor section that we all hang at between panels (I'm on two panels btw) and you can come visit our custom booth. One of our friends has been really helpful in getting our booth pixel art together for us, so it'd be nice if people saw it. Haha! We made a Bombshell Barista-themed mini cafe that they've designed/programmed a little Eli and Gin for. It's fun to see them looking like an old Pokemon game. This is just a WIP of it, so ignore that it might be missing some furnishings lolol.

The best part is you can just mute if you just want to lurk. :p

But anyway. I ramble!

But no pressure, if you're the antisocial type. I feel that.



The Producer

See you there friend!


Can you be a little more specific on what the actual is called? I looked up Gather and there's like a lot.


I must be on crack. It's the first one for me lol. It's: https://app.gather.town/app