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Xbox VS The FTC - The Pressure Is ON | Defining Duke: An Xbox Podcast, Episode 130

If you thought the Activision deal was inescapable already, Xbox's battle in court against the FTC just turned the notch up to eleven. In a plethora of poorly redacted documents and fully exposed e-mails, all of Xbox's plans that were supposed to be private are made clear. From their mile long acquisition watchlist to details on key upcoming exclusives, this is the peek behind the curtains many gaming enthusiasts have been seeking. Coupled in with PlayStation's true feelings on the deal and you have one of the most riveting news weeks in Xbox history. While much of this is exciting, there is more sour news about Perfect Dark. In a new scathing report - this time from IGN, we learn the truth about this "AAAA" game, alongside its unlikely first partner and troubled development history. We also dive deep in to Todd Howard's latest interview on Starfield! Plus more on E3, Starfield's physical copy, a new Metal Gear game making its way to Xbox finally, and plenty more! Get early access to Defining Duke and all Last Stand Media shows at: https://www.patreon.com/LastStandMedia Get some Defining Duke merch! LastStandMedia.store If you're ever injured, go to https://www.forthepeople.com/duke for more info Follow the hosts! https://www.Twitter.com/G27Status​ https://www.Twitter.com/lordcognito 0:00:00 - Start 0:03:02 - The Outer Worlds is great, actually 0:03:55 - Any beginner tips for Midnight Suns? 0:07:14 - Is Matty sober? 0:16:16 - IGN claims MGS Master Collection Vol 2 will include MGS 4, 5, and Peace Walker 0:17:59 - Quake 2 remaster has been rated in Korea 0:18:46 - Machine Games may be working on more than one game 0:21:19 - Starfield WILL have a game disc 0:24:12 - E3 may have been canceled for 2024 and 2025 too 0:30:05 - What have we been playing? 0:57:38 - Have we ever been so excited for a game that everything else seems bland? 1:06:58 - Could upcoming Xbox games fail to reach critical mass? 1:13:17 - The Microsoft FTC court case brings many revelations 2:52:16 - Perfect Dark has gone dark 3:12:27 - Todd Howard reveals Starfield Facts in a Kinda Funny interview 3:44:20 - Game Pass Pick of the Week



The greatest LSM thumbnail yet

David Hotright

Oh man that thumbnail 😆


respect your view matty, but i gotta ask if you did any of the sidequests in the second half of ff16? your description is spot on for the first half, but the sidequests really do ramp up later in the game. there are many multiple part side quests with good smaller stories that flesh out characters in the hub and those you meet throughout the journey and help world build... particularly in the last third of the game.


Matty’s thoughts on XVI make absolutely no sense to me. Some of the sidequests in the game are boring I agree, but most of them are very good. He says there is literally no exploration in the game which is simply not true. When he is going on about “hallways” he says that “even the most linear of games let you go off and do a little something else”, implying this one doesn’t. Except this game has large zones with optional dialogue, sidequests, collectibles, and hunts. In the linear story missions, there are several optional paths to go and do an optional battle or find a piece of gear. The hub zone alone provides more optional content, exploration, and character interactions than XIII did in its entirety. It sounds like he rushed through the game, did the bare minimum and never tried to experiment or understand the combat (which is deeper than about 95% of games and easily justifies the game’s length with new mechanics thrown in throughout the game). I would suggest deeper reviews on some games than rushing through games in order to review everything.


DDFTC - hope the end is near


I don't think he did considering he said it took him 25 hours.

Bryan Creagh

Matty, I agree with you 100% on Final Fantasy. The game is flat out boring and the combat is simple. The hallways don't even have paths for you to go find items. Even if you find items you don't press a button to pick them up. Keep up the great work!


When I first saw Matty's video drop I was probably 10 hours into the game and thought "nah this guys just a hater". Having beat it, and feeling defeated, I went and watched it and pretty much agree with him. Plot twist.

Joseph Gedgaudas

No offense to Cog and I know he’s said he’s not one of those people, but I’ve heard that “just one drink” line too many times to believe it from anyone. I also don’t understand how one alcoholic drink cements a bond. Unless someone’s a complete lightweight, that one drink would be the same if it were alcoholic or not.


Did you guys record before it came out that Jim Ryan apparently changed his mind from being fine with the acquisition to doing a 180 after an email from Phil?


I gotta say DD has the best thumbnails out there by a mile!

Jei Tee

Quick correction. Cog stated that Ubisoft is included in Game Pass. Ubisoft Plus is available as a standalone product on Xbox but isn't part of Game Pass itself. It is however, a part of Playstation's subscription service.


Pre-ordered the elite edition a few days ago on Xbox as it had a 10% discount but haven't downloaded it yet and have a question regarding AEW Fight Forever Road to Elite - Can you select an actual AEW wrestler like Omega, Danielson, etc. or are you required to create a wrestler? Thanks.


I said since the teaser reveal trailer for Indiana Jones that it would be fully exclusive to Xbox/PC mainly because it was never retweeted by the official PlayStation twitter account or their official PlayStation YouTube channel. Since Sega acquired Rovio, I believe that Sega is Microsoft's next acquisition target 100%. Makes perfect business sense. I prefer Capcom but wouldn't mind Microsoft acquiring Sega.

Austin Lipka

Is there a way for me to pay the $25 a month and ensure it only goes to you guys?


I assumed Cog meant that Ubisoft games have been in gamepass, not that Ubisoft+ is. I don’t think he mentioned Ubisoft+ in the podcast?


Thumbnail on POINT


that's not how that works, payment processers are always going to take a cut of things. Unless you're handing cash to him physically there's no way around that. Patreon is the largest % donation you can give them though, afaik


Matty nailed it on the FF16 review - I’m close to the end of the main story now and all the side quests are just fetch quests/go kill mobs, this game has EGREGIOUS pacing issues. Love the story, acting and visuals but everything else is meh - just style over substance. The Eikon battles take way too long and the QTEs - what we doin here lol.


Yep, you can create a wrestler or pick someone off the roster. The main difference is you can't improve an actual wrestlers abilities or stats but for your CAW it's the only way to get them to a decent standard.


Thanks for the reply. After Matty's opinion on AEW and the fact that I have no idea when I was going to play it, I refunded it. No reason to spend almost $80 digitally for it.

Devon Kruse- Wu

Matty , I still think you are getting the Starfield procedural stuff a bit wrong( or I am misunderstanding you). The only procedural aspect is where the locations are placed . The locations themselves are hand crafted. For instance in the constellation questions with Will shen. He says" we have new tech to have whole locations that we've built and put them on the planets". The important aspect in that quote is the " locations we've built" part. Proving that they are hand crafted.