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Dear all my love patrons,

After taking 02 months off, I finally can get back to all my works but as you know, since i will maintain both my design jobs and this Patreon Page. Things will be different from now on:

1/ Videos will now be around 3-5 minutes.

*Silver video will have 3min or more as instead of making a lot of positions, i refer focus on some and make the best of it.

*Gold video  will have 5min or more which I refer as "get extra money for making models or maps available in sfm".

Let say Gold video will have more positions, and its price will make up for my work of making new models to my animation.

Gold video is different than Silver one, not the upgrade type.

2/ So now the pledge change to Brown - Silver - Gold

  • Brown is access to Patron Only Post 1usd
  • Silver is  access to Patron Only Post + for Silver video 3usd
  • Gold is  access to Patron Only Post + for Gold video 5usd
  • You can use your pledge to access old video if you want to but please hit me message to notify that.

Its just a recommend for you to know what reward you will get for your support, you can pledge as much as you like.

3/ All of your previous benefit will maintain: Prison No.149, Broken time, commission...

4/ Propose for the pledge of September.

Since I off for 02 months, I kindda short of cash to settle some bills. Therefore, hope i can get some "deposit" for my new working on project:

Gold video: "Endurance" Night 1

It is a soft torturing fantasy where Chris is not allow to Cum even Dante do all the way milking him.

**Double paid Patrons in July will get it for free

Silver video: Aquaman, meet another me

I've fall in love to Aquaman the moment i saw him, and really want to try the concert of "go down on self". So lucky in DC, they have a thing called Multiverse.

Gold video: Overwatch Lifeguard "Nude Beach"

Summer is gone but i haven't make any beach theme vid, so i want to have some.

So please edit your pledge for what video you like or you can wait to October to pledge, it's up to you.

Thank you so much for continue support me!

Love, Derek


I kissandkill

So if we want all three we just pledge gold until they're done?


Hi Lydia, sorry for this confuse. If you want all 3 video, then pledge 13 usd, Aquaman and Endurance are expected to finish on 5th Sep, Nude Beach is a deposit because you may or may not get it within Sep. Pledge Gold will only allow you to get Endurance or Nude Beach. I devide this because Silver video is the thing i can do each month, but gold video is depening on my schedule and my inspiration. Please dont forget if you already double paid in July, then no need to pledge for Endurance. Patrons will have the advance benefit to get wip clips then pay through Derek store though. If it still not clarify, please feel free to ask. :)


Please excuse for my poor and bad English. XD