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"Being in a hurry does not slow down time.”
– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Hello Patrons! 🤍🤍

Happy New Year! 🎉 I hope you all enjoyed the holidays! It was a much-needed break, and I feel recharged to get back to work!

It's officially 2023, which means new beginnings and goals! 🎉 My biggest goal is to SLOW DOWN for the New Year. Last year, I was caught up on too many client projects and felt very overwhelmed with everything. I’ve experienced burnout and sacrificed my health since I over-committed to saying yes to many things!

I’m leaving that behind this year and want to take the time to enjoy the art-making process and learn to say NO to certain projects!

I want to focus on Patreon this year and explore a lot! Part of the reason I want to slow down is to take the time to explore new subjects and feel excited about the process of painting. Last year, there were times when I was more focused on hitting the deadline than taking the time to enjoy what I was doing.

With that said, I’m determined to learn from my previous habits and embrace this new process! 🧡



Note: Everything remains the same on here; these are just additional changes I'm thinking of adding to Patreon! ✨

Since this is the year of exploration, I want to be more involved in the community by creating a new monthly challenge! Thanks to my amazing friend, Kate (poopikat) for inspiring me to do this challenge! 🥹

I don’t want to put too much pressure on this challenge, so doing a sketchbook page challenge might be a fun idea! 🥰 (Also, let me know if this might be a fun idea!! I'm open to hearing other ideas  😅)

Here are the rules:

1. At the beginning of the month, I will create a poll for the sketchbook page prompt. i.e. pets, places, underwater sea creatures, witches, botanicals, etc. You can vote on which theme you’d like to draw or see! The one with the majority votes is the prompt of the month! 

2. Fill the sketchbook page or draw a single image with the winning prompt! Feel free to use any medium! Don’t be afraid to make those messy/ “ugly” sketches!! Pressuring yourself to complete this challenge is strictly prohibited! 🙅‍♀️

3. Once you’re finished, send it to my email at artofmaxinevee@gmail.com, or I will also add a drop dropbox link here  

4. By the end of the month, I will create a post with all the submitted sketches, including mine here! 🥰

*the last two steps are optional but would love to see you join if you can!!


I’ve been thinking about creating tutorials, but I might start doing very small step-by-step breakdown sheets of certain subjects to ease into it. These aren’t guaranteed to be released every month, but I will try my best to do more of these! I’m also thinking about going back to vlogging or doing voiceovers, just talking about certain topics! ✏️

That's all for me for now! Thank you all so much for supporting me!! 🥹🥹

It means so much! Have an amazing day!

Love always, 




Voiceovers, real time process sounds amazing! I also love the idea of some tutorials on perspective and of course an art book! You should get with 3dtotal, they make some quality books ❤️


Happy belated new year!! Those are great goals, I also overcommitted to client projects last year and am just trying to get through the last of them so I can take a breather and reset my workload. I really like the monthly challenge idea and would love to see more tutorials! I learn so much just from the process breakdowns you post, that’s one of my fave things about your Patreon so thanks for taking the time to make those. Excited to see your art in 2023!