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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, June 8th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!


Kazden Risk

Hey Sacred crew, a question for Chris! On the most recent Constellation he was talking about how an element of gaming he loves is how video games can be like "how you'd play with your action figures," including taking random characters from different franchises. My question is -- what's the beef with Fortnite!? Isn't Fortnite the ultimate "smash action figures together" game that Chris loves with different characters -- sometimes even giving them special abilities specific to their franchise (such as Goku with the Kamehameha and Flying Nimbus)? Take care!

Ember's Arcade

Hey, gang! As of yesterday, I have acquired my first Platinum Trophy ever from Ghost of Tsushima! I think I get it now, Colin. I’m feeling the bug—already plotting the next Platinum to chase after. Just wanted to shout out Ghost of Tsushima as one of the best open world experiences in video games, in case anyone hasn’t played it. Cheers!


Hey CDC With apple debuting the apple vision pro at a whopping $3499 before tax, has Sony been handed the talking point the PSVR2 that they've been missing? Or should Sony stay quite on that front and focus on delivering the game? Take care fellas

Anthony Palerino

Sup y’all, What’s the worst game pitch/idea you’ve ever heard? I’m working on a game with some people from college, and one of them pitched “The Dark Souls of strand-type games” and didn’t elaborate further. I can’t even begin to imagine what that means. Cheers


Alright lads what's the craic?


Hey all, Congrats on the new Nintendo Podcast! With that new podcast in mind I wanted to ask: is it time to say “stand down” to the term “stinky switch?” The OLED Switch now plays some of your favorite games such as Perosona 3-5, the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters, Nier Automata, and more. These specific games, however, run extremely smooth while looking great on the portable OLED hardware. What is so “stinky” about the switch these days? What makes the Vita non-stinky?

Marc Elfering

Hey gents, Colin's point around multiplayer vs Game as a Service had me wondering if the free to play games that Sony is developing are meant to be cross platform or not. It feels like if they were multiplayer only (like we thought Factions was) then it would be on PS5 @ $70 ... But for free to play they need as many people logged in as possible, right? Across all platforms? Or is this part of the PC strategy to just have playstation and PC gamers? All the best!


Hello melon heads, I was watching David Jaffe interview Geoff Keighley, and Jaffe brought up Keighley’s experience hosting with Joel McHale for VGX. It was painful and hilarious to watch. If you guys were Keighley, what would you do if your co-host I was on a different wave length and making you look like a potato?

Hashim Barakat

Hello sacred amigos. This question is mainly for Colin, recently Microsoft decided to remove an unobtainable achievement from a game. I believe this is the first time something like this occurred across all platforms supporting games achievements. Do you believe that there is value in making this a universal solution to remove achievements/trophies that cannot be obtained either due to server shutdowns or buggy ones that are to difficult to fix? Thank you for all the content and have a glorious chicken-filled week.


Hey Smoky Sacred Crew, As you’re reading this, I hope Dustin and Colin are getting the worst of the Canadian wildfire smoke. Nothing personal, I just want it out of my area.


Hey Sacred Gamists, Recently, gamesindustry.biz ran an article interviewing Brian Ward, the new CEO of Saudi Arabia's Savvy Games Group in which he spouts milquetoast corporate platitudes downplaying the country's flagrant human rights abuses and suggests that this criticism is based in ignorance. My question is this: between Bobby Kotick seemingly dismissing criticism of him/his leadership as Anti-Semitic and this, do these big-wigs actually think people believe these alternate reality narratives? Is this meant for us, investors or regulators? Anyway, stay haram or stand down!


Greetings Sacred gents. My question is multi faceted, but I'll try and keep it brief. Monolith announced Wonder Woman 18 months ago. Do you think enough time has passed since it's initial announcement for us to see some gameplay of the game in action? Shadow of Mordor came out in 2017, some 8 years ago... It seems confusing that we've heard nothing, considering how long this game has been in development. Much love, from the UK


Hey Sacred dudes! What game crossover would you want to see/ think would be fun? For me I think it'd be fun to see a Dead Space x Mass Effect crossover. now picture this- A Quarian ship is exploring a far galaxy when they receive a human distress signal from none other than the USG Ishimura, when they arrive and dock, they exit their ship to begin exploring the problem only to be immediately ambushed by a group of Necromorphs, one Quarian manages to break free and get back on his ship, plotting a course for the Citadel to relay what has been discovered, 10 minutes pass and the Quarian has taken a sigh of relief, only to be startled by an Infector that proceeds to tear them open and convert them into a Necromorph, with the ship still continuing its course on autopilot to the Citadel, the screen cuts to black.... DEAD EFFECT. BOOM! 😂 anyway, would love to hear your guys thoughts and would love maybe a Sacred Symbols + exploring the possibility of crossovers. Keep up the great work guys. -Ryan

Bryan Finck

Hello Lads, On the negative reaction to the PlayStation Showcase, I think Sony's biggest failure lies with missed opportunities and a ticking clock. No matter the outcome of the ABK merger and how Microsoft (mis)manages its studios, new releases of high-profile franchises like Doom/Fallout/Wolfenstein/etc will eventually come out. Sony has only so long to get uncommitted gamers to buy a PS5 before these heavy-hitting games convince at least some fence-sitters to buy an Xbox (assuming the games will be exclusive). By not delivering any kind of roadmap for their first-party studios, Sony failed to capitalize on a chance to look strong where Microsoft looks weak, to give people a reason to commit to PlayStation. I wonder if that perspective seems valid to you. Thanks!


