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With The Last of Us' wonderful pilot episode behind us, it's time to start tackling the game's award-winning story through HBO's lens anew. Thus, Joel, Ellie, and Tess begin winding their way to the Massachusetts State House, where the two mercenaries hope to drop off their merchandise with the Fireflies. But, as players know, the situation almost immediately falls apart, and the TV show does a wonderful job of capturing these moments -- in particular the museum -- all while maintaining a semi-different spin on things. And so we gather again to talk extensively about all the second episode offers, but it's not all praise. Indeed, there's one particular moment we were a little shocked by... and not in a good way. But all-in-all, we are beyond impressed and totally eager for more.



Michael Mashpotato

What is up with the zombie walking up and making out with Tess😂. I was expecting her to last at least 1 or two more episodes. Although setting looked exactly the same, I’m kind of bummed she didn’t go out in a blaze of glory. Overall this show is absolutely phenomenal.

Dog Soup

Really enjoyed the episode overall. Such great attention to detail in the world and the tension during the museum when they were going op the stairs was great. However using CGI on the clickers was unnecessary and it looked pretty bad. Such a shame.

A Hind D

Cannot believe how well this is going. And the fact they stuck to mostly non cgi is paying DIVIDENDS

Dog Soup

In the close up shots yeah but when they were running around it was cg. The shot when Joel was hiding and to the audiences left there was a clicker it was very poorly integrated into the shot.

Dennis Johnson

The conversation around spoilers in gaming is so strange to me. I find most conversations about games that are 100 percent spoiler free lacking in the critical information you'd want or need to make the choice on playing a game. Dustin described how bad Bayonetta 3 was the other show, but still cared about it enough to not spoil it. I get it because it's probably better to be on the safe side, but as a whole I feel like we hang on to the "spoiler" moment a little too tightly. Think about how very few conversations, outside of an actual spoilercasts, talk about Horizon's story beyond the tribal present day "on the box" material. You'd probably get more people into it if you described the fantastic sci-fi tale underneath. But sadly we stymie our conversations because everyone on the internet treats every single detail as spoiler worthy. However, I am LOVING the two cold opens for this show. They are elevating this production in a way that I didn't expect and making it something special to watch.

Anthony Palerino

No no 100% you should be spoiling the game. I’d say add a spoiler warning for Last of Us Part 2 if that’s relevant, but still feel free to bring it up. If you’re a PlayStation fan, why are you watching this? Go play one of the best games!

Angel DeJesus

Viewership went up this week. I expect the episode the first Sunday in February will be over 10 million of with no football.


I understand the spoiler sentiment for people new to the franchise . They may be using this as a listening companion and new to Last Stand. But to those people I would say 'go play the game.'


How is blowing herself up in a heap of gasoline, grenades and ammunition to eliminate a shit ton of infected NOT going out in a blaze of glory? Lol Stand down sir.

Brannon H

Great episode. I need a Lockmort edit of Dustin talking about zombie kissing, body horror, and "finishing you off." Also, would y'all want then to go straight into part 2 for season 2 or to spend a season or two to fill in the gap and expand the story more.

Stephen Forgione

I definitely disagree with the FF7 take of requiring it to play the Remake, but your insistence on playing the original ended up convincing me to play it this year after beating Crisis Core. Definitely adds wonderful texture that I’m happy to have now.

Joshua Jones

Final Fantasy 7 remake is pretty clearly a continuation/sequel to the original. This is more of a retelling of a 10 year old story so spoilers should be fine

Kenneth Koepnick

Don’t say tendrils. 🤮 I was on the same page as Dustin… that I saw it as connecting a fungal infected to the hive, that they didn’t attack her because she was already infected.

Hidari Shotaro

Seeing Colin and Micah interact is really heartwarmimg; glad you two are so happy. The tendrils kiss was weird as hell. Don't know why they'd steal that from Venom.

Nathan Stuhlfauth

To comment on where some of the Jakarta story beats came from. In the beginning of the game you find that newspaper in the bathroom that mentions how the FDA is warning about contaminated crops coming from central and South America I believe. Could be the genesis of the idea of the contaminated flour being the source of the infections from Indonesia


I believe in the HBO podcast they said it was all prosthetics.

Bogey Zero

Bro DO NOT wade into a space flooded with old dirty ass water bare footed. You’ll fuck around and step on a piece of sharp rock or glass and cut your foot open and get that shit infected.


Salted Carmel latte Gang Gang 😂 double shot of espresso tho. I completely agree and on-board with Dustin's head cannon. And after listening to the official LoU podcast and hearing the creators explain why they made the kissing scene, it made all the sense while providing a nice twist/deviation from the game.


I think you would tip a shelf sideways because it lowers the center of mass and puts more weight directly on the ground. If you have a shelf vertically next to a door and push the door open it would likely tip onto it's face and thus away from the door. I could be wrong though, just my door logic lol Great spoilercast!

Matthew Weinhagen

I’m glad Dustin finally said something about the whole “kiss” scenario! The whole reason why they ignored Tess is because they knew she was already infected!.. the infection was low-key, drawing her to the conversion.. I actually didn’t think she was going to get the lighter to work and we would maybe see her again as a clicker because you know..TV. Love how it went down.


The only reference to "herds" and the infected I can think of from the games is Tommy saying to Ellie that they migrate over the seasons (in TLoU 2). That implies that have some sort of groupthink. But I appreciate the show delving deeper into it, this kind of lore is more palatable in a passive medium like TV imo.

