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Capcom has been the victim of a massive external hack, and the group responsible is apparently holding the company for digital ransom. Yet, the beloved Japanese publisher and developer has reportedly refused to yield, and as such, a treasure trove of ill-begotten information has been dumped on the 'net, most of it irrelevant to our show. But amongst the details are a few trinkets we simply cannot ignore, including what appears to be the business' entire AAA release schedule through 2024. Let's talk about what we can, without giving too much credence to bad actors. Then: Spider-Man is apparently PlayStation's best-selling exclusive of all-time, IO Interactive is hard at work on a 007 game, Sony's stance on cross-gen gaming seemingly evolves yet again, Microsoft's CFO signals Bethesda support outside of Xbox, and more. Plus: Listener inquiries! What do we think of the nominees for The Game Awards? Why is Sony so seemingly hesitant to re-release many of its older titles? Will time be kind to the hype surrounding DualSense? How does Colin take care of his luxurious beard?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:06:58 - What does the future of CLS hold?
0:08:11 - PS5 gets it first post-release firmware update; DualSense now works on Steam.
0:13:01 - Could Twin Breaker get a PS5 update?
0:15:14 - What's going on with people getting the wrong PS5 console?
0:18:40 - Jim Ryan shoots down notion Sony wanted to charge more than $70 per game.
0:27:21 - Beard Talk.
0:28:34 - What have we been playing?
0:44:27 - Capcom gets victimized by massive hack.
0:54:59 - Insomniac's Spider-Man has apparently surpassed 20 million sold.
1:00:34 - IO Interactive is working on a 007 game.
1:04:49 - Jim Ryan explains Sony's evolving stance on cross-gen support.
1:16:41 - Xbox's CFO seemingly indicates Bethesda support outside of Microsoft.
1:22:34 - The Embracer Group purchases 13 new studios.
1:27:38 - There's more internal drama concerning Ubisoft.
1:29:45 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:31:30 - This week's new intriguing releases.
1:34:15 - Let's discuss some Game Awards nominees.
1:42:36 - What's with games media folks going into game dev?
1:48:13 - Is it time to do away with button-mashing QTEs?
1:52:07 - Why does Sony seem unwilling to re-release some older games?
1:56:44 - Will time be kind to the DualSense hype?
2:01:33 - Do we miss themes and folders on PlayStation 5?



Eric Bolella

Miles Morales is so fire at 4K60

Lou & Rei Loper

That's horrible about Capcom, a shame that there is still such scumbaggery out there like that.

Max Stahl

You guys really don't need to do another 2 hours per week, in my opinion. Keep up the great work!

Real Radec

Bloomberg got denied recently by Microsoft as well a few weeks ago. They taking massive Ls recently lmao.


Be careful with putting your ps5 in rest mode, I’ve been hearing about issues with it and yesterday I turned mine on from rest mode, started demon’s souls and about 5 minutes later the system crashed, had to rebuild both hard drives then started up to a black screen. I had to power it down from the button on the front and then unplug it, disconnect my external drive and it finally started up but then Demon’s Souls wouldn’t launch, I restored an old save that didn’t work, I cycled power that didn’t work, then I restored all my licenses and that somehow fixed it. I turned off all rest mode options for now... I was freaking out last night, be safe out there


I think the song you were thinking of is Big Punisher - "I Don't Wanna Be a Playa No More", if I remember correctly. Also, it's nice to finally know what 60FPS means.


Episode is great so far, up to the part where Colin pointed out the two Sony denials from Bloomberg and how they used to do that with Kotaku. All I'm saying is that Jason Schreier is the common denominator here.


The rap song colin is referring to is big pun "i dont wanna be a player"

Ramon Reveron

Hello C&C! As a Puerto Rican that lives in the Island and that recently completed Miles Morales I can say that many of the references like food, music, language and even the decorations in the apartment are spot on. They event included "pasteles" which this year are hard to find due to the pandemic. Great job Insomniac.

Will Hahn

Colin, that song you were thinking of but couldn’t name is called Still Not a Player by Big Punisher. Great song.

Mason M

There’s someone in common between Kotaku and Bloomberg, he’s annoying and his name rhymes with mine. Maybe there’s something there?