Greetings and Salutations Sacred Crew, I wanted to point something out that I think is missing from the conversation surrounding Naughty Dog and their multi-team structure. Naughty Dog has already for years had a dedicated multiplayer developer team. It’s been historically smaller and sometimes the multiplayer team has helped on single player aspects of their games but they have had that separation within their studio for a while. Additionally, in the past few years many of Naughty Dog’s job postings have had a differentiator of “single player” and “multiplayer” in their descriptions as they have ramped up their workforce. I wanted to get your thoughts on this. Don’t you think this means that Naughty Dog has actually been working on at least 2 games (1 single player and 1 multiplayer) since 2020? And with this hiring structure don’t you think at least the core of either team is working on the type of game they actually want to be working on and thus we aren’t in a scenario where primarily single player devs are being held up developing a multiplayer they aren’t interested in? Appreciate your perspective and thank you to Colin! Your praise for the original Factions helped peak my interest in the mode and I still play it regularly ten years later!


Hey CDC, What opinions do you have on video game addiction? I’ve been stuck in an endless loop for years playing league of legends. As you may or may not know the game has a highly toxic crowd and is extremely competitive. 10 years later I find myself dealing with it and as much as I try to stop I can’t. So, I ask do you experience something similar? How do you deal with it? Thanks!

Mars Barrow

Hello fine looking boys! I really appreciate your show and your individualized viewpoints separate from a lot of the mainstream sites. My question is, do you feel that a lot of the other bigger outlets are too "fake nice" with each other. I notice it from time to time and appreciate your shows more because you feel more authentic with your jokes and ribbing. I love the dynamics in your shows and am happy to see Last Stand branching out. Glad to be a Patron... Now stand down. - Mars


Hey CDC, Curious to know your thoughts on modern 4K OLED tv's and the like compared to 1080p displays for gaming. I am still running with a Sony Bravia 1080p tv from 2015, while all my friends are pushing me to convert to 4K OLED with HDR and all that jazz. I honestly think games still look extraordinary on my tv, and I find it unfathomable to imagine them looking any better than they already do. Am I blind, or is there really that much of a difference? All the best, - Will


Hey Sacred Dudes, Just wanted to get a quick run down on your views of Alan Wake 2 being a digital only game. Is this a sign of things to come? Will we see more AAA releases only coming out on PSN etc? And do you see this as a positive or a negative for the industry moving forward? Thanks as always boys, this LSM content keeps getting better!


Hello CDC, Insomniac recently shared new details about Spiderman 2 including the fact that the map size will be nearly double the size of the 2018 game. Personally, I found this news VERY disappointing and I’ll tell you why. There have been murmurings for a while that Spiderman 2 will feature some sort of multi-verse/Spider-verse using the rift mechanics of Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. The thought of a Spiderman where you would be sucked into completely different chunks of alternate dimension maps and maybe get to meet a wider cast of different spider-people (I guess?) seemed like a REALLY cool idea. But when they revealed the news about the map size, I was disheartened, because at first blush it seems like if they were going to include that type of rift/Spider-verse mechanic, they wouldn’t make the base map THAT much bigger. But who knows, at the end of the day Sony 1st party games usually end up being much beefier than they first appear, and they usually have a few tricks hiding up their sleeves. Here’s to hoping. Thanks for the somewhat bottomless quality content lately, how ya’ll do it makes no fucking sense but it’s the best $5 a month one could spend. Cheers!

Alex Landry

Dustin, I'm in Pittsburgh for work this week and I have to ask, what is the obsession here with French Fries? I'm from Wisconsin, so I have a love of artery clogging fried cheese and this is not health focused. Mainly, I don't understand why are there fries on a salad here. Why bother with pretending it's a salad at all? No problem with them on a sandwich (shout out to Primanti Brothers). Alex

Dylan Michael

Hey Colin, I just want to let you know I’m absolutely NOT recommending you the classic indie RPG “Lisa: The Painful” which after 9 years is finally coming to consoles next month. It’s post-apocalyptic and turn based with a depressing ass story. But I’m definitely NOT recommending it to you.


Hey fellers, I had a bit of a disagreement with my buddies and was hoping Colin could settle it. Is 311 a ska band? Maybe I’m musically illiterate but I don’t really associate them with ska but rather rap rock. Are they both? Neither? Thanks


Hello CDC! With the merger of LIV golf and the PGA how do you think this could affect the PGA/2K golf games?


Chris! I was reading through push square and found an article with the famous shocker scene from spider-man the animated series. Do you feel pride that others are wanting this in Spider-man 2?

Remington Wilson

Colin, my father. I am in shambles. It was reported earlier today that the college football player association is recommending players boycott the new NCAA football games, because the players are being vastly under valued.(Ea has offered each athlete 500$ to have their NIL used in the upcoming game). I’m really torn by this. I know college athletes deserved to get paid, but there are around 9,000 D1 football players that can opt it. 500$ a piece would mean EA is shelling out close to 5 million total. At what point does EA throw their hands up again and decide the game isn’t worth it? I think 500$ is generous for 99% of players who will just be happy to see their name in a video game. Just wanting your thoughts, pray for us College football fans.


Hey there Sacred gents! Colin, what is the true reason as to why you steer away from anime? Is it the fans? Or the difference of culture? You’ve played several games that are the weebiest anime can get (such as Dangan Ronpa, Doki Doki Literature Club, Scarlet Nexus, and Trails of Cold Steel) yet you seem to actively steer away from the genre entirely. I’m not saying you should get into the medium, but theres some very good shows you’re sleeping on! Dustin, what say you? Should Colin give anime a chance? If so, where should he start? Hope you all have a wonderful day, and keep on keeping on.

iain mcmanus

colin, during your discussion with jaffe on the most recent sacred+ he was extremely enthusiastic and optimistic about the idea of just throwing the arts away to sterile artificial intelligence fuelled experiences. you didnt give him much push back on this and instead also seemed rather excited by the idea... is this your take on it? in my mind as soon as i know something is generated using ai it loses most if not all of its value. would love a clear view from you guys on this. thanks


Hello my parasocial friends, I write this post in nostalgic desperation. I am a huge fan of Ape Escape 3 on the PlayStation 2 and I think it would be the perfect open world game to compete with something like Zelda TOTK. Do you think Ape Escape will ever receive the AAA reboot it deserves and if it did what do you think it would look like? Selfishly, Animated.


