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Hi guys and gals,

So I feel its only fair to let you know what's been going on with me for a while now. 

Since losing my original job in march, I started to become quite down. I've jumped into two other jobs that were terrible experiences for me and as the months continued, I found myself getting a hell of a lot worse. Its not even just the fact I've been getting down...but I've also been very suicidal. 

I won't go into the details about what has been happening with me, but my mind has been in a very dark place and with the help of my partner. I want to climb out of sed place. 

This has unfortunately shown that I've been lacking in artwork. The job I have now isn't the best and I struggle to be sociable around the hours given for part time as well as trying to work in the procedure of things. This doesn't mean I'm stopping. I will be posting up whatever I can on here for people to enjoy. 

All I ask is for people to be patient. I've now been to the doctors and I'm back on anti-depressants which are also a sedative. Yesterday was the worse thing ever since I could sleep for five days on those things...but anyway. Hope you're all doing well. Thank you for the continuing support to my art. 


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