Jake Z

These repeated cross-gen conversations are becoming tedious. What are you expecting next-gen only games to be, Colin? It seems like you think they're going to be these magical things that we can't possibly imagine. Reminds me of the times you used to go on about wanting new ways to play. We got that with VR and you never use it. Next gen is the DualSense, 4k, HDR, ray tracing, higher frame rates, faster loading, further draw distance, more NPCs, and 3D audio that isn't noticeable out of a TV speaker. Ratchet and Clank is my favorite franchise and I'm really looking forward to the new one and the way it will use the PS5 SSD, but I'm not expecting it to be this revolutionization of video games. Not every PS5 game is gonna have you warping through dimensions. Games are a mature medium at this point and if you're not appreciating what's next-gen about next-gen now, I doubt you'll ever really feel it.


Hey, colin to address the resident evil hank. People speculate it might be a code name for a hunk. A spin-off game for a popular resident evil character maybe.

Ian (616Entertainment)

Couldn't possibly disagree more with Chris on the topic of Godfall. Saying he was "taken aback" with how bad the combat is, really? Really? I'm having blast with it. I'm not sure what you mean, Colin, with people complaining about the trophy list. I think the list is great. It encourages you to play with every type of weapon, it encourages exploring end game content, etc. I really don't get it.

Stephen Forgione

You and Micah should run through the new gears games! Always loved playing co-op gears 2 with my neighbor as a kid, and if I recall correctly, you haven’t played 4 or 5 yet.


Chris namedropping Croc 2 made my day. THANKS


The Capcom leak sucks for Capcom. I'm not sure why the marketing material wouldn't be discussed at mopre length in the show or why you feel bad for talking about it. Honestly the show often feels like you want to be marketed to and want to protect the PR/Marketing teams for companies. You'll often critique the hype leading up to a game more than you talk about the game and delve deep into it. When it came to PS5, the entire converstation building up to it was "I've pre-ordered them already but they're messing up the marketing" and proceeding to heavily sigh and complain their marketing wasn't sufficient enough to build your excitement. Colin, you've often said you're anti-hype in the industry, so why does it matter how things are marketed to you. Why does it matter? You complain they shouldn't have announced ES6 so early, because people will just ask them about it a lot... Ok? I worked in marketing for a AAA company, having people ask me about something isn't really bad, as long as people are interested and know about it. We made Game X and people wanted to know about Game Y a lot. It really isn't that big of a deal. It's more of a big deal to constantly hear about speculation in my opinion. Either way, my point here is that you're critiquing marketing all. the. time. I would love to see more spoilercasts about 3rd party games, or just more episodes focused on what works well and doesn't work in a game. You're basically a game designer now, and I never hear you talk about gameplay systems much. The most was "miles morales combat is better because of the L1 powerup" - that really doesn't inform me about anything as someone who hasn't played MM yet. Anyway, this comment sounds overly harsh, it's not intended that way, but I just want more games talk, less PR talk, less protection for a companies plans to try sell their stuff and more talk about the people who make the games and why certain things work/don't. I'm not sure why it matters what order trailers come out or information is revealed, what really matters is the information, not it's presentation. I buy almost all my games a year after they're out. They're cheaper and better, marketing passes me by and it's great! -Darren (sorry for text wall)


Can GearBox made a good fucking game that's not named Borderlands?


If Sony has issue with Kotaku and now Bloomberg, is this really issues with Jason Schrier? It seems like the beef started about the time he went over there.

Jake Z

Totally agree. It feels like most of what they do now is talk about which companies are up and which are down with very little talk about the actual games and their various merits and demerits.

Jake Z

Gearbox didn't make Godfall. They published it.

Real Radec

You see that the Chrysler tower got removed in Miles Morales because of copyright infringement?


There are all sorts of random issues afflicting people; I've not been grabbed yet by the rest mode bugs, though.


Yeah, I actually saw that and was wondering if it could even be a mistranslation, and that's what it ACTUALLY does say.


The Trophy issues are weird to me, because it seems like the exact kind of list I personally like.


We don’t deserve another episode?! How dare you sir. Haha, love it whenever you try some Spanish, Col. As a hispanic man myself, the representation in Miles hit me on a subconscious level. It was beautiful. Not just the hispanic representation either but they had many black characters, a lesbian couple, a deaf girl, it was just really beautiful. Maybe it’s cause I’m not a Hitman fan but I can easily think of a bunch of studios who could do James Bond better than IOI: any PS Studio that does 3rd person, Ready at Dawn, Respawn, any of the Ubisoft open world devs, Volition, etc. Really hoping TLoU2 sweeps most of those categories. If Ashley Johnson doesn’t win best performance though...

