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Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Review and Story Discussion | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 103

There was a time when Ratchet & Clank was one of the mightiest IP Sony owned. But even in its more lax contemporary state, Ratchet has been a consistent, high-quality series from Insomniac for nearly two decades, now. These days, the likes of Ratchet isn't what drives PlayStation -- we need to look at the likes of Horizon, God of War, and The Last of Us for that -- but the cartoonish platformer brings a great deal of much-needed levity, cuteness, and an overall lightness our ecosystem so desperately needs. It also doesn't help that it's a blast to play, beautiful to look and, and incredibly endearing all around... though certainly not without its problems. So let's analyze Rift Apart, talk about what it does right and wrong, and opine about not only the future of our favorite Lombax(es), but the future of this kind of game on PlayStation, period. To get access to all episodes of Sacred Symbols+, subscribe to Last Stand Media on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/LastStandMedia


Jacob Secor

Fidelity did not feel terrible - stop it...This game has literally zero need for high fps and should be enjoyed in highest fidelity. #changemymind lol

Tristen Wilbers

In regards to the target audience for these games... Hasn't Ratchet been a "kid's game" for a long time? The PS2 games were much more teen-oriented, sure, but imo they weren't as mature as Jak 2 or 3. Either way, I feel like R+C being more geared for kids started a lot longer ago than just these recent "reboots." I remember feeling this way about A Crack in Time during the PS3 gen. The tone just didn't feel the same and I don't remember that game ever feeling "adult" in any way. Idk, just my 2 cents.

Michael Ferrari

Fidelity is the 30fps graphics mode right? You must not be used to 60fps, because I dropped it down after a few hours on performance mode, and it was laughably bad. It looks like the game is legit running in slow-motion. It looks horrible. I loved this game, and think it absolutely benefits from 60fps.

Andrew Duda

I have played every mainline Ratchet title except for Into The Nexus. Replayed most of them too. I feel that after playing this and getting the Plat I feel that the game while good, really left me feeling a bit tired. I was just bored either because of just how easy the game was or how similar the moment to moment gameplay felt. Ill always support Insomniac but maybe I have just outgrown the series.

Braden Summers

I also watched the interview Dustin did, makes me think that that's why some developers are having trouble with the PS5 - their current engines are too slow.


The story and characters are way better in this game but Ratchet and Clank 2016 is better in the combat and gameplay department.

Walker Simmons

For me the 70$ price tag should be reserved for games like Red Dead 2 and Witcher 3. I bought and completed Ratchet and Returnal at launch and even though I really liked both I felt like they didn't justify the price based on how satisfied I was with the experience.


I think Sony has painted themselves in a corner. Making anything less than $70 on PS5 will make products be less-than.

Jon Barnett

At the end of the first Ratchet and Clank game, Clank THINKS Ratchet is leaving him there with a broken arm, but at the very end, Ratchet yells for Clank as he's walking away and says "Hey, tin can! Where do you think you're going? We uh... Still need to fix that arm!" They became friends after all that they went through! And during this game Ratchet is still in a relationship with Talwyn, who you might remember from Tools of Destruction and Into the Nexus. She can be referenced on Savali (if you do the slow E3 pan thing where you look at the environment, and Ratchet says "I wish Talwyn could be here to see this") and she makes a cameo appearance in the credits. I was looking forward to this discussion, thanks for all you guys do!

Kendall Helmstetter Gelner

Sounds really cool but I'm going to wait to watch this until soem future day I've finished the game.


Does someone’s PlayStation turn on at 1:04:52?

Empty Symbol

I would absolutely fuck an alternate dimension female version of me if she was hot. What's the downside?


“Go fuck yourself” takes on a new meaning lol

Braden Summers

Must be Dustin's, we can see Chris' behind him and I think Colin plays his in the living room


Hey C men and the big D. I'm writing in to help clarify the title, which I'm nearly positive means ripped a fart. If you take Rift Apart, and switch the F and the P, you get Ript a Fart. Ripped is spelled wrong, but indeed it seems clear. Colin, I've listened to you since the beyond days, and I'll never stop. Love all that you do. The whole cast and crew do a phenomenal job.

Kaulike Souza

Great SpoilerCast! I was on the fence about purchasing this game, and now it’s downloading on my console. It was interesting to hear you talk about the Rivet and Ratchet dynamic of a possible relationship in the future of a male and female version of one character. (Spoiler warning) The Loki series on Disney+ definitely chases that dynamic. I find it odd that two forms of media this summer have a potentially similar theme. Thanks for all the content


Totally disagree with the conversation about a single game justifying the purchase of a game. There are some great points about having a collection of things to go back and play, but there is always that one game that really pushes the purchase. If you're fan I think you'll buy the console, but I think Colin's point about missing out is the biggest impact. If there was an uncharted game, or god of war or something big like that I would feel the need to own the console. For PS4, infamous was the game that made me purchase the console, for the switch it was botw. Xbox releasing on PC makes me think I do not need to own that console.


You guys kill me on this one. I’ll mention a few things …. The length - the length is fine, I feel like people are complaining unnecessarily especially when you skip the puzzles! The puzzles - clank and spider bot sections were fun! People complain about a game getting stale then when they try to add more diverse gameplay they complain anyway . . . Can’t win. The combat - The combat felt more intense . . . because it was! More enemies and more interesting enemy types, the FOV is also smaller when aiming and the guns felt impactful because of the amazing hit animations ( I hit a croc goon and he stumbles and falls onto a box shattering it) and damage effects. The dual sense controller was always superbly implemented with the trigger haptics as well. I don’t think I saw any bugs other than one where I was stuck between to objects and had to restart a checkpoint. I don’t understand the “rough” comment it’s honestly one the most polished games I’ve ever played and for a launch game … probably the best launch window game ever. There I’m done. :D

Timothy Martin

To be clear (as the guy that asked the question) it was in response to Colin’s general feeling that there is no real reason provided by Sony to own a PS5. The question was meant as “does this now mean that it makes sense to purchase a PS5”?


My enjoyment of this game was very superficial, because I know what this series once was on the PS2. The recent Ratchet titles lack the satirical edge and overall darker tone that made the ps2 titles special in the first place. Ratchet ps2 was more like an Adult Swim cartoon, now it has come to the point where the series is on the same level as Winnie the Poo with its cuteness. I don't understand why Insomniac has stuck with this style and tone especially when we know they are above this. Also, Rift Apart is incredibly easy.


Final Fantasy VII was the game that got me to buy PSone, and there was a back catalog there for me to play, with the promise of much more to come. All that's there right now with PS5 is the the promise of more to come, with some good games.


Good discussion boys. I loved Rift Apart, it's one of my favourite games this year, and a great intro to the PS5 (which I am SO incredibly lucky to have gotten the Rift Apart bundle). Though I am conflicted; I enjoyed how cute and fun everything was, but I missed the old tone and story beats of the original Ratchet games. Perhaps Insomniac didn't want to make another game with cynical characters and toilet humour, which is fair enough. Still, I really enjoyed my time with it, and was constantly impressed by the graphics and gameplay. I didn't have any major bugs or issues, and only had one glitch where a level didn't load when I hit a purple crystal, and it loaded after I respawned.