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Dear my love Patrons,

Thank you for continue support me even though this month rewards are the same as June's rewards.

I have just took a week off to travel to village where I want to test my big decision: Make this as my main job.

In my first thought, if I decided to do boylove animation as main job, then i don't need to live in big city, save a lot of cost when move to village. However, I can not do that for those reasons:

1/ This Page give me a lot of support from you guys but this is not permanent. This page may be banned for copyright matter or so on.

2/ I can't tell everyone that I do this for living. ( >"< )

3/ I have another dream to build my own designing empire.LOL

So therefore, I would like to tell you guys that my decision is I will not move to village, chasing my design dream and have to reduce my works of this Patreon Page.

I will spend more time on self-learning and start focus more in my design job, and will be less time for this Page.

So this Page will change to:

Charge time: still monthly charge.

Product: I will only working on Short clip (just like Chris X Pier "Breakfast")

**For the long project, I still working on it but it will not available for pledge or anything because with my new schedule, it may take months to finish so i will sell it at my Derek store when finish.

Pledge Tier:

    +  01 USD Access to Patrons only Post (working on clip, review gfycat gif, adult posts, polls...)

    +  03 USD receive link of Clip in Full HD resolution 3-5 minutes (4 states: foreplay, slow, fast, cum)

**Other tiers will be removed from 25th July. This page will change from 25th Agust.

I will finish all remain works within July and mid August.

Hope you guys understand my decision.

Thank you for your support as always





P/s Please check your message for rewards of July, also I uploaded new clip of "Prison No.149"


Understandable, wish you best of luck in your projects :)


We totally understand, I just pledged third tier, and was wondering does that give me access to the SUPER TARGET chapter 1 animation please? I would love a link to see it to show my support! Your videos are so rare and so creative, well done too! Thank you DEREK!!


Hi Nathan, thank you for supporting me but SuperTarget only available at Derek Store <a href="https://dereksfm.wordpress.com." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://dereksfm.wordpress.com.</a> If possible, please wait until 25th August so i can get back to work with some sales campaign at my store. Thanks