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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, July 20th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!


Dieter Hoeller

Worst diarrhea you ever had and what caused it?


Hello Center for Dustin Control, There’s been a lot of Gamepass talk recently (and always), but there’s an aspect that I’ve NEVER seen mentioned that I believe actually has a material impact on the quality of the games that go to the service, and could actually be the reason that Gamepass games are thought of as mediocre releases: how the devs feel about Gamepass. Lies of P, for example, was announced Day 1 for Gamepass several years before it will release in September. Does signing this deal so far in advance have an impact on the motivation of the studio to deliver a superior product? If the game wasn’t going to Gamepass, that would make the success and sales of the game hinge completely on the merit of its’ quality – is that enough to drive them forward to elevate the product from an 8.5 to a 9? There has to be an inherent psychological impact on the quality of the final product while knowing that there is some sort of financial safety net… Thanks for all the great content.


Hey guys, What do you think of the newest Mission Impossible having a very similar scene to a certain Uncharted game? Stay frosty, Dom from Chicago

Jesse Sanchez

Hello Sacred crew This question is mostly aimed at Colin, but it can also apply to Chris as well. With recent Updates to Dying Light 2 improving parkour, combat, and making night encounters more intense is there any drive to want to check it out? Also I’d also like to know if you have any plans to bring back the Techland developer that worked on Dead island and the 1st Dying Light for a Sacred + episode? I’d love to hear his stories on the development for the sequel. Thanks for your time and have a great weekend -Jesse


Hello Sacred Gentlemen. My question is simple. Having recently beaten Final Fantasy 16 (and absolutely loving it) which combat system do you prefer: Final Fantasy 16 or Final Fantasy 7 Remake? I was put off from trying 7 Remake because that game was always so closely tied to the Active Time Battle system in my head. I am much more open to trying 7 Remake since playing 16, but would love to know your opinions. Thanks for all you do!


CDC, Over the past year or so, I've attempted to play two games that I ultimately had to shut off. The first game, the Crash Insane Trilogy, reminded me too much of a close cousin who passed away. Similarly, I couldn't play the Tony Hawk Pro Skater remake reminding me too much of playing with my late father. My main question here: Were you ever unable to play a game due to unfortunate circumstances, whether that be death, lost friends, a tough time in life, etc.

James Ketchum

Hi CDC especially Colin As a follow-up to your discussion regarding PlayStation Stars last week, while most of the trophies themselves that you earn don't get you rewards, small tasks that you take within the Stars program does. Launching certain games or earning very particular/hard trophies can earn you coins and digital collectibles. The coins can be applied to $5 and $20 PSN credits, or even entire games! Current games available are Gris, Journey, Cuphead, Moss, Dredge, and Stardew Valley. Not too bad! Does going out of your (slight) way to pay attention to these campaigns to earn free stuff intrigue anyone?

Derek Waechter

Hey Sacred Sweethearts, what needs to come first : Spyro 4 or Crash 5? Thanks and be well.


Hey Colin and sons, I just came across this clip and automatically thought about the southern gentlemen. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrcAOu_OO4X/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Colin, please let the boys watch. Love what you guys are doing.


Hello men and Dustin, What movie director would you like see make games? Thanks

Joe Hammonds

Hey Jag-wires, question for all three of you: Colin, do you plan on playing any gaming-related music at your wedding/reception? Dustin, did you play any gaming or anime music at the wedding? And Chris, what would be an appropriate (or inappropriate) gaming track to play at a wedding? Shout out to my amazing wife Emily for being down to play chill Persona tunes at our reception back in May. Thanks and wishing you boys the best.


Hey guys, Love the show and the banter you guys have. Also it makes my Friday when I see that an episode is longer than 3 hrs. So please keep the long episodes coming. No question. Just wanted to say that I loved the format of last Sacred+ with the fill in the blank sentences. I’ve felt lately that people when talking about the ABK deal mix up what they think will happen with the deal (will it go through/ will it not), what they think will happen in the future (is it bad for gamers in the long run?) and also their thoughts on if they want this deal to go through. Your format organized those conversations nicely into separate categories imo. Well done! Cheers, Calcifer

Benjamin the Warped Nuclear Test Subject

Hey CDC, In the mailbag show for Chris, I gave him a chance to come up with my new patreon name. I'm writing in as proof that I followed through, I am Wet Will no more. To be honest, I have no idea if I got the name correct as the audio wasn't crystal clear, but after treating that segment of the show as if it were the Zapruder film, I think I have it correct. Hopefully I am close enough for Chris to no longer "Hunt me down and gut me like a fucking turkey". The question is, does Colin affirm Chris' choice of name or does he have veto power? Thanks and keep things moist?


