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It's a quiet time in PlayStation Land, so we thought it would be a good idea to do another mailbag, which you guys seem to love. This time around, Micah is up, our coordinator and co-host of Punching Up.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

She'll be recording within the next half-day or so from when this goes live, so act quick!



Hi Micah! Colin mentioned on an episode that you're trained as a machinist. For me, I decided to change careers from working a desk job as a graphic designer to working with my hands as machinist and CNC technician. What inspired you to take the path of being a machinist and what projects were you most proud of? Thank you and have a good day!

Robbie Cooper

Hello Micah! I know you love anime and games, and even have figures displayed, but would you ever collect the autographs of the voice actors behind those characters? I discovered Streamily on Twitter and now I’m obsessed with doing such that. It’s a site that lets you get autographs with art from the voices behind the characters. I already purchased a signed Hercule photo from Dbz, and a signed Clive and Joshua art from FfXVI. They sign everything live and email you a notification to watch as its being signed. Any interest? Who would be the one you would really want to have? Anyways, thank you as always. (Ps, I still think Orange Slices and Circus Peanuts are disgusting)


Good day Mother Micah, The audience have heard some 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 food takes from you previously, so figured I'd ask a few more: Milk before or after pouring cereal? Room temperature water or cold? Plain chips or flavored? Do you microwave pizza Lunchables or eat them cold? What is the best dessert? If you could only eat one meal the rest of your life, what would it be? Have a great rest of your week!

The Great Santini

Hey Micah! Just offering my condolences to you now that you have to deal with an (even more) aggravated version of Colin after Aaron Rodgers’ devastating, season-ending injury during his first drive as a Jet. Classic Jets. You just can’t make this shit up. Keep up the great work!


hello. would you be able to share any interesting wedding decisions you have made? like what the dress is like, or the cake, or the food, music ,ect.

Nathan Densley

Hello Mighty Micah, I was thinking of Gears the other day. The first game was what got me to buy an Xbox 360 and leave my Nintendo roots. I was in the Philippines at a small internet cafe when I first saw the trailer and the presentation showing the world and "stop and pop" gameplay. It blew my mind in that hot little cafe. When I got home from my travels and worked for a few weeks roofing houses I scraped enough together buy the 360 and Gears of War. A truly amazing game that stands out to me in my gaming history and gaming history at large. What do you think are the special parts of that franchise? What makes it unique? What made it leave its mark?

Wayne Moss

Hi Micah! As we all know your a big Red Dead Redemption fan. So I was wondering as we are likely at some point to get a Red Dead 3 what would you like to see from the franchise. A prequel to Red Dead 2 or a sequel to Red Dead say following Jacks story? What would you like to see from the franchise.

Liam Rogers

Hey Micah, what’s the deal with Colin placing arbitrary rules to follow with games, fandom and just life in general is he just pedantic or is it some form of autism? Xoxo


Hey Micah! Will you be trying out Starfield on the series X? What are your thoughts on Bethesda games in general? What’s your favourite fun fact about Colin? Thanks for all you do :)


Hey Micah. What wedding present are you buying Colin?

Ryan Zimm

Hey Michah, I know you recently started playing bass. Are you familiar with Davie504 on YouTube? I don't even play bass, but have spent way too much time watching his videos.

Ember's Arcade

Hey, Micah! I’ve heard it said that you’re quite the cook. As someone who also loves putting together a delicious meal, is there a particular place that you source your recipes from? Any new recipes you’re keen on trying?


Hey Micah! Have you thought about getting a Steam Deck? I love my Switch, but the more powerful Deck has been getting more use. Also, Yakuz 0, 1, 2, 3, Like a Dragon, Ishin, and both Judgment games are all Deck verified. Keep representing us non-Bostonian Massachusetts people!