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Embarrassing Moments, Breakfast, Escaping Technology, Documentaries | Constellation, Episode 10

On this week's all-new episode of Constellation, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Last Stand's coordinator and shopkeep Micah Watson and executive producer Ben Smith. Micah comes to the mic eager to talk about breakfast: Eggs, bacon, potatoes, French toast, waffles, pancakes, cereal. The whole shebang. Dagan prods each of us to share a truly embarrassing story from our past, ones we've never discussed before in any setting. Ben waxes about the power of documentaries, their endless draw, and how they seem to make even the most mundane topics thoroughly interesting. Finally, Colin breaks down how he feels technology is making his life worse, and how to escape all of modernity's many bells and whistles. Can we undo progress and recapture a simpler time?


sean McGuire

I'm in a documentary club with some friends we call Doc Flock. The problem is I don't remember anything about them and they are produced like children's books now haha


Absolutely Stellar!


Alright, I’m convinced Micah needs to be studied in a lab. This madness cannot stand. Stub of the muffin? Crusts of pop-tarts? Gray eggs yolks?! Where does this backwards way of living end? Eating the shells of pistachios instead of the nut?


Aaron Rodgers just announced on Pat McAfee that he will be playing for the NY Jets. Congrats, Colin!


Good lord Micah what unique takes on all of your breakfast preferences. I’m still repulsed by all of them but good on you for thinking outside the box and then kicking said box out of the solar system.

Michael Mashpotato

If it weren’t for my dent repair business and having to post before and after pictures of the repairs then I wouldn’t have social media whatsoever. Also all the people who had the first IPhone smugly referred to it as the “Apple Iphone” which is the actual name but I thought it was the most obnoxious shit ever lol.

Jonathan Turner

Interesting topic on disconnecting from technology. October of last year, besides looking up specific things for work and listening to LSM podcasts here on Patreon, I decided to not engage with or even read anything on the internet. I realized so much of the content that’s put out is either negative or fast food content with empty calories. I put my smartphone on do not disturb, only allowing a few family members to get through with a call or text, and make a point not even to pick it up. It’s crazy how I had to retrain myself because of muscle memory not to pick up my phone and just BS when I had idle time. Besides obviously being out of the loop on current events, it’s been refreshing though.


The over-medium egg is the superior egg. It’s tricky to do, but it’s the superior egg.

Quinnton from Seattle

Brunch is the best! An excuse for breakfast at a more reasonable time. When I wake up, I just want coffee but I love "breakfast" food. On documentaries,, I have a few recommendations: Somebody Feed Phil,, not exactly a doc but it's super fun, part food, part travel. F1 Drive to Survive is awesome, if you like cars. The Toys that Made Us is fun. Chef's. Table is is a pretty good food doc, not all episodes are good but most are.


Micah talking about eggs is fucking horror movie 😵

Chris Strommer

After 10 episodes I can safely say that this is one of my favorite new weekly podcasts! Love it!


Our screens are scrying mirrors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrying "One class of methods of scrying involves a self-induced trance, with or without the aid of a medium such as a crystal ball or, even via modern technology such as a smartphone among other things. Some say that the sensation is drug-like, some that various drugs can potentiate the experience; others categorically exclude any connection with drug usage, claiming that it invalidates any images observed." Modern scrying mirrors just provide the visions for us.


Born in 1991 but I wasn't really "connected" to the Internet until I was 17.

Michael Hedrick

Colin, the honey bunches of oats is an easy fix. Buy a bag of sliced baking almonds and dump the whole bag in the cereal lol I do it every 2 weeks. To Micah, the bottom of the Muffin is God tier. The tops are God damn trash and I throw that part in the trash forreal. Garbage. Lastly on breakfast, fried eggs are the best as well. Colin just has trash food takes lol This dude eats ketchup on eggs and corned beef hash but doesn't like mustard on a fucking Hamburger smh. Blasphemy

Kenneth Koepnick

If you love docs- check out Trafficked on Hulu/Discovery. This chick goes deep with criminals & black markets. Nice, tight hour long stories on each topic- black market surrogates, weed, guns, phone scammers, & more.


Holy shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣 fucking Dagan’s story had me dying lmaoo Micah’s laugh was contagious too lol good shit


King of Kong is so fuckin good, dude


Somewhat in the documentary sphere, but on a YouTube level, I'd highly recommend Defunctland. He does documentaries about dead brands, theme parks and various miscellany. I haven't seen everything he has done, but what I've watched is great stuff. Also on the gaming scene, Nick Robinson does borderline documentary style work that he puts a ton of work into and sometimes works on stories for years before releasing the finished video.

Raymond keys

Colin lol organic orange juice with no added natural sugar is still better then a can of Pepsi with added process sugar.

Red Head Redemption

I love Ken Burns’ The Civil War and The War👌 Man on Wire is a top 5 movies of all time for me


What does an orange being organic have to do with its sucrose level? A glass of orange juice has 10 teaspoons of sugar in it.

Andrew Tomassone

I think he means natural sugar is better for you than added sugar which I believe is true


This is seriously one of the funniest stories I’ve heard in the last few years 😂.

Raymond keys

Yes I meant to say if you consume natural sugar or organic cane sugar, it is better than the processed sugar in Pepsi. Your body processes them differently.

Greg Dawson

Have no words for the breakfast conversation. Some of you need professional help 😂. One aspect I think you missed about the tech conversation is that a lot of the things we use are fine tuned to keep our eyes on it. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram etc all employ casino tactics to keep us "engaged". There was a documentary on Netflix that detailed some of the tactics used. For me once I saw this, it was easier to disconnect from it as I realise I was being manipulated. Sometime I get sucked into reading twitter, then I realise what happened and look at what I'm reading and realise it's all bollocks anyway. We had snippets of this in the 90s but never to this extent, the method to keep us there hadn't been developed yet.

John King

Not sure if this has been asked already, but could there be timestamps added for each topic?

Ryan Hayman

Holy shit the DSL joke has me laughing way harder than it should

Jonny Sousa

A documentary rec for Ben (I don't have social media), Beauty is Embarrassing. It's about creativity

Kevin Cooper

Long live brunch... #CaliforniaIsNotReal

Gooch Gobbler

You can't spoil Dear Zachary like that! Completely devastating movie. Especially as a Zachary. Also the Jinx is incredible

Kevin Cooper

A highly recommended Hip Hop / DJ'ing documentary... SCRATCH by Doug Pray. An entertaining (and informative) watch, even if you aren't into the subculture.