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Hey, all! It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 141 of Defining Duke.

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, September 13th at 5 PM ET to make your submission.



Dear Dukes, Just finished listening to the DDU preview of Forza Motorsport. I was excited to hear about the CaRPG elements and the increased attention to progression, as well as your overall positive impressions regarding its technical performance. I have a tangential follow-up question regarding both the Tech and the RPG sensibilities: Has your hands on time with the latest game to utilize ForzaTech done anything to influence your expectations for Fable? Presumably, Fable's engine will be spun-off of a version of ForzaTech more similar to Motorsport's, rather than FH5's, given its current-gen affiliation. For me, Matty’s comments about lighting and nighttime scenery re-invigorated some excitement that Fable will be utilizing some of this tech. Cheers and have a “burger, fries and… wait… where is the Gears' shake?” Kind of day, Aidan

Nicholas Renaud

Hey my dukes! I have only and always listened to PlayStation podcasts and only owned PlayStations, it is just the sphere I grew up in. I played all the Xbox classics such as halo, gears and fable at friends houses. I discovered you and started listening to Duke last year through LSM. It is now i realize that good coverage and expert analysis is extremely valuable even in a camp I’m not a member of, so keep up the great work. My question is with starfield being the questionably biggest pop Xbox will have for a while and Sony is relying a lot on Japanese/Korean action, what is THE next hype train approaching you as Xbox owners can be aboard? Or are we all onboard the same slow but sure steam train to Midville until the end of the generation tracks? Thanks so much

Ealia Staroverov

Greetings gentlemen, I'm a big fan of Control and in preparation for Remedy's next game I jumped into their back catalog. After beating Alan Wake, I booted up the Gamepass version of Quantum Break on my PC. I was having a good time with the game when I started noticing weird lighting artifacts. Before I knew it, the screen was covered in weird purple and green colors making the game unplayable. After a few minutes of panicking about my GPU dying, I found a multitude of threads and Microsoft support tickets talking about this exact issue. This happens across hardware and drivers. The conclusion online is that only a game update can fix this. (You can also find video online if you want to see for yourself.) I understand things can break, but this is a documented problem on a MS published game and there has been no comment from them. I don't mean to come off as overly negative, it's just disheartening that they're still selling the it and I can have a working version of the game if I buy it from Steam, but my Gamepass subscription has one less game than advertised. You guys have a powerful megaphone and I know you're not afraid to call them out, in the hopes of making a better gaming platform. Thanks and have a "I can't play the game, but at least my GPU isn't busted" kinda day!


Hey Dukes! First time writing in :) Following on your Starfield review discussion last week, there were two points you've made that were a bit off, to say the least. Would love to get some clarfication; 1. Talking about Gamespot's Starfield review, you guys said 55 hours of playtime isn't "enough to fully understand it". But it's not like the reviewer didn't finish the game. You said so yourself, that they probably finished the main story and did a few side quests. According to 'howlongtobeat.com', the average runtime of Starfield's main story is around 19 hours. 14 If you really rush through the game. So here's my question: If you spend 20 hours on the main campaign, and an additional 35 hours on side content -- and that's still not "enough to understand it" -- isn't this a problem with how the game's designed? I would understand your point better if the reviewer never got to the end of the game, but 55 hours of playtime seems more than enough to review a game you can complete in 15-20 hours. It might be true that in hour 70 "something clicks", but that's to the detriment of the game; That tells you something about its bad pacing or poor progression systems. It's like those people saying: "Dude you gotta watch this show! First 4 season aren't that good but wait 'till you get to season 5!" 2. If the review process is an issue because of the harsh deadline and embargo date -- why isn't this an issue with reviewers who scored the game a 10/10 on the day it released? Why is it an issue only for those who scored the game lower than expected? I could easily make the argument that rushing through a game to hit a deadline might make you think highly of it because you didn't spend a lot of time with it, and you didn't let the game "sink in" after all the hype. 'xboxaddict' gave the game a perfect score after spending only 50 hours with it, so is their review less legitimate, as well? Thanks and have a "why did we ever let Patreons ask us questions?" kind of day!


Hey Dukes, Question regarding Developer Direct - do you expect a Direct before the end of 2023, or should we not anticipate anything until next year? I know we just got Starfield, but as gamers, we always tend to keep looking forward. How frequently do you think we can expect Directs, and if you don’t expect a show this year, then when do you think the next will pop up? Thanks for a fantastic show gentlemen, have a health is wealth kinda day!


