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In the early '80s, Harrison Ford was completely and undeniably in his element. Over a five year period, he appeared in The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Return of the Jedi, and The Temple of Doom. That's one hell of a run. But squished right in between those four movies is 1982's Blade Runner, where we see Ford lose the roguishness (kind of) for something decidedly deeper, darker, and more philosophical. Ridley Scott's classic sci-fi film tells the story of maverick androids that need to be hunted down and "retired," and it's based upon a '60s novel from Philip K. Dick. But -- much like with most of Dick's writing -- this is a story that challenges our very concept of what it is to be human. To feel, to think, to remember, to act. So let's head to Los Angeles in 2019, where things aren't quite what you'd expect.



Bryn Findlay-Dykes

More human than human is Dagan's motto. So glad you guys have done this discussion, a wonderful, stunning, fascinating and thought provoking film and world. The sequel is a better 'film' I think, but there's something about the original that just can't be topped. I hope you guys get a chance to discuss 2049 someday too


Work print version is my preferred cut. Unpopular opinion, but I feel blade runner is a little overrated and obtuse. When it comes to the atmosphere and set design and stuff like that, it's immaculate and way ahead of it's time. I just don't feel it's as smart and deep as it wants everyone to think it is. Still a great movie. And, to me, the sequel is a masterpiece and it's a shame no one saw it.

Juan Paolini

DEFINITELY agree! Blade Runner 2049 is a masterpiece and a much better movie.

Adam Barnes

Yooooooo this movie fucking blows, but I’ll still listen to your lovely voices

Will Hahn

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that Blade Runner 2049 is the superior film and a masterpiece or a sequel completely done right. Yes, it has a few problems, but they’re minimal. Colin, ya gotta check it out!


Ridley Scott and his whole production crew should be applauded. A film that will be taught in film schools from here until the end of time. Yes it has flaws but this film is so deeply engaging and ASKS you to pay attention. Never does this film think of you( the audience member) like you’re dumb. CINEMA.


We just don’t get films like this anymore. Hollywood used to create and now the only...replicate.

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-23 21:33:11 Thank you for your kind words. <3
2021-03-05 23:42:21 Thank you for your kind words. <3

Thank you for your kind words. <3


It's definitely obtuse, but that's kind of what I like about it. I think I inherently understand it more deeply than the average viewer because I'm into its themes and motifs generally, and so it almost feels like forbidden knowledge. =)


Loved the deeper discussion in this episode about the concepts of oblivion and exponential, technological evolution. I really enjoy when you guys dig into these deeper topics - that’s my shit

Richard Darling

This is what podcasts were made for. Outstanding.


I always respected this movie, but I never loved it. I find its visuals and aesthetic so incredible, and the subject matter is important. But the execution of the overall film, particularly the action and the last third of the film just don't do it for me. I'm happy it's spawned so much more cyberpunk titles and tbh I really love the sequel, 2049.

Nicholas Coso

Finally listened to this and your love for BSG and Interstellar made me realize you would love the show The Expanse!