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Dear all my loves,

Because the video may require 1 or 2 months to make and while I make it, I cannot do anything else so finish 1 video in a month is hard for me and also unfair for you guys if you pay for month but get nothing.

Therefore I would like to reset this page as below:

· The Page will “Charge per Creation” and it means Charge per Term

From now on, when I open a Term, I will open a poll for everyone to vote for their favorite characters or games. Through that, we will choose to make video:

1st place for Diamond Prize

2nd place for Gold Prize

3rd place for Silver Prize

4th place for Brown Prize


After the poll end I will announce the winners and what kind of Videos I will make in this Term.

You guys will have 03 days to consider joining this Term or not by editing your pledge.


After that, I will make a Paid Post as a confirm post and charge you guys for it.

Then I will make these videos and delivery via private message once it done.

The term will finish when all video delivered.

What is the benefit for this new Rule?

1/ You guys only be charged one time for each term and if the term last for many months, you guys still only be charge one time at the beginning of term (not month anymore)

2/ I can manage time to make more videos at the same time and keep you know the progress for each video.

3/ The video now can fit each one budget and I can manage the quality of each video

4/ More easy to understand what you pledge for. 

 Hope the new rule and new tier reward is ok with you, if not. Please let me know, this is not fix yet so i can change regarding to your opinion.

Love love,


P/s: I am adding sound to the Witcher Video atm. (^ 3 ^)


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