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Horror Movies, Karaoke, Colonialism | Constellation, Episode 43

Welcome back to Constellation! This week, Colin and Dagan are joined by legendary game designer David Jaffe and Last Stand's executive producer, Dustin Furman. Colin wants to discuss colonialism and its lingering presence today, while Dustin would like to talk about horror movies—our best, favorites, and overall thoughts on the enjoyment of being scared. This episode is a bit abnormal, with a few issues that caused Jaffe and Colin to drop out before the final topic. But don't worry; Dustin and Dagan held down the fort with a discussion on karaoke. It starts pretty straightforward but delves deep into the nature of insecurity and rising above it. This might be the most unique episode of Constellation yet, so please enjoy and forgive us for the mid-show mix-up.


Superhero Jagganath

After experiencing the joys of private room karaoke living in Asia in my 20s, I can never go back to bar karaoke. It’s so, *so* much more fun. If I’m going to listen to drunken people sing badly, I’d rather it be my friends and not a bunch of strangers, ya know? Plus if you actually LIKE singing (which I do), you get way more chances to do it, rather than having to wait for like thirty randos in a crowded bar to sing Sweet Caroline for the thousandth time before you get your turn. The only downside is that KTV joints can be kind of overpriced, especially when it comes to things like bottle service—you sort of have to watch out for random add-ons that they might try to sell you that you don't want (at least in China and southeast Asia, can't really speak on Japan). But as long as you're vigilant about that kind of thing, it's a great time otherwise.

Robert Graham

Colin seems to suggest that the Palestinian culture is somehow inferior to the Israeli culture and thus, the future is brighter as Israel destroys Gaza and kills thousands of innocents. Is that what I’m getting?


Jaffe? I'll pass on this episode...


It’s vaguely interesting that you singularly take objection to him. While Last Stand Media personnel are all their own men and women, they all share a common thread(s) in my reckoning that makes them all (and likely any future newcomers) welcome to my ears at least.


I don't think Jaffe has much in common with the others. Lots of bad takes from him, but most offensively he shows genuine disdain for people that disagree with him. He's so disrespectful, I can't stand to listen another moment.