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One of the best reactions we've ever put out, me thinks 😝❤️ https://youtu.be/kJgQ_6KauYY


Classical & Jazz Musicians React: (G)I-DLE 'Put it Straight' vs 'Put it Straight (Nightmare Ver.)'



This switch in atmosphere is complementary in a way, right? To pick up on something that Kevin, I believe, said: I agree in that I usually want more dissonance, more grime and scratch in a lot of songs in this field, but I think I appreciate the addition of the Nightmare version so much, because it turns a sad, solemn song into something triumphant, and of course there are ways in which you can still add the escalation of dissonance later on, but I wonder whether you'd risk moving away from that by introducing elements that put you on edge again. But these fit so well together, because they almost resemble the events or the arc of particular horror films where the tables turn and the protagonist begins to wrestle control of the situation away from whatever haunts them. Introducing dissonant elements could also lead, for example, to condemning that movement, framing the actions of a protagonist fighting back as equivalent to the horror that hunts them. That is a real issue in how we conceive of horror, and has real applications to how we think about violence; victims of previous violence are capable of violence of their own, but is it automatically the same? And you get into genuinely harmful conceptions that equivocate self-defense and aggression, or reset the timeline of aggression to paint victims as aggressors themselves. It's always interesting to think about what kinds of culture these works produce and how seemingly minuscule shifts in music impact the narrativizing capabilities of the music itself, and the atmosphere these pieces create.