Greetings Sacred Men, this question is mainly for Colin but feel free to chime in. As a fellow writer one of my favorite books is William Strunk Jr and E.B. White's Elements of Style. As I have grown and evolved in my writing certain writing rules have crept into my speaking life and I have noticed that when people use phrases such as "a whole 'nother" or "all of the sudden" it raises my dander quite a bit. Another and suddenly easily replace those two phases but my number one most hated incorrect phrase is using "a myriad of" instead of just "myriad". I know language changes but I hate the degredation of English into conversational and colloquial nonsense. Colin what is your most hated English rule that is broken in writing or speech? (P.S. "must needs" is an archaic way to say "must neccesarily" i used it in a previous write in give an anachronistic feeling to my question.)


Hey gents, Just a simple correction. In the last episode, Chris asked Colin if spiders were the only insects that he couldn’t abide but spiders are not insects but rather arachnids. Maybe its nit picky but its best to be accurate.


Hey CDC, Just finished watching the Podcast with Roman, He mentioned one of the many ways that Russians are continuing to buy Games are using a Turkish PSN account. It is not just Russians but a small percentage of Gamers all over the world use Turkish accounts. This is because Turkey is cheapest PSN network in the World. Currently (Spider-Man 2) $70 playstation first party games cost $29 USD on the Turkish PSN store. (799TL) and Playstation Plus is incredibly cheap as well. Essentially you can buy a Game on the Turkish account then switch back to your master account and then play the game there. Many in the community might say this is shady or Morally wrong I disagree. Personally I think it is being savvy. If Sony is selling it for that price somewhere in the World I have no problem buying it for that Price. (One negative aspect to consider is some publishers such as EA have choosen to substantially raise there prices in Turkey and eventually if Sony was to follow suit how it effects the people of Turkey when there wages are abysmal. It should be noted most publishers have choosen to raise there prices in Turkey but are still cheapest in the world. Though EA is one of the exceptions) I use to live in Canada and many Canadians would cross into the US to buy cheaper Gas if they lived near the border and many Americans came to Canada to buy cheaper prescription drugs. Though again I had work friends that said It was wrong and I was taking Taxes away from Canada. The other aspect to consider as you have often Said Colin is that launch sales have a bigger impact on a games Success. So if you only had $30 to spend on game would it not be better for that games success to buy it at Launch on the Turkish store rather than a Year or two at the same price on the US store. Clearly Sony will know this is going on and there is no requirement to use a VPN. Even Shuhei Yoshida admits to having 3 Playstation IDs in article from Eurogamer. https://www.eurogamer.net/dont-like-the-way-sony-runs-the-playstation-store-you-should-be-careful-what-you-wish-for-says-yoshida I myself have mutiple accounts in mutiple regions mainly because I have moved a lot. Sony has no option to change the region of account unlike Xbox. So if you move Country you are forced in many ways to create a new account at the same time you want to maintain your original account to keep all your trophies and friends list intact. So even though I do not live in the UK anymore it is my Master account that I play all my games on. There is a lot to unpack but I am definitely Keen to hear everyone's take and thoughts on this. Thank you and keep up the great shows. (PS Store is great app for searching different prices in different regions)


Greetings Colin, Chris, and Dustin, I hope you are all well. I have a question for Colin regarding Bloomberg journalist Jason Schreier. Jason has come up many times on Sacred Symbols, and folks who have listened to Colin's content dating back to Kinda Funny will recall a great interview Colin had with Jason in 2017. Since then, that relationship has soured; although, the respect Colin shows towards Jason's work continues as we often hear about his reporting on Sacred Symbols. With both Colin and Jason being voices I greatly respect, and having vast differences in opinions, paradigms, and politics, I would be very curious to see a reunion between the two to discuss current events in the gaming industry. My question is this: Is there any possibility of any kind of future collaboration between Colin and Jason on Sacred Symbols? Is that former relationship too far gone for repair, or is there any sliver of chance that someday differences could be put aside to have a conversation on Sacred Symbols +? We all know and love that Colin will sit down and have a civil conversation with literally anyone regardless of the extent they may disagree with him - but would Jason? Thanks for the best gaming content around. -Mike

Kevin Padua

Hello Gentlemen, Let's get right to it with the most important question that has ever been submitted and needs all 3 of your vital answers.....How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood???


