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 Ok...so....never again....

So this was a YCH I made where it was a two part comic for only $60......I regret this so bad because I didn't even THINK of how heavy something like this would be. But....this is me learning my lesson. IT doesn't mean I won't be doing YCHs again, it just means you won't be seeing anything of this caliber as....I can't do this again. This was from October for Christ's sake. o_______o

As I also promised, I'd be only posting one version of the comic up. I'm not flooding my gallery and your feed with the same thing but different people....

The couple I decided to choose is my friend and Eris.

This is why you shouldn't go out and about, as soon as you see a creepy pumpkin smiling back at you. I'd suggest you run.... 



Andrew Martinez

Robo tickling pumpkin patch 😍 Now thats a present I want lol

Chad Frasemer

This had to be a heavy load., 0_0 But on the upside it turned out fantastic. Nice job Kate. =)