Dog Soup

Yeah but it literally isn't in some shots. Have you guys not have eyes? Either that or it's shot on a seperate plate and not integrated well

Jesse spivey

Feels like I've been seeing Dagen alot lately & i want to say thank you. His banter his wisdom & just smooth tone on the mic. Keep em coming!


Dagan is so fucking BASED it's unreal - best media analysis in the whole network. Sorry, Colin.

Matthew Cooper

The notion that you all should be having these conversations without spoiling the game is stupid. In order to properly analyze the show, you have to compare it to the game, talk about what's different, what's similar, what's coming up in the game's story and how the show will handle those things. Besides the show is spoiling the game; just like having played the game kind of spoils the show. We don't know all the twists and turns, but we have a pretty good idea where we're going here... Also, Last of Us has been out for 10 years now, it's past time where it should be able to be talked about. It's very egotistical to expect the whole culture to never spoil anything, no matter how long it's been available, because some day you may want to experience it fresh. Colin brought up Star Wars. I have never seen one second of a Star Wars film and I know Vader is Luke's father, I've heard it a million times. That's totally fine, it's been out forever and if I really cared I'd have watched it by now. I feel like a standard window should be 3 to 5 years after release.

Matt Matlock

I haven’t listened to many episodes of Knockback… But Dagan is spectacular. The fact he is so professional. You can tell he takes this seriously, reads up on topics, and is super prepared just shows through.

Lou & Rei Loper

Just starting the episode and wanted to chime in. I think it's an absolute must to discuss the game while discussing the show. I think it would be truly backwards to worry about spoiling the game yet watching the show first.

Max Stahl

Look at that big, swingin' weapon! Yes, Dagan is great.

Kenneth Oms

Great episode. I’m reading way too much into this, I wonder if the fungus jumped away from flour. Otherwise how can they eat a chicken sandwich on bread and not get infected.

Dog Soup

I feel like I'm going nuts because nobody else seemed to notice.

Luke Trewarne

I think the spoilers thing only matters to non gamers (like my wife, who loves the show and almost accidentally got spoiled by the pod that Tess dies LOL) but this is a Patreon mostly for gaming podcasts. I feel like it's such a small minority of the audience that this would impact that it's just not worth considering to be quite honest

Hossein Nazari

The kiss explanation: Tess is infected already from the neck. She has less than an hour until fully under the fungus control. The kiss was her final moments before totally gone, the only thing she had control of was her right hand (which was twitching in that scene). And as Tess’ flame went out, the flame from the lighter ignited. Tess didn’t back up to the wall and open her mouth to kiss, like Dustin explained. It was the fungus that opened its mouth to form synapses with the other’s (avatar style). Why didn’t the stalker violently attack Tess? Hinted at by the directors and Troy: the first cold opener dropped some hints and explanations. The fungus is not looking to destroy its host, they wouldn’t want an injured Tess. That wouldn’t be advantageous. The fungus wants Tess to be as strong as possible. Great writing. I think that a lot of it went over peoples heads.

John Hughes

The official HBO last of us podcast has some great insights into the production of the show, I definitely recommend it to everyone.


I:24:50 is another example where I’m thinking to myself, “do I need to chime in the comments section?”, but Dustin does it for me and drops a serious mic on the panel! 😂 Thanks D


Exactly, and earlier in the episode there was this Easter egg, that strengthens your argument: https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/109fnnq/poster_seen_at_hbo_premier_new_infection_details/

Steve Bitto

I felt like my issue with spoilers was misrepresented - although maybe that’s because people had different takes on it that I did not see in last week’s comments. For me, it has nothing to do with spoiling the game. That context is essential when discussing the events occurring currently in the show. My issue is by spoiling the future episodes of the show just because you have played the game. Colin spoiled multiple deaths in a span of 5 minutes. Completely unnecessary and ruined major plot points for anyone who may not have known yet. Dustin made a fair point that in this audience, these won’t be spoilers as most have a deep understanding of the game. I still think it is uncalled for and doesn’t even really serve any purpose to the discussion. When discussing episode one, what does Marlene’s dying add to the discussion? Like I said last week, replace video game with book and imagine how annoying it would be if every spoilercast for a show or movie based on a book the host spoiled every death before they happened because they knew the source material. It’s a little pretentious. Almost like displaying your ownership over it by ruining it for anyone who may not know.

Sorta Serious Gaming

I Disagree. It's a spoilercast, on a video game centric podcast, for a TV show based on a very well known video game, that is almost 10yrs old. The whole idea that we all know the source material well makes the conversation more interesting. Being able to dissect changes and what they could mean for the future of the show is something only a pod like this can provide. Those "unnecessary" parts of the conversation tug at strings many of us are already pulling ourselves. That insight is invaluable and what sets LSM apart from the others. Not to mention we have no idea how much the show will deviate from the game as they have already shown changes have been made. You might just be searching in the wrong place for what you're looking for. I'm sure there are others that don't mention the game, but many even non-gaming pods I've listened to talk about the source material. I think you're in the minority on this one, and that most of us enjoy the conversations even more so because they come from the perspective of knowing the source material, not in spite of it.

Cole Minder

Like Colin said, the denouncing of spores for the show is world breaking for the games. They didn’t even need spores in the show but addressing it and saying they don’t exist sucks. They could’ve made spores a specific case where it only comes into play if the infection reaches a farther point in it’s evolution, and then spores could be released, like a bloater or large mass of fungi inside a building.