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Merry (late) Christmas every one and Happy new year!

This year was super productive and changes my life a lot 😂

I didn’t made any Christmas dance videos like in previous years, but I sang a song for you!




I also prepared phone photos without cosplay! I hope this cheers you up as you look forward to the new year!🎄💓

Also, it’s not the first time when I made video with “Snow Song Show” song… it’s because this song always makes my mood in December!

First time I did a dance video in 2015!

I lived in Saint Petersburg and just asked my friend to take video with me near my home 😂

Costume for that video was made by me!


After in 2017 I did a duet song cover with Felya! And I did illustrations for video too 😂


In 2018 I made dance video again, but using cover song that I did with Felya 😂

Also I sew costume for that video ☺️

❄️ https://youtu.be/oR17ZGmSo0E?si=C7Ia2IK74MdL1D2b

In 2020 I tried to make something like MV, but now I see a lot of mistakes and videos like this needs more time to prepare 🤔

I remade cover for this song that time and sang it again! And one of the costume from video was also made by me!

❄️ https://youtu.be/3OKZTcFF1tU?si=cBohVo8Nu5x5Wxjo


This year's cover song is my favorite! Unlike previous years, now I record back vocals by myself, and I also think that the quality of the songs and my vocals has improved!

From now on I’ll try to update my YouTube channel more often and also I wanna sing more to improve my voice! 🩵

As always thank you all for your support, have a nice holidays and be in a good mood!



They are pretty nice works! And you have taken great step forward! Looking forward to more singing and dancing works in the future! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!😁


Из-за землетрясения мне было трудно убираться на работе и дома. В это время улыбка Saya исцелила меня и дала мне силы выйти за рамки своих возможностей. Я очень благодарна вам.