Hello CDC, Prices seem to come up a lot on the show. Personally, I don't care what publisher charges, a game is worth whatever I think it is and because of that I haven't bought a single PS5 game at launch, ever and I am not going to. I guess I am not "supporting developer" but I have such a major backlog dating all the way back to PSP and PS3, it literally a waste of money to but a game at launch and not play it for months. So yeah I waited to buy Last of Demons Souls, Horizon Forbidden West and Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart for no less than 50% off. So to all those who complain, just wait, there is no reason to be part of the conversation. Sacred Symbols does that for us. Let's hear it boys am I a scallywag and an unsupportive piece of shit for caring about my own wallet more that corporation's ledgers?

Ryan Del Vecchio

Hello CDC, I hope all is well, I’m just over here randomly mourning what a cool game Anthem could’ve been. So my question is, what game or games in the past were such a letdown in your eyes that you still feel an immense sadness wash over you when it comes to mind? Take care, Ryan Del Vecchio West Palm Beach, FL


Well hello there big boys [in Arthur Morgan / Southern Man accent] Just wanted to write in to add a quick thought on last week’s discussion regarding the battery life of Project Q. I would imagine that, if they wanted to, Sony could easily increase the battery life significantly by giving it a larger battery. However surely that would result in a device that is bulkier, heavier, and a lot less sleek and comfortable to hold for long periods of time. I love my Steam Deck, but I often find myself slouching or craning my neck to look down at it while playing, simply because it’s too heavy to hold at a comfortable viewing angle for long periods, which was a problem I never had with the good old Vita. Do you think the “short” (but definitely sufficient) battery life of Project Q is a worthwhile sacrifice for comfort and form factor? I certainly do. Thank you boys for everything you do. Cheers from sunny Scotland, Thomas


Hello CDC, I feel overwhelmed by video games this year. So many amazing games I want to play, and even more games that initially weren’t on my radar that reviewed so well they turned into a must play for me. However, with games in general getting longer and longer, and my free time getting shorter and shorter, I feel a constant need to make sacrifices on what games I can get to within a year. How do you guys determine what games to stick with during these busy times and what games this year have you abandoned?

Jude Brandon

What's up Ultimate High-School Level Podcasters, With the amount of developers having to put out apologies for their broken games at release, it has got me thinking: what should a gamer's relationship with a developer be? I want to have confidence in developers delivering the high quality titles that they are capable of, but I can't get over the feeling that as a whole, trust is beginning to wane between the two entities. So should we be suspicious of all upcoming games until we see them? Or is it just a case by case basis, with more scrutiny placed on developers who have put out broken products? As always, thanks for the amazing content!

Julian Rodriguez

Gents, hope you are well. I've been playing Zelda and have been less than impressed so far. Part of the reason is that I continue to compare the exploration mechanics to those of Death Stranding. I know they are not the same games but it got me thinking; has there ever been a game's mechanics that you thought were so superior that it ruined other games for you? Take care.

Daimen Cianci

[FIRST TIME; ON BABY POWDER] Good day Sacred Gentlemen, On a recent episode of constellation Colin mentioned his love for the smell of baby powder. Have any of you considered using baby powder as a means of fighting hand sweat during prolonged gaming sessions? I have, for 10+ years used Babypowder on my hands [and other places] to keep a cool and comfortable grip on my controller. In addition to reducing discomfort, I get to waft the delightful scent of that great cancer-inducing powder. Thoughts on this? And do any of you three have any wierd habits to stay immersed in the game?


Hello Sacred Symbiotes! How would you feel about your future child (or not) reaching great heights and achievements in video games? My son has not hit the winning homerun, scored the winning touchdown or scored that clutch soccer goal. He has however , mastered games such as Link to the past, Super Metroid, Shovel Knight, all the Mega Man games, Super Mario games and many more. I'm super proud of him for accomplishing these feats. He's not a sports kid and definitely appreciates when he sees my excitement for his newest speedrun or what have you. Just an interesting thought exercise. Stay cool.


Now I want a shirt that says, "YOU ARE THE REASON THE VITA FAILED.'

Jose Horrach

Hey there Papi Chulos, When generally discussing VR, why is the main focus on games, and not enough focus on other ways it can be implemented in improving people's everyday lives and hobbies? A perfect example is the conversation about fitness you guys had a couple of weeks back. After hearing it, I thought to myself, how do I convince myself to work out more Since it's hard for me to get motivated to go to the gym? After thinking about it, I slapped on my Quest 2 and started looking for workout apps. There are so many to choose from and now I've managed to implement an intense cardio workout every morning. I'm feeling much healthier already! Do you think it would be a better approach to promote VR with Quality-of-life aspects such as this as opposed to pure games? I personally think It would be a great way to convince people to adopt the platform. Stay healthy out there with this crazy wildfire smoke, and remember, chickens are for eating, not penis pleasures.