Good day Sacred gentleman! The ending of the Steam summer sale, the beginning of PlayStation’s summer sale, and Dustin’s topic on frugality in the latest Stelli got me wondering, what are some of the best video game deals/savings you guys have taken part in? I’ve scored many great games through the classic buy 2 get 1 free GameStop deals, but nothing compares to the 2 year period I had Best Buy Gamer’s Club which gave me 20% off any new game, and it even stacked on sales. It’s not a big surprise why Best Buy discontinued that service. I must have saved somewhere in the thousands with how many games I bought in those 2 years. Thank you for the outstanding content and the incredible deal that is your Patreon.


Hey CCD, Can you give us an update on the state of the Sacred Sales Saga? Why was is cancelled, does it still have a future in a different form, could the community take it over,...? Thanks and keep up the great work! Greetings from Belgium, Willem.


Hey Sacred crew, So, I’ve heard about Final Fantasy 16 overheating peoples PS5’s but have any of you ever heard of it completely shutting down your electrical power? Well, it happened to me. Last night, I was playing for about 30 minutes and it caused one of my fuses to turn off. I went and turned it back on, happened again 10 minutes. How is a game able to suck that much power? Anyway, thanks for all the great content!


Hey Sacred Boyos, Colin I am curious how you feel about Gravity Circuit! If Bat Boy from earlier this year was “Yacht Club won’t make Shovel Knight so we will” this game is “Capcom won’t make Mega Man so we will”. I wish I could put into words the grin I constantly had throughout my Playthrough. The gameplay, music and story all fit like a perfect glove to me. I am wondering how you feel and if this is a game Chris or Dustin might play considering its low time commitment and low price? Thanks, Rahcaz


Hey CDC, With the Twisted Metal show a week away, would there be any chance of a Sacred Symbols + show with David Jaffe? Hearing his insights would be super interesting and since all episodes are releasing on the same day, it would just be a single SS+ episode to hear everyone’s thoughts. Anyways, I love the show and look forward to hearing your shows every week. Take care, Adam


Hey gents, With all the talk of enhanced re-releases I feel I need to bring up an old PSOne game seemingly lost to time: Einhander. SquareEnix (then Squaresoft) seems to have forgotten its in their catalog and when I bring it up in conversation most have never heard of it. Seems ripe for the HD treatment and even ran in 60fps which was quite rare for its time. Anyone remember this one? What say you?

Matthew Hudson

I have a small correction for Colin. Occasionally Colin will refer to CCGs as customizable card games. When he first did this a few weeks ago i thought it might have been a mistake but last week Colin said it again. CCG stands for collectible card game. Just wanted to set the record straight unless of course I am mistaken and there are “customizable card games” that I’m not aware of. Keep on keeping on.

Andrew Gambill

As a PSA for the audience Super Perils of Baking was included in the most recent PSN sale for like $4.


Hey guys Out of curiosity, what was your immediate reaction when you saw AAA devs hopping on the bandwagon an indie dev started asking for their games not to be judged by BG3's standard? I've gotta admit, mind was pretty dark. Disgust, disappointment, sadness to name a few of the emotions - mainly because there were so many. While not every game has to be a true RPG with choices that have consequences like BG3, hearing devs imply they literally couldn't do it, despite having much bigger teams and budgets, just felt like a grim indication of where the industry is going. I hope they're in the minority, but groupthink can be pretty insidious. I don't want an industry filled with people satisfied with mediocrity, with following and copying the latest trends (poorly). I want one filled with trend setters and ambitious psychos that constantly push the boundaries of what's possible - in ways other than fidelity. Am I overreacting (likely)? Do you guys maybe even agree with the initial sentiment too? Cheers, Joseph


Hey Colin, How's the Chris Chan viewing coming along? Thanks to all of you for the great content, Chris


Hey there sacred gents, What are weird food choices you make that may be considered weird or outright heinous to other people? If you have any, why do you do it?


