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Time Travel, Rampant Consumerism, Favorite Biomes, Shocking Facts | Constellation, Episode 59

Greetings and salutations! It's time for more Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Defining Duke co-host MrMattyPlays and Summon Sign host Brad Ellis. Colin's worried about unabashed consumerism and unfettered capitalism, and expresses yet more concern that the haves and have-nots are on an obvious collision course. Dagan wants each cast member to regale him with interesting (and totally true!) facts that he (and most others) are unlikely to know. Where's the best place to live when it comes to 'biome'... forest... beach... the desert?! Brad inquires. Finally, Matty explores the idea of time travel with an eye towards things we'd change, if only we'd be willing to deal with the inevitable repercussions of our modified actions, be they what they may. Support us on Patreon to get early access to Constellation! Patreon.com/LastStandMedia.



Speaking of time travel. Dustin and Dagan, if you read this go see Zone Of Interest.

Zeke the Plumber

I would 100% go back and warn myself about the worst mistakes I ended up making. Butterfly Effect be damned, I’d have a serious sit down with my younger self.


I enjoyed the free will discussion. But I can't help but think Colin knows deep down that it's true. I'm not sure if it changes the way I live my life, there's no point to that, (literally, ha) but it gives me some cosmic perspective in a way that I'm almost a passive observer to everything that happens whether I decide something or not. Jaffe made a great point when it came up, and it was while Colin was also speaking so I think he may have missed it. He said that there's no evidence for free will, but there is a lot evidence for determinism. And choosing to believe in free will in spite of that evidence is akin to choosing to believe in God, or in a faith, in spite of evolutionary evidence. In effect the concept of no free will is so undesirable, that you'd rather believe in a feeling, the feeling you have that you're in control, you make choices and there's some purpose to it. It seemed Colin articulated that he has "faith" because the reality we're observing scientifically isn't favourable. "what's the point then" is something he literally said, while that's exactly what creationists or deeply religious people say when provided with evidence to the contrary of their beliefs.

Luke Silletta

My time travelling adventures would be much more wholesome. More like time travel tourism. I would want to go watch a show at the Roman colosseum. I would want to go back and watch Empire Strikes Back on opening night. I would go back to the mid 90's and just walk into a Blockbuster video one last time. Maybe go see the Beatles or Led Zeppelin in a bar when they were just coming up. So many possibility's.