Davy Sueppel

What’s up CDC (never been read on the show) Let’s play a game. You all are publishers and I am pitching you a game. If you like the game you can pick a budget for the game and green light it. Game one. The concept is an open world, crafting survival game mixed with horde elements. (Think the forest and 7 days to die) The base story is you are an outdoor survivalist who is abducted by aliens while on a hike. So you have gear on you. (Think small axe, fire starter, starter tent and water canteen)You are put on a planet, and essentially filmed for their entertainment. Periodically you are attacked by mechanical creatures that you can harvest parts and build new equipment for your settlement. So on top of basic structures, you can start doing traps with the parts you harvested. Light story trickled in as you try to survive and earn your freedom home. Game two. An open world missions based game in the Invader Zim universe. You play as Zim who has crash landed on earth and your Tech is scattered and lost. The more you progress the more enhancements you unlock. Examples: the spider leg backpack, and the voot runner. The story would be hilarious and inside jokes galore. Thanks as always and keep fornicating that poultry.


Hi Guys, As a neuroscientist and life long gamer, I have always been fascinated by the psychology and neuroscience of general play mechanisms, and in particular, the advent of video games, so much so that I am currently writing a book on the topic. I am currently working on a chapter titled: gaming motivations and pathlogical gaming. My question is two-fold. First, what would you identify as your core motivations for gaming? If it is just for entertainment, why choose gaming over other forms of entertainment? Secondly, from your perspective what are some indicators that video game use has become pathalogical for the user, assuming such a thing is possible. Thanks for your input and by the way, french fries are a Belgian invention.

Jim Miller

What’s cooking good looking’s? This question is mostly to Colin but feel free for the other sons to chime in, my question is simply how do I become a game analyst? I’m currently about to go to university this year for Business Finance and want to be looking towards the games industry once I graduate. Currently I’m tailoring all my college coursework case studies to the games industry but would like to hear your guys’ opinions on how to break in the industry nowerdays. Cheers boys much love from the UK hope to see you in live form soon. -Jim


Hey CDC, More gameplay of Six Days in Fallujah has hit the internet. It seems like certain content creators were quietly given access to a portion of the game over the past few weeks. I’m not certain but these creators seem to have some ties to the military. I ran across one video in which the creator was comparing the game to his time in Iraq. Have you had a chance to check out the new gameplay and if so, what are your thoughts?


Hey Fellas, The other night I was out seeing a local band when I felt the need to relieve myself. Whilst doing so I overheard a group of Americans. One of them said “The piss culture here is different.” Suffice it to say I was baffled. What is piss culture? Have any of you been to Australia (or another country) and experienced any difference? I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this.

Will Ellis

Hey guys. Let’s just cut to the chase here. Why do you guys not talk more about the auburn tigers football program? The fact that you haven’t up to this point is frankly just embarrassing for you guys. Not even a mention or discussion on Hugh freeze as the new head coach. Sometimes I don’t even know what I’m paying for anymore on here.

Angel DeJesus

Hey CDC I didn't write in about it last week, but I wanted to share my thoughts on the factions news. Here's my problem with it, Schreier was wrong about tlou2 leaks coming from a disgruntled dev. Wrong about Sony concentrating on established IP blockbusters(they seem to be concentrating on blockbusters in general. Also Forbes was the one who I believed published the first article on psvr2 sales, which sony announced recently they were wrong on. So why is the factions news taken as fact? How many wrongs does Forbes get on sony before we stop believing them automatically? Thanks for all the content, just got my psvr 2, and shit my pants the first time a werewolf grabbed me in RE village.


Hello BOYOS, In the last sacred symbols + episode there was some talk about musicals and some talk about bat-boy so as sacred symbols musical theatre liaison, I had to let you know there is a musical called bat-boy about a half-boy half-bat that the ensemble has a sexual fascination with. Have a cursed Thursday, Daniel https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=50&v=8mA_K7n0imM&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo


What's up ya handsome devils, As we near the release of Final Fantasy 16 I find myself in a conundrum. I've never played JRPG's, and I've never had any interest in them. Quite the opposite, I've always found them repulsive. So the conundrum is this: the trailers for FFXVI are absolutely dope. The gameplay, the visuals, look stunning. But then the dialogue starts and I have a visceral reaction and can feel myself physically recoiling. Do I play the game with Japanese audio and english sub to try and lessen the psychic damage I take from the cringey dialogue? Do I play with English audio and make peace with the mental self immolation I will bear if it means experiencing the gameplay and world? Is the hurdle of dialogue and writing insurmountable?


Hey lads, Have Final Fantasy spin-offs, such as Crystal Chronicles and Tactics, been replaced with remakes and remasters of older titles? I'm not exactly complaining, and I do not think the consumers are either. Thanks, Liam


Hey Colin, I know this is not Playstation related, but I would love to hear your opinion or take on the recent PGA Tour and LIV Golf merger. LIV Golf is a Saudi-owned league that has taken some prominent golfers by giving them lots of money. Now they are merging. Do you think this is just the beginning of the Saudi royal family coming closer to the US? Thank you.


Greetings Center for Dustin Control,

Jeremy Wagoner

I have a concern that only the sacred crew can provide guidance. My wife of 1 year has started ironing sheets after putting them on the bed. Yes, she irons the sheets to be smooth and unwrinkled prior to their first use. Every time. Even if I’m dead tired and want the sweet release of sleep. Is this grounds divorce? Need the good CCD advice.