Hey CDC, Had a discussion with someone today about the notoriously bad FFXVI sidequest. I feel like they are dragging the overall product down, especially for people with completionist mentality. They on the other hand claim it didn't because it was optional contents. What's your guys take on this? Thanks and keep on keeping on

Jordan Fugate

Hey CDC, Last week my good friend Travis wrote in inquiring what are the go-to snacks for each member of the Sacred Crew on road trips. I enjoyed listening to each of your responses and thought of an interesting follow-up question: what do you all typically like to do for vacations? I just made the eleven-plus hour drive back to my home state of Kentucky from our vacation in Florida and while the beach is nice, staying at home and not having to do anything is vastly underrated. Thanks for all you do providing quality content every week.

Forrest Hunter

Hey Sacred boys, My wife, Wendy, and I recently got a new car with Apple Car Play, and at one point in our travels I attempted to put on this wonderful podcast. Suddenly, this tiny wife of mine turns in her seat and says “No. None of this,” gesturing to the speakers where the dulcet tones of your voices were emanating from. She then went on to say that not only was the listening of this podcast banned, but so was the listening of anything video game-related, including video game music, something both my son and I love! Now, I could have easily smothered and dispatched this diminutive lady for her insolence, but instead I told her I would write into the podcast and ask that she be shamed before dozens of thousands of listeners for her insanity. Please help me with this! Forrest Hunter


Hey LSM, The recent DD/SS crossover was a great discussion. Colin, you guys touched on how subscription services could lead developers to making smaller shorter games and was wondering if this can be expanded upon. Recent episodes have bemoaned how bloated games have gotten like with FFXVI, RDR2, or Last of US Part 2. Before streaming, TV shows had large 22 episodes and went on for almost 10 seasons. Now, fortunately, shows are condensed. What are the pros and cons for the condensing of games and is this a positive hypothetical outcome due to subscription services?


Hey CCD sorry to inform you, but the first Podcast on vinyl was Tell'em Steve-Dave vinylcast on April 16 2011. Be careful because the T.E.S.D. Army Ants are know to swarm Podcasts that claim they are going to be the first vinyl.

Jefferson Wentworth

Afternoon Gentlemen, if you could each go back in time and prevent the creation of one video game franchise, what would it be, why, and what positive changes to the timeline would be made as a result?


Hello CDC. I hope you all are doing good, and may I say what a year to be a gamer. I got FinalFantasy XVI at launch, 4 days later i was finished, all sidemissions done and huntboard completed. What I wanted to point out about this comments about boring sidemissions here and they are just there to make the game longer, that the sidemissions gives you the map after i finished my last sidemission my trophy for completing the map popped, i mean they are actually giving you something. However this is so far my GOTY and I cant really believe how good this game is. and in Final Fantasy mode when you dont get the help and the potions dont refill after dying. What a game i must say. Well thats all from me first time writing in and thank you for the best gamingpodcast out there that you deliver every week. All love from Sweden


Hey fats, Thoughts on the censorship hubbub surrounding the PlayStation version of LISA: Definitive Edition? Is this not that big of a deal or are we venturing down a slippery slope in regard to content changes in video games?

Greg Dawson

Suspect I might be going mad, but there hasn't been a Sacred League or Saga for a while, has there? PS. I know it's a weird way to post that question but after 420 here. 😂

Eliot Hillis

Hey, friends, I recently finished Final Fantasy 16 and absolutely loved it. There were several instances in the game that moved me to tears due to it's heartfelt story and incredible production value. As a 41 year old man who's been gaming most of his life, I can only think of a few games that have ever gotten me to shed actual tears (outside of the occasional rage-quit). My question for each of you gentlemen is this: what was the first game you can remember, if any, that caused you to tear up, cry, or moved you emotionally? Has any game in recent years caused you to cry or well up? Keep up the great work on the show, gents.


Hey guys (mostly Colin), Is there any interest amongst the Sacred Crew for Legend Bowl when it arrives on Playstation consoles? And are we seeing a resurgence of the alternative sports game, with titles such as Wild Card Football and the rumored LEGO 2K Goooal! on the horizon? Legend Bowl looks like a love letter to Tecmo Bowl, and I for one can't wait to play as whatever bootleg version of Gang Green the game serves up. Keep Pounding the Poultry


Hello sacred crew! In the last Patreon-only LSM episode (the Great ABK/Microsoft Blowout) I was surprised that no one mentioned Bandai Namco as a good acquisition target for Sony. As Dustin said, “Anime […] continue to get bigger and bigger in our gaming/nerd culture” and with Sony already owning the likes of Funimation, Crunchyroll and Aniplex, it seems like acquiring the biggest anime-centric game publisher would create natural synergies for cross-media content and marketing opportunities. Is there something I am missing that would make SE or Capcom more attractive targets than BN? Thank you for the amazing content and I hope you all have a beautiful week.