Hello, Dukes! With the Starfield reception solidifying now, does it feel to you both that people are still blaming Bethesda for Fallout 76? Some of the criticisms feel like down right extra nitpicky just to be harsh for the state of 76 at launch and I have even seen folks claiming that while the game might be good, they still won't give any money to Bethesda due to the 76 controversy. Do you think they will ever get rid of the stink of that failed launch or will it be forever something that gets brought up? Have a nice weekend ahead, Alex


Hello dukes, With update 34 coming on September 18 to State of Decay 2 called curveballs adding in new events into the game, such as your community being more proficient at gathering for a while or a lone survivor stealing supplies from all the communities on the map. Can we just give a round of applause to Undead Labs for still updating the game after 5 years. I know they announced state of decay 3 in 2020 and we haven’t heard really anything since but if the dedication to still updating this game is anything to go by I think State of Decay 3 will be a surprise hit for Xbox when it comes out. Have a “Phill Spencer announces Trails ports coming to Xbox at tgs” type of day


What's up Dukes, So I'm loving Starfield so far. Only had a few sessions with it but I can already tell I'm going to be lost in the cosmos for months. But as I play I can't help but think abour how much it reminds me of The Outer Worlds. The story , the crew, the hub worlds etc. I haven't heard much discourse about it. Do you think Bethesda took inspiration from Obsidian's 2019 title or have they had some help behind the scenes from Josh Sawyer and the team? Thanks as always and have a "Fallout New Vegas 2 when?" kinda day!


Dukes!!! What are your thoughts on NG+ as an introduction to BGS games. How’d they do here? Is it necessary? Bethesda gives you a great proposition for doing NG+ BUT you lose everything except shouts and skills allocated. Gotta be honest… I like what I got out of NG+ (😏) but dammit I lost all of my shit. Let us know your thoughts! Hope you guys have a “I have 2000 rounds for my Magshear kind of day”

Keith Huntington

dukes i gotta flash the fraud alert on matty here. to be such a BGS fan, last week he said he still hasnt finished morrowind once, so i think we need to put balders gate to the side and go back to vvardenfell and roll those credits. i know it seems daunting, but i personally feel the game is all bark, no bite. last year i went back and played through it again on gamepass and it's still so captivating, engaging, and rewarding. i think matt owes it to himself and his fandom to play the true goat to completion to get a greater appreciation for everything todd has given us since. please be sure to have a 4 out of 10 kind of day.


Is there any chance that someday you'd get a guest or co-host that who's into the hardware level analysis? I love the Moore's Law episodes of SS+, and would enjoy listening to someone who would know more about whether or not the Series S can handle certain tasks. Thanks!


Greetings Motorsport Matty and Car Enthusiast COG! Was there any mention of microtransactions for Forza Motorsport? A live service version sounds great in theory, but if it is filled with the same kind of microtransactions that Gran Turismo 7 had at launch then that can ruin the entire experience. Being able to buy cars with real money is as pay to win as it gets and I really don’t want to see Forza fall into the same trap. Thanks for all you do Dukes and glad to have COG back in the realm of the Dukes!

Zeke the Plumber

Beloved Dukie Boys, Is it just me, or are there a lot of people trashing Starfield who also have already spent over 100 hours playing it? It just seems odd to me. One podcast I listen to had a dude from IGN going on and on about how disappointing the game is before he finally admitted that he had played 70 hours in the first week alone. I dunno, maybe I’m weird, but I tend not to devote dozens/hundreds of hours into games I don’t think are good? Thanks!


Howdy Dukes, While playing a game, do you ever light candles or incense that match to enhance the experience? I stumbled upon this by burning a fog machine scented candle while playing Starfield and it ended up being pleasantly immersing. Thanks, and have a “fantasy football just started and all my players are injured” kind of day.

Sean Mason

Greetings Dukes, I hope this message finds you well. How do you anticipate other game engines will respond to Unity Engine's new fee structure in the future, and how might it impact the game development industry as a whole? I’m hoping other companies see the backlash this announcement has garnered and don’t follow the same route. Best, Sean M.


Hey all, In regards to the Starfield reviews, I feel like a game that “takes 12 hours to get good” is worthy of a 7 by that fact alone. I’m a new dad, work a lot of hours, and don’t have a ton of time to game. A game that takes 2 weeks plus of real time to “get good” just isn’t worth it, and I would bet that view is one that is pretty heavily shared amongst non-content creator gamers. Just thought this view point was worth sharing when I feel a lot of the commentary is rightly filled with people who can dump 100+ hours into the hobby a month. Thanks guys.

J Boogie327

Hey Dukes, First off great DDU on Forza. Firstly I'd like to apologize about being harsh on you guys earlier in the year about brushing this one aside as a "good game" without being critical. You both did great individual coverage and it seems like Matty may have that sim racing bug


Normally I'm just part of the silent majority and don't add to conversation(I'm busy) but I was listening to last weeks DD and Gene being a 3rd seat came up again, Matty commented that they could poach him from Punching Up, but all of LSM does cross-shows. The Dukes and Gene had great chemistry on the couple shows he was on. Please reconsider!


Hey boys, So Bethesda just outline some key features coming to Starfield. I gotta ask what the hell were they thinking not having this at launch. That fact that a game in 2023 launches without brightness/hdr controls is baffling. Why is Bethesda allowed to get away with stuff like this. Sometimes it feels like they don't get held to the same standards as everyone else. Thanks and have a mediocre day.