Hello sacred crew With the playstation plus sale underway, I think now is a good time to jump Into playstation plus extra or premium. You could play the new horizon, god of war, returnal, demon souls and many others. Not a bad deal for $70 To $80

Ian Andrews

I have a GREAT question regarding fan boy psychology/LIV Golf/Sports Washing. Been listening to he only does everything since 2007 and never wrote in (except PM and thanks for always responding). Another awesome podcast with David Jaffe, I would love your opinion on something you raised. In English Football, clubs are being purchased by Middle Eastern countries in an attempt to sports wash their reputations. I am a Liverpool supporter whose club is owned by American businessmen (Red socks owners) who want to make money and adhere to financial regulations. This has created an unfair competition. Manchester City are about to win all 3 major trophies available to them this year. If the NFL/NHL allowed such financial takeovers how would you feel if Saudi Arabia/Qatar came in, bought the Jets or Islanders and bought all the best players (I know they couldn’t but just pretend they could) and won the superbowl year in year out. It’s ruining the premier league, but Manchester City and Newcastle United fans don’t care! All the best and please say sorry to Destin for me previously bullying him about his hair style. It is wonderful now.


Hey guys The sports world has taken a hit that is tangentially connected to the video game industry. I'm sure you've heard about the PGA allowing LIV golf to buy into their company (three days after shelling out their obligatory pride flag, what a joke.) Frankly, I’m disgusted, but it seems like people aren't paying much attention to it. We all know companies are soulless, but some modest form of ethics used to be considered a good business practice. It appears the days of Henry Ford are long gone. This runs directly parallel to your discussions of Tencent buying into American Games. It seems like this trend is spreading to other industries now. Personally, I won't be playing any PGA games anymore and I guess I won’t be watching the Open. Anyhow, I was just curious to know what you guys think about this - whether in relation to gaming or in any broad discussion. Sending my best wishes to you and your loved ones, and thanks for your time.

Dion Collier

Hey guys, I just want everyone to know that I have never ever shit my pants. I remember sharting one time in fourth grade, if that counts. But I know my body well enough that whenever coffee is involved in the A.M, I am never too far away from a toilet. Am I the weirdo?


Hello CDC, you guys briefly talked about how when you talk about a subject you preface it with "in my opinion". Along those lines I hate it when people in their bios state that "my opinions are my own" as if the default is your opinions are someone else's or are for sale. I hate this and it needs to stop. Thanks gentlemen

Benjamin the Warped Nuclear Test Subject

Hello Gentleman, I've been playing Warhammer 40K Boltgun and having a blast, but I was stunned to find out the game didn't have a platinum trophy. This was such a bummer because this game screams at you for another playthrough, but I must admit the lack of platinum trophy has deterred me from doing so. Why do developers still make this mistake? Is there any legitimate reason to omit a platinum trophy from a game or is it just laziness?


Hello CDC, This question is primarily for Chris but Colin and Dustin, please jump in if you have thoughts. Chris, being a huge Spider-Man fan, have you seen Across the Spider-Verse yet? If so, what did you think? I thought it was phenomenal! I know next to nothing about animation, but this movie was a groundbreaking piece of art - even as a follow up to the first one. Also, while they aren’t officially connected, I found this to be another reminder that Spider-Man 2 is going to be huge this fall. Keep up the great work you guys!


Hello Chicken Diddlers, Colin, whats your plan of action for getting your Vita fixed when it starts breaking down? I'm experiencing stick drift on mine, after grinding out a platinum (Muramasa Rebirth). I have a backup, but eventually that will fall victim to wear and tear.


Hey guys. As Chris pointed out last week, it was a PlayStation showcase that lacked PlayStation-exclusive titles, Dustin pointed out that it lacked release dates and real gameplay footage, Colin stated it "was basically irrelevant," and all 3 of you compared it to an E3 showcase. Yet, you guys lamented fans' disappointment in the showcase and were steadfast in your above average rating of it. I hate to drag out this discourse, but, based on all of that, I gotta ask: what exactly are your expectations for a PlayStation showcase and did this one meet those expectations? Me? I expect it to tell me why I need a PS5 or to get me excited over already having one. In that regard, it was a let down. Not a F, but certainly a let down.

Daniel Wilson

An urgent notice for Colin I just found out that dishonored is a game you hope to play one day and know that when you do, it'll be on PlayStation. However fair warning, because about a year ago I also tried dishonored on ps4, as well as prey and let me tell you that 30 fps issues aside, the input delay ruined the game for me. Then after I tossed and turned I had learned that on the series x and s consoles the game runs at 60 and thank goodness the input lag was gone. Now I consider this game and ( Prey especially ) amongst the greats. Be well guys


Salutations Foul Fondlers, just wanted to jump in and give credit where it's due and acknowledge that Dustin has been absolutely killing it the past few months providing critical pushback and discussion during sacred, and launching punching up. Collin give this man a raise and make freeloading Ray Gun pay for it!


Greetings from NZ CDC if any of you make it down this way drinks are on me. My question is with Street Fighter 6 breaking records on the steam charts do you think Tekken 8 , Mortal Kombat 1 and Street Fighter 6 all potentially launching in the same year would help or hurt sales for each game? Would they hype each other up or cannibalise each other's sales?


Hello CDC, I gotta shoutout our fellow LSM member I met at AZ Wildnerness in Tempe, AZ. I was hanging out with some friends after work celebrating one of their birthdays when one of the gentlemen in line said they loved my shirt (I was was wearing the Sacred Symbols shirt). I should have said something like "Stand down" or "Colin was right" but my dumb monkey brain could only think of "Oh man, do you listen to the podcast?!" Of course they listen to it, they recognized the shirt! I hope you hear this and next time we run into each other there, I'll buy you a drink. Thanks for everything you guys do and remember to hydrate each round after taking that chicken to the Bone Zone.

Timothy Bryant

Good afternoon gentlemen. Just a quick question mostly for Mr Ray Gun, but you guys can answer too. Now that you have free time to actually play games or god forbid make an actual YouTube video everyone once in a while, was just curious. Have you played your PSVR2 yet? I’ll go one step further, have you even opened it yet? I’ve only heard you say you received it and at the time you were too busy to play it. Curious if you found the time you jump in. Have a great day guys and stay inside because now The Happening is real.