Hey Bois, just a quick one, gave the Sacred Symbols + episode with Matt Stoller which was actually so insightful and educational, such a great conversation. But what is the controversy around him and what he's saying? Especially in the audience. Everything he said seemed very reasonable to not want from your government and / or corporations you buy from.


Suggestion only: can we get a travel channel in the discord to discuss our various excursions and brag. 😂


Hey keepers of the Sacred Symbols, I remember way back on PS I Love You, Colin and Greg used to have a segment on the show where people would submit the worst usernames they've come across on PSN. Then you'd end the segment with: "Please Shuhei, let us change our names!" This was at the time when Sony wouldn't let you change your PSN ID. So, my question to you guys is: What are some of the craziest, funniest or downright awful usernames you've seen? I'll go first. One of my friends is named...sigh, M0istgrannay69. Anyway thanks for the laughs, and keep plucking that chicken!

Cyprus Davis

Greetings CDC! The FTC case against Microsoft produced some very interesting findings as I’m sure you’re well aware. One of the things I found especially intriguing was Microsoft’s lists of potential acquisitions. SEGA being among them. What are the chances that that particular publisher is acquired at all? Thank you for everything you do!


Sacred gentlemen, Is there a lesson the game industry can learn from Bob Iger's recent comments regarding Disney? After years of substantial consolidation, Disney is considering selling off streaming assets and is seeking partners for ESPN. Disney+ is hemorrhaging users. Whether it's the Microsoft/Activision deal, further Sony purchases, or the Embracer group's massive portfolio, can the titans of the gaming industry avoid a similar grow and then sell reality? You all are the best. Cheers, Clark Petri


Yo wassup snoop doggy sacred chumps! I hear you guys all talk about food a lot, but I wanted to check your pulse on pretzels. Where we sitting at on hard pretzels. My brief take is that they are mid at best, but you throw them into munchies or Chex mix and they turn into a top tier snack. They mix so well! Also, if you've never tried something you cannot, CANNOT, say you don't like it. You wouldn't even fucking know! *Gives Dustin side eye* Anyway, Peace, tranquility, party on dudes.


Hey guys, Can Insomniac's version of Wolverine make us stop picturing Hugh Jackman every time we think of him?

Mikey Rivers

Hi Sacred gentleman, There's no doubt that Playstation did what it set out to do by throwing a wrench into the bucket of the MS/ABK deal then getting a better deal than what was originally proposed. They get to maximize their profits from COD for longer, but is a longer COD deal apposed to all ABK games for a shorter time doing right by Playstation fans? Business will business. Take care.


Hello CDC, My question is regarding trophies. How do you prepare to go for a platinum trophy? How do you know when to go for that sweet 0.5 second chime of dopamine or when to skip it? Over the years i've found myself not nearly enjoying games as much without at least having a decent attempt on a platinum without wasting time. And was also curious why Dustin and Chris aren't as interested in them as you are? Be well gentlemen.


Colin did you hear about this serial killer guy from Long Island? Thoughts?


Hi guys. When you look at Sony's supplemental filings, the picture being painted for G&NS seems alarming. Network services sales have barely increased from before the PS+ relaunch, while software sales haven't increased anywhere near as much as hardware since the chip shortages ended. Overall operating income has also taken massive hits in non-holiday quarter since June 2022. At what point will Sony scale back its subscription efforts and finally strike a deal with Game Pass to bring it to PlayStation so Xbox can be saddled with licensing expenses instead of them? Surely this will make sense for them once Microsoft has all the ATVI money rolling in, and it can be a way for both companies to selectively bring their own library titles to each other.


