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Hi guys,

This is the last chance to get my videos at the cheapest price I can offer. Feel free to join the below poll for videos you want. I will send the download links via Patreon message if you have enough Coins for it.

If you don't know how many Coins you have until now, don't hesitate to ask me.

A little update on the current "Death Stranding" project

Sorry about the slow progress. I'm not feeling well lately and would like to have more bed rest than usual. I had some minor heart pains and trouble breathing that I rushed to hospital. The good news is negative Covid and the doctor tells me there are no problems found in my heart and lunge (But I kinda don't believe them so I will get more tests once the lockdown is over) But I'm ok for now.

I'm still working on this project but for sure can't finish it this month. =((

**FYI Pyramid head video is now free at Derek's Archive**





Thank you so much for your support as always,