Hey CDC, this one is for Colin & Dustin. I recently found a tweet from Dustin to Colin in 2014 where Big D asked Colin to take part in a podcast. Colin replied to the tweet with contact information. Here’s a link - https://twitter.com/dustincanfly/status/539507780265447424?s=46&t=ghiK9MshrQupbEgQGl5F9A I’m wondering if this podcast ever happened? Is it available anywhere? I’d love to hear it if so. Thanks for all you do and keep up the great work.

Jeremy Tan

Good day my handsome gents! Earlier this week, as Apple announced the Vision Pro and officially begin their foray into the VR Space, I noticed that PlayStation controllers were being heavily marketed alongside Apple’s latest gaming initiatives across their platforms. In particular, the DualSense Edge was featured in the main WWDC presentation itself. Do you guys see a future where we might see closer collaborations between the two companies? If so, what might that look like in terms of products and experiences for us the gamers? Seeing as the Vision Pro is designed to be controller-less, perhaps we might see VR Sense controller support for PS5-style haptics for more immersive gaming experiences on Apple’s new machine? As always, keep up the brilliant work 🙏


Ahoy Ahoy I think I can speak correctly on behalf of the LSM base that we all know Chris is a level headed guy, with no ill intent towards anybody, and that any claims that his views or content have somehow warped or caused harm to others, probably don't hold much merit. I know you all know this, but for what its worth there are far more people who support you, than those who can't stand your guts. Keep doing what you do. Not even Lloyd Braun could compete with you Chris.


Hello beautiful Sacred crew. In your life time what video game launch felt like the biggest event?


Greetings from the city of Lakeland, Florida, birthplace of the popular supermarket chain Publix, CDC. Let me retell the great shit of Jensen Beach. I needed the beach and a little bit of weed to ease my broken heart, so I found myself at Jensen Beach's parking lot, staring at the ocean at 1 am. I had a strawberry shortcake roll, a bottle wine, and a three-gram blunt in my car, so I decided to take a leisurely walk down the beach while consuming all three. Everything was going great until my stomach growled, and I realized I needed to use the bathroom. I started running towards the nearest restroom, which was a mile and a half away. The urgency of my situation made it worse, and I found myself running on the beach, which only slowed me down. I was at 100% full dire need to use the bathroom, and I felt like my life was going to end. Just when I thought I could relieve myself on the beach, a police officer pulled into the parking lot, and I panicked, thinking he would catch me. I decided to keep running towards the bathroom. Finally, I made it to the restroom. I frantically tried to open the stall door, but it would not budge. I had no choice but to put my back against the wall, pull down my pants, and let it all out. It was the hardest shit of my entire life, and there was a lot of splash damage. My brain still fuzzy from being drunk and high. Not to mention… I probably smell like it. The same time pure relief hits my system I feel my head fall chin to chest. The side of my head rolls and hits the bathroom stall as it pops out open outward. I get mad and cursing loudly and as soon as I started to do that. I see flashlights comes into the bathroom. I am now squatting in front of the police officer with my pants down in front of me, open stall and shit all over me. Fortunately, the cop looked me dead in the eye and left. And that’s my horrible poop story thank you guys for doing all that you do. Love Luke

Kurt Lewin

Hi Team Sacred On the last podcast in reference to the staff turnover at Arkane Austin, Colin said this would result in a very different team to the one that made Prey for what will be their next game. This got me thinking about the expansion in recent years of studios like Naughty Dog and Guerilla. With such expansion, how difficult will it be for these teams to maintain the same level of quality as the games they released previously as new people are brought in? We already know about the problems with Factions but with the new single player IP Naughty Dog could be working on, how much of the team working on that are likely to be recent hires? Whilst I'm sure their recruitment practices are up their with the best, is it unfair for us to assume that every game a studio making multiple games at any one time makes is going to be a stone cold banger?


Col, I know you’re not really active on Twitter anymore but was wondering if you’ve heard about one of your old tweets about God of War’s preorder numbers being compared to the low number of preorders on FF16? Seen a lot of nobodies try to use it to dunk on you but really fail in their attempt to do so. Here’s the old tweet: “A trusted industry source tells me that God of War's PS4 pre-orders are very soft. Sad to hear. I'm still hopeful (and even confident) that it'll be great, whenever it comes out.”


Hey CDC! After last week's discussion on inflation and gaming costs, Chris and Dustin triggered a core memory in me about trading in my old games all the time to get one new one. It pains me to think of my lost collection, but such was the way. My question for the boys is... What was the worst trade deal in your history of trade deals? Do you recall any deep feelings of sadness from being stuck with a dud after sacrificing a stack of 10 games you thought you probably would not need for "Aliens colonial Marines" or is that just me? P.s. Timmy Tolkien is going to be something that cracks me up any time I see anything LOTR from now on. Stay golden pony boys!


Alright gents, With the speed of broadband increasing year on year, is Sony and Microsoft's push for cloud gaming going to become redundant? With increased broadband speeds comes decreased time taken to download a game: 100GB at 1Gbps = ~13 minutes, 100GB at 5Gbps = ~2 minutes rendering the dip in/dip out nature of streaming useless over time. Thoughts? P.s. remember: 2 in the cloaca, 1 in the cloaca.

Trevor Fletcher

Hey Sacred Crew, Last week we had an entry about a listener who savagely puts salt in his coffee and I was aghast at the thought of this. However, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to pass judgement. Every year when my wife and I buy our first watermelon of the summer, I'm reminded that I too have a strange salty vice. When I sprinkle the salt on the sweet juicy melon, her reaction makes me feel like an outcast. I don't know why I do this, or how long I've been doing it, the question is am I alone? Do any of you have weird food quirks that make others cringe? Thanks for all you do!