Hi CDC, In a recent episode you touched on a potentially controversial topic: furries. I just wanted to reach out and share a story of my own recent exposure to furrydom via parenting my 14 year old son. I’m 37 so I grew up in the days of the internet Wild West, when parents had no idea about content blockers or what was even on the internet. So naturally I put my own measures into place to try to curb my kids’ exposure to that. However, the filters don’t always work but they do alert me when he accessed something that he ought not to. Our first suspicions began when he gave me a list of games he wanted for his birthday last year, which included a Steam game called Changed. I looked up all the games on his list and was gobsmacked when I saw he has the balls to ask for a game that included very obvious sexual innuendo and an approach to furries that was akin to coming out as trans. It’s not so much that he found it, but he was asking for it. Then for Christmas he found the game Tribal Hunter, another small scale game that centers around an inflation fetish. This game is on the switch, I shit you not. I’ll occasionally get an alert on my phone and just have to text him things like “Dude I was 14 once too, but can we please avoid Fur Affinity or the PC is going bye-bye?” Now, I love the guy, and whatever makes him happy makes him happy. But it’s confusing as a parent for me because when I was a kid, being a “furry” meant that maybe Lola Bunny gave you a sexual awakening or something. Today, my kid acts like it’s a sexual orientation. I actually asked my therapist about this and he had no idea what to tell me. Please discuss and laugh at my expense. Also I’m calling out my dear friend and fellow listener - DaniRainbow, if I write in about my furry son, you have to write in about Ranch Girl. Cheers.


Colin, Did you know that having flamingos in your front yard is often used as a signal that swingers live in that house? Have you gotten any weird looks or maybe winks from your neighbors? You may be inadvertently building a reputation you may not want. Or maybe you do. Whatever floats your boat my guy! - Nate D


Hey CDC What could be considered a PlayStation first person shooter? Does it need to a AAA single player game only with the best graphics and compelling story or could it be a multiplayer only game that is just dumb fun? Have a crazy wild weekend boys

James Pies

Hey fellas! Are there any plans or interest of ever recording again in person other than the live shows? Don't get me wrong, the quality of the show is always high being fully remote but as Mr. Raygun discussed in his latest mail bag epiosde, there is a different feel to in-person podcasting. Perhaps a quarterly Sacred Symbols + special with all 3 of you in the same room revealing your sales saga results? Thank you as always for the premium content. I can't wait to visit Europe for the first time to see the next Sacred live!

Reuben Barrett

So... what ever happened with that justice league game?

Marc L

Hey guys, I use Twitter mainly for gaming news. It might just be some weird algorithm I'm being fed, but my feed is filled with a ton of Xbox shills with 50k+ followings and photos with Xbox employees going wild about the ABK deal. They post all day and it's usually mean spirited and about putting PlayStation down rather than celebrating their favorite platform. Do you ever recall a time where there were so many people with large followings on the PlayStation side acting like this? I'm sure they exist, but I haven't seen anything with this sort of volume. Have a good weekend!


Hey CDC, What’s with Sony releasing a Twisted Metal show without a new game to go with it?

Kurt Lewin

Hi Sacred Crew I need help for something that has been racking my brain for a few weeks now that I have kept meaning to write in about, I'm sure Colin and Dustin will remember too being a listener of Podcast Beyond back in the day. Colin and Greg used to always say the phrase "I Doubt It" whenever there was a dubious news story, but haven't heard it since. What was the origin of this phrase? I seem to think it came from a TV show or advert. Whatever it was it always used to make me laugh whenever Colin or Greg would shout it down the microphone. Cheers.


Col, I know this is a PS podcast but I was wondering if you have any stories about Major Nelson you can share with us now that he’s leaving Xbox.

Brian Keogh

Dear Sacred Symbols hosts, As we witness the news of Tesco, a major retail giant in the UK/Ireland, discontinuing physical game sales, it raises concerns for myself and many others in Ireland, now left with just one option for purchasing new physical games – Smyth's. The gradual disappearance of other retailers like Argos, GameStop, and Xtravision in recent years has compounded the issue, leaving those in rural areas, such as myself in the Midlands, with a 45-minute journey to the nearest Smyth's toy store. This trend seems not unique to Ireland, and it prompts me to contemplate the future of physical game distribution. How long do you envision until publishers significantly reduce physical copy production, potentially opting for à la carte sales to cater to collectors like myself who seek the assurance of a tangible game collection? Looking forward to your insightful thoughts on this matter. Best regards, Brian from Ireland.


Hey guys, hope all is well. This one is mainly for Colin. How do you feel about games forcing more than one playthrough, to get the platinum trophy? I'm 90% through FF16 and I have found the game incredible. That said, I find it rather obnoxious to expect a 2nd playthrough just for a difficulty related trophy. I know DMC games are perticularly bad for this, asking for 4/5 playthroughs. I have no problem beating games on the hardest difficulty, beaten some CODs and uncharted's as examples, but such setting were available at the start so it was my choice to do so. I feel that just because you enjoy trophies, some games are not respecting of your time. Sorry for the slightly lengthy post. Thank you for awesome content and buy that chicken some flowers.


