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Hollywood on Strike, Parents Playing Video Games, Camping, Famous People | Constellation, Episode 29

Welcome back to Last Stand Media's conversational podcast, Constellation. This week, the Brothers Moriarty welcome Sacred Symbols co-host Chris Ray Gun and LSM theme composer Ramon Narvaez. This meaty episode starts off with a bang, as Dagan chronicles his recent week-long camping excursion that brought him into the woods of Maryland with his son's Boy Scout troop. Meanwhile, Ramon wants to talk about older people playing video games, or in many cases not playing them. Was the Baby Boomer generation uniquely unequipped for this new mode of entertainment? Chris is curious about our thoughts on famous people, and those that lose touch with the world around them as their coffers grow. Finally, Colin goes with a current event, the SAG-AFTRA and writers strikes, which have brought Hollywood to a standstill. Why don't media companies care more about the people who make their enterprises go?


Jesse spivey

Please send Ramon some background art!🤣

Michael Thew

Haven’t people from the east coast ever heard of bug spray? Great show, always remember though, if your still breathing it is never to late to change

Elroy Knight

I grew up in Florida. Wearing bug spray here is like politely asking the mosquitoes to not bite you. About 80% of the time they will hear your request and simply say ✨No✨


Since AI is a digital phenomenon, it only makes sense that the first things it replaces are jobs that can exist entirely digitally. You won't find an AI taking over a plumber's job any time soon.

Tristen Wilbers

I appreciate the conversation on the strikes. It's disappointing to hear so much criticism lobbied at creators and artists who work under tighter and tighter deadlines under corporate fists. The same conversation is going on in VFX departments which face particularly harsh conditions with no union representation. Detractors often point to shitty CGI as being the artists' fault, rather than placing the blame on Disney/Marvel's corporate management and ridiculous turnaround times that necessitate bad work just to get it out in time. When you have 50 scenes you have to turn around in a week, they're gonna look shit. There's also the issue of more and more work being outsourced. People pointing at bad writing is the same thing. It's a useless talking point. Artists deserve fair pay and good working conditions because Disney and Netflix can damn well afford it.

Benjamin Nadeau

No industry deserves to die more than Hollywood.

Luke Silletta

I'm going to pushback a bit on Chris talking about AI taking over "cog in the machine" jobs. I'm a welder and I've been in the business for almost 15 years. I've experienced big companies "try" to automate out us workers and fail. My last company bought a state of the art robotic welding arm for half a million dollars. Our production ended up dropping over 30%. The big problem with automating trades is problem solving. I've spoken to carpenters and other tradesman. These robots cant adapt to problems on the fly. There are too many factors that intersect in ways AI have problems dealing with. From personal experience, we are still way way off at automating most trade jobs.

Jessica Stelter

Recently went camping in northwestern Virginia and I woke up in the middle of the night to a bear huffing into my tent. I think it traumatized me more than I would like to admit. Dagan, it was like 102 degrees during the day when I went camping. (this was the type camping where you dont have running water or electricity and you backpack with all your gear.) I agree with the horrible sleeping. I enjoy camping, but I definitely enjoy the comfort (and safety...) of my own bed.

Michael Thew

I have no sympathy for these bums, us in the trades have been being replaced by whatever management thinks will save them a buck since forever. I became a journeyman machinist because I needed any edge I could get. Could I still be replaced, sure it’s possible, but the less skilled and lazy will be axed before me. That an unions are not the answer, hope they are having fun going broke on their strike. While the union bosses are living comfortably off the dues you’ve paid.

Quinnton from Seattle

I went camping as a kid a lot and almost always in the summer. To be honest, PNW camping in the summer is not too hot, completely different than camping in Southern California but we have a lot of mosquitoes and tree pollen so I wouldn't recommend it to Chris. The closest I get to camping now is in an RV/Trailer which I know is not "camping". I have too many things that need power so camping without electricity is out of the question. Fortunately, most campgrounds that allow trailers have hook-ups for power and water.


I hold no love for Hollywood. I can understand feeling for the man in the middle doing the little details, but these “writers” brought this on themselves. Just look at the content we’ve been getting since 2014. Even more in the last couple of years. There definitely needs to be a change in Hollywood from the inside out, but I won’t be paying to any of them. Like someone else here said, there’s “one hundred years of superior television and film content to consume” that won’t talk down to us or push shit in our faces 🤷🏽‍♂️


Colin: So Ramon, what is your interaction with the world of famous people? Ramon: Well… *twenty minutes later* “I was running around my house pretending to be the Joker… Wes Borland is helping save cats on social media…” Ha ha ha, Ramon, what are you talking about? Just busting his balls. In all seriousness, engaging episode as always, boys. Keep up the good work.


Best ep so far


I love the week long tease for Dagans topic on Twitter lol, can't wait. Also on the name front I thought I'd share that my dad was going to name me Norman, after his damn hamster! Was stopped under threat of divorce by my mother for which I am eternally grateful...

Tanner Denso

Really loved this conversation especially regarding Ramon’s topic. My dad never understood games either aside from glancing at a new Madden and saying “Is this real?!” My mom however, loved playing Mario Kart 64 and guitar hero. Regarding the Hollywood strike. Let me first start by saying I am an electrician and have been in this trade for 10 years. I love what I do and it is a very fulfilling career. I’ve built incredible things that I am very proud of. However, it is a very high demanding job both mentally and physically. I understand how this could not be for everyone, but at the same time we are at an all time high in demand for more electricians and tradesmen in this country. So yeah Chris, if people are out of work, they don’t have to go to coal mines in particular. They can learn another trade though…

Michael Thew

Yeah but that’s beneath them to dirty there hands. But if they can’t mentally handle the jobs they already have, they have no chance in our field.

Tanner Denso

Time will tell all with this. I really do believe that whatever becomes of entertainment after this is all over will be a positive. If you’re an aspiring person in Hollywood and struggling to feed yourself and your family. Maybe it time for a career change..? Trust me you can do a lot more. Go learn a trade, despite what Chris said about going back to the coal mines. Those jobs actually keep our society afloat. Like I’m sorry that the dream scenario can’t work out for everyone, but isn’t that how life kinda goes..? these people are so detached from reality. I’m not gonna lie I enjoyed the episode but man I got triggered by a lot of what the guys were saying. Dagan thinks coal miners vote for Trump because they see themselves one day being that? No dude those guys vote for Trump because Trump is America first and that was always his stance. Anyways now I’m just yelling into a void anyways so what’s the freaking point? Good day to you sir🫡


The episode is over a week long at this point and I doubt they will even read this, but I find it frustrating as a person who has no political home and hearing some comments on the show. Dagan, sir, both parties, Democrats and Republicans are equally to blame for the ills of the lower to middle classes. The cultural ethos that Democrats are for the poor and needy has for many years been a complete lie. It is just propaganda that you absorb from the news and podcasts you likely listen to. If they really cared for the poor why are they 100% in agreement on sending hundreds of billions to countries across the world that ends up feeding the war machine instead of using that at home for our own citizens? A fraction of that could make a massive difference in solving our homelessness issue and mental health degradation. Why did Biden squash the rail strike last year? I'm sure those workers really would have liked some improvement at their workplace. The Republicans aren't really any better either.


I'm not a blue collar republican and i was a little disgusted with Ramone's little comment about how they're all brainwashed. That's incredibly reductionist and arrogant to think the only reason someone doesn't think like you is because they're brainwashed.