Hello Super Duper Studs, With Apple’s latest unveiling of their new “spatial computing” device the Vision Pro is this the mainstream push needed to elevate AR/VR experiences? I know the price point is quite steep for the average consumer, but if any company is going to convince consumers to buy something it will be Apple. Curious what all of your thoughts are on the device and the fact that the DualSense was present in its unveiling. Love all the amazing content and stay sexy my friends!


Hello Sacred gang! Recently I have been itching to play plants Vs zombies but I don't want to play the mobile version, because they just won't let me buy it. So I looked around and and found out they released it on the PS3 only to realise it does not have a platinum. However I also found out there is a psvita version of the game, so i booted up my vita and looked for it in the store and to my horror it was delisted years ago. Now to my question, there are still people playing and getting the platinum for pvz on the vita and of course some of them bought it years ago and finally are getting around to playing it. However I also found out alot of people are pirating vita games and syncing their trophies to the psn and have been doing it for years. Do you guys think Sony is ever gonna do anything about this? I really wanna play pvz and get the platinum for it but not enough to risk my psn account getting banned. Sorry for the long post, typos etc, being dyslexic and writing in a second language isn't a good combination.

Rob Kvasne

Dear Sacred Symbols, I woke up this morning with Summer Game Fest on my mind and had a strange thought. The FF:VII Rebirth team strangely confirmed that you would not need to play Final Fantasy VII Remake to enjoy Rebirth. Is this game going to be announced as multiplatform today the Game Fest? It sounds ridiculous but such is Square Enix lately. Keep up the great work!


Colin, you recently spoke about how your neighbours told you that they don't mow their lawns during the daytime. Is this simply to do with staying out of the heat, or is there also a noise pollution factor? Is there a neighbourhood agreement to only use mowers within specified hours? And have you stopped mowing during the day? I'm concerned that you may be ostracizing yourself from your local community.

Jamie Milligan

Hey there my sweet boys. In light of the Ken Levine interview, and the discussion of world building with audio recorders and the like. And how superior it is too document world building. I was just curious if there has been any documentation in games that stick with you or you think about every now and again. It’s so much harder to write compelling notes then it is too get a great V.A to perform in my opinion. The example one note that I think about often, is in Spider-Man 2018. Where Martin Li writes a confession letter to Aunt May about becoming a terrorist, but asking her to not lose faith in people just because he failed her and to take care of F.E.A.S.T. Take care, have a wonderful day, and keep up the great content.

Dancat The Mancat

hello The Notorious C.D.C. I wanted to ask about why these showcases always seem to be during work/school hours. It makes sense with E3 having this massive convention center on a daily schedule, but I don’t understand why it isn’t better marketing to show these bespoke events in the evening when the majority of people are free? There are exceptions to this of course with events on the weekend but it none the less seems many events during the week air at hours that won’t work for most people. Is this so the uploaded trailers are already going viral when people get back from work? Is my question completely American-centered as these events are viewed globally and finding a working time for everyone is a fools errand anyways? Especially with pre recorded events this doesn’t make sense to me. Curious to hear your thoughts as I’ll miss the game fest live today, just like I missed the Sony event and others. Get that chicken tested from time to time.

Conor Campbell

Hey CDC, What do you think the role of A.I will be in games? It can already program, already write scripts and dialogue, create trailers, images and we have podcasts being run by human like A.I to. It won't be long before it can create 3D art and models at the rate it is going. Could we see this all being combined and the future of games being AAA releases weekly for a fraction of the cost? This is no longer a far fetched idea given the rapid growth of various A.I systems. Give that chicken some after care Conor


Hey CDC, Where is Bluepoint? Konami is keeping MGS3 in house dispelling the rumor that Bluepoint may be taking on that remake. That said, do you feel they are working on another high profile remake? Possibly original IP? Thoughts? Thanks Gents.


Greetings Sacred Gents. Historical revisionism. Now that I have you attention with a salacious statement I want to ask your opinions on the new Aztec game that's been kicking up controversy. For those not in the know a new PC game that allows you to play from the perspective of the Aztecs fighting the Spanish conquistadors dropped a trailer. Afterwards many players asked for the chance to play as the Spanish. The developers agreed even pushing back the release date to do so. The normal gaming pundits then crawled out of thier rooms in hell to lambast those who think different from calling them alt right nazis for daring to want to play as the good guys. While war is horrible it is sometimes necessary. The Aztecs were a barbaric warmongering tribe and the conquistadors helped liberate the many tribes that they subjugated and used for thier multitudinous human sacrifices along with thier own people. My questions is thus: Why is there a wish to sanitize history and rewrite the horrible atrocities that were committed by all peoples except for the Europeans? I think being able to play as both sides is amazing and that the developer is willing to sink more resources into thier game is awesome. So why does the gaming press want to rewrite history? History is ugly and those who forget it are doomed to repeat it.

Tim Jackson

Hello CDC, I think it’s time you get somebody for a sacred symbols plus all about extraction shooters. They are looking to be the “next big thing.” As somebody who has thousands of hours in escape from tarkov, I’m really excited to see what bungie can deliver. Though, I remain skeptical as AAA studios like infinity ward have been attempting to capture some of the magic. but have largely been unsuccessful. Is it time last stand media dove into extraction shooters?


Hey guys! Following the announcement of Death Stranding for macOS, it seems fair to assume that Sony is somehow involved. By porting Decima to macOS, they could bring other games to the platform and iOS and iPadOS with some additional effort, opening new opportunities for their mobile initiative. Considering recent developments relating to the engine, I wonder if we may eventually see all PS Studios games being developed using Decima, with other first-party engines being phased out. I'd love (as Apple likes to say) to hear your thoughts on this potential scenario. Thanks for your awesome work!

Areola Connoisseur

Hello Sacred trio! A couple of shows ago you guys commented on the Saudi government owning about 10% of EA. This week the PGA decided to merge with Liv golf in “an effort to grow the game and its future” How far until an American developer is fully gobbled up with Saudi blood money?


Good day to you, sirs. If LSM was an adventuring JRPG party, what class/role would each member be? What special abilitys would they have? Which of you would have amnesia!?

Joseph Losinno

Hey all, are trophies and achievements feeling a little less appealing to more people due to increased game choice? This could be due to the rise of subscriptions or more adults with disposable cash playing games. As a teen I felt the added tasks from trophies made my games longer and it's a philosophy I stuck with. That being said I can see how attitudes change. Thanks, Joe

Curtis (Bloobat)

Hey Gents, Not sure if you've seen but Hogwarts legacy recently received a PS+ trial....the trial is literally 45 minutes long and requires you to download the full 100gb+ game. Surely I'm not alone in thinking that is an absolute joke. As the dominant console maker I'm really surprised that Sony still hasn't mandated compulsory trials for every PSN release. There were rumours prior to the plus relaunch that this would be implemented however it never appeared and I feel like compulsory 2 hour trials could do no harm (with the ability for Devs to request for less if their game is very short/cheap). Idk what the people at Warner were smoking when they decided on 45 minutes, you can't even get to Hogwarts itself in that time, but anyways thanks for reading!


Greeting CDC, Have you ever been somewhere that has retrospectively enhanced a game? For context, my wife and I have just returned to the UK from a road trip in the US and my experience in and around Los Angeles, really made me appreciate the world of Los Santos from GTA V. From the atmosphere to the geographical layout and even the radio stations, I had to tip my hat to Rockstar North. (LA, San Diego, Lake Havasu City, Flagstaff, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Salt Lake City, Los Vegas, Death Valley and back to LA)

Jim B

Greetings Gentlemen, I just wanted to ask you about the Factions and the Media and interpretations. The common belief from the article currently is that Herman Hulst comes in as some Dictator and says Bungie will decide all things relating to this Naughty Dog game. Creating this very adversarial relationship and awful environment. Everything is going to be canceled and the sky is falling. I understand this is better for clicks but does it make sense? Sony studios have always had very collaborative relationships. Couldn’t the likely story be that Bungie went there. Gave some feedback. Naughty Dog agrees with some of the feedback. Naughty says to Herman, “Hey we need some more time because we want to implement these good ideas. Since many aspects of the game are nearing completion (Voice, sound effects, art assets, etc…) we are going to move many of those people on to other projects while we implement some of these other things.” Herman says “Yeah, do what you need to do.” But maybe that doesn’t generate enough clicks then the Armageddon everyone is talking about now. With a live service game there is so many things that will help player retention and it’s not just new content. It’s things like in game economies, drop rates, cosmetic availability, and others. Basically the Grind. All these can be optimized without completely throwing out the game. Thanks, Jim


Hey CDC, It was recently announced that Six Days in Fallujah will be releasing to Steam Early Access in June. It has been over a year since news of the delay and subsequent radio silence came from Highwire Games and I was wondering if you boys still plan on checking it out? Thanks and have a great day!


Hey fellas! In the last few years we’ve seen a spike in Athletes embracing gaming/weeb culture. I can’t say for certain that the embrace is reciprocated, but I never hear Gamers/weebs embracing sports culture. How do you think sports can convert the gamers and weebs into sports fans? I think a good starting point is to have more arcade like sports games to be accessible to people that are not interested in a simulation experience. Please EA bring back NFL and NBA street with the same soul as the originals. Thanks for all that y’all do and stay safe out there.

Stefan Catinella

Hey Sacred Sons of Liberty, Playing Final Fantasy VII Remake made me think of playing Ehrgeiz on the PSX back in 2000. Have any of you ever played Ehrgeiz? It’s a fighting game with Final Fantasy VII characters and a dungeon crawling game stuck together.


Hey CDC, Where are the Collections!? I want an Infamous 1+2 Remaster. A Resistance Trilogy. Could you imagine a Ratchet and Clank collection? All 37 Ratchet games bundled together, i'd buy that in a heartbeat and likely not even play them all. What do you guys think about Sony not tapping into this goldmine of stranded PS3 titles? And what's a remaster/collection you'd love to see? Thanks, love the content. Jack PS: shout out to my friend Keith if he hears this


Hey CDC, Given the glowing reviews of Diablo IV, there seems to be no conversation about it being always online and requiring a connection to play even though most reviews mention that it can be played solo the whole way. Do you think that restrictions like this should be factored in the review score or at least mentioned as a disclaimer similar to how micro- transactions are always mentioned? And what’s the deal with companies doing this kind of thing and preventing us from really owning the product even if some of us are just buying physical to avoid ownership issues? It's unfortunate with how good the game looks

James Kinslow III

Hey, CDC Colin, you've mentioned in the past how people in the gaming industry would reach out to you to thank you for your political views and for voicing a differing opinion. Has anyone ever reached out to you in the industry for championing trophies? I admire your take on trophies and how you won't play certain games because of no trophies or broken trophies. I'm the same way and was just wondering about this question.


Hey CDC, This is mostly for Colin. Did you have a chance to check out Lords of Exile trailer? It's an 8-bit Castlevania clone. Looks amazing. Just wanted to share. Thanks