Hi boys, I have just finished my first ever playthrough of Castlevania - Symphony of the night. Colin has always made it clear how perfect that game is. I even made sure to play it on a crt for full effect and oh my god what a perfect game in everyway! My question to you gents is this, as people who are put off by video game recommendations you understand the ick feeling of a game being forced on you. That being said if you could force everyone to experience one game that you adore and think more people need to experience what would it be? Mine would be koudelka on psx easily. thank you for all that you do, best patreon in the game.


Hey CDC. As we approach 3 years since the PS5 released, is it time to accept that the user interface is never getting an upgrade? These UIs seem to be getting worse with each console. What with the lack of themes, six button presses to put the console into standby, automatic "following" of games, and the nonsensical party system, this is surely the worst yet. How I yearn for the simple elegance of XMB. PS why can't I use gyro controls to search in the PSN store?!


With the talk last week about Resistance and Killzone why do you think we have not seen remastered trilogies of each? It seems like a simple decision that would sell a lot of copies. To put on the tin foil conspiracy hat could it be in order top push people to PS+ Premium to stream the games?


Here is a licensed game you may want to consider from a TV show. A telltale episodic Seinfeld game written by Larry David.

Aiden Gonzalez

What up CDC. Is there a disconnect between gaming journalists and average gamers regarding DLC? Game journalists and content creators often dislike and reject DLC, while the average gamer enjoys and even asks for it. The issue i feel arises because journalists and creators need to constantly switch to new games to stay relevant, unlike the average gamer. Should this disconnect be acknowledged and resolved in any way?


It’s a shame Dustin is so anti-furry because his mother-given name is the perfect fursona. I imagine Dustin’ Furman as a posh, kitty butler who favors a feather duster for work and play. He is just as handy in the grand foyer as he is in the bedroom if you get my meaning.


Hey fats, What would you consider to be the worst patch in gaming history? Not sure if you’ve kept up with the Diablo 4 discourse, but they released a patch ahead of Season 1 and instead of building hype with potential Quality of Life improvements, cosmetics, gear, balancing, etc. they’ve absolutely nuked all hype by massively nerfing virtually the entire game. Thanks for all that you guys do and keep up the amazing work! -John


Dear Sacred Crew, I wanted to take a moment and highlight Ratatan, a game that presents itself as a spiritual successor to the beloved Patapon series. Its Kickstarter is set to kick off on July 31st, and judging from the teaser trailer, it seems to echo the charm and style of its Patapon predecessors. As an ardent fan who has been yearning for a new Patapon experience since the PSP era, this certainly appears to potentially satisfy that lingering Patapon craving. However, one thing that surprised me, was the original creator of Patapon, Hiroyuki Kotani’s willingness to openly speak about his desire to work with Sony on a new Patapon game. Given this, it led me to ponder on the direction Sony could take amid the recent turbulence in its mobile gaming segment. Could a Patapon revival be Sony's golden ticket to the mobile gaming scene? My inclination leans towards 'yes', especially considering Patapon's roots in handheld gaming. Patapon's streamlined level design and gameplay could make it a perfect candidate for quick, on-the-go gaming sessions. In addition, the addictive nature of Patapon would likely make the game sticky and keep players engaged over long periods of time. From a business perspective, a new Patapon entry would likely be cheap for Sony to make and certain elements of the game, such as grinding for a certain material, lends itself well to elements of mobile gaming such as loot boxes and in-app purchases. I’m curious to hear your perspectives. Do any of you intend to pick up Ratatan when it releases? Thanks for producing awesome content! You all make the everyday commute to and from grad school bearable.


The Trees are alive and they can’t speak) Hello Boyos, I find myself intrigued by a particular motif that appears to be gaining traction in the domain of contemporary video gaming: the emergent inclusion of the environmental movement. On a recent foray into the post-apocalyptic wilderness of Horizon Forbidden West, I found myself entranced by a phenomenon that wove itself into the very fabric of the environment. The greenery, bewitchingly, danced to an unseen tune. They twirled in a spontaneous ballet, creating a mesmerizing tableau of life within the interiors and exteriors alike. This captivating spectacle spurred me to explore its presence in other celebrated game-worlds. Many popular titles weave this environmental dynamism into their narrative tapestry, aiming to amplify the artistic allure. Yet, I found the artistry-reality equilibrium unsettlingly disrupted in Ghost of Tsushima, where the unsolicited movement of the forest, devoid of plausible stimuli, threatened to yank the player out of the immersive experience. The peculiar phenomenon manifests itself in other acclaimed titles as well: Witcher 3, Fallout 76, even the cherished recent additions to the Pokémon and Zelda franchises couldn't resist the tempting pulse of environmental life-force. Interestingly, the phenomenon's grip seems to loosen when it comes to the latest iteration in the Final Fantasy series. Final Fantasy XVI's Deep Forest area offers a poignant contrast - the trees and the flora stand steadfast, resilient against the invisible gusts that animate their counterparts in other games. The stationary sentinels of this enchanted forest mirror the tranquility of real-life flora, drawing gamers deeper into the embrace of immersive realism. This evolving trend harkens back to the notorious "brown/yellow haze" era of 2006-2012, a period when a similar stylistic choice dominated the gaming industry. Then, like now, artists and enthusiasts defended the pervasive aesthetic under the banner of 'artistic style.' Now, I turn my thoughts to you, Colin and Chris. As individuals steeped in a rich tapestry of gaming history and experiences do you echo these observations, or do you see them merely as fleeting whims of the current gaming era? Your seasoned perspectives would be invaluable in this exploration. After all, it is our shared passion for these digital realms that continually drives us to understand their evolving dynamics more deeply. Sending love from Okinawa Japan, take care gentlemen.


Hello there CCD, Short and sweet. Will GTA 6 be the biggest game release in the history of gaming. Love the show.


Hi Lads! I’ll keep it brief. As we’re approaching the 3rd anniversary of the PS5, and Insomniac’s 3rd release of the generation, and with a 4th already in development. Do you think they get enough credit for not only the frequency, but also the quality of their output? Also, what do you think other Sony studios could learn from them? Stay hydrated! Mubarak!


Hello CDC, I wanted to discuss the possibility of Blizzard games coming to Steam and hear your thoughts on the matter. From my perspective, I see this as a potentially beneficial result of the acquisition. Although I'm someone who didn't necessarily agree with the acquisition, I acknowledge that it's now a reality. I'm pleased to witness both Sony and now Blizzard bringing their games to Steam. It's a positive development that benefits the gaming community. Keep Up the great work!!!


Hello, sacred dudes! First time, long time. I come to you guys seeking some help with putting my siblings and friends onto video games that aren’t multiplayer or free-to-play battle pass grinds. I’ve given my younger brothers access to my entire PS5 library and they still show little to no interest. They play video games much more than I do - but exclusively games with battle-passes to grind, skins for purchase, and multiplayer functions. My best friends are only interested in competitive multiplayer games and I can’t get them to try other things no matter how much I hype up new releases. I’m always told games are too expensive to buy full price, single-player games get boring quickly or they’re too hard. In an incredible year like 2023 I wish I had more people in my personal life to talk to about great video games! Are they beyond saving and should I give up my efforts? Thanks for your time!

Jim Miller

Hey cdc, have you ever thought of doing the road of LAST STAND MEDIA call in show or during a live show? My idea was it could be done internally with each member of the crew taking shots at one another ie Comedy Central or via the audience submissions. Cheers, Jim


Hello fellas Just finished off the two recent episodes of sacred+. I gotta say the one with Matt Stroller was so fucking good. We finally hear, after all this time, a really compelling prospective to juxtapose all the cheerlleading and whining over this deal. I can't express how good the value is here. So please, keep it coming my dudes. Thanks for all you do and much love from BC Canada. Cheers

Jose Mendoza

Hey CDC, This one is for Colin. Would you ever start a podcast covering the NFL through the regular season and playoffs. We would love to hear your takes from week to week regarding your Jets or other crazy games. Best

The Slobfather

Hey CDC, What are some of your favourite palate cleanser games? This is a type of game you'd play after a big heavy hitter and need something light and refreshing. My example would be after TLOU2, I was in a deep dark hole and wasn't interested in playing anything. Then listening to SS at the time Chris was talking about The Messenger and it piqued my interest. Immediately bought it, downloaded it and loved every minute of it. Then I was ready for another big game. Thank you CDC for everything you do, have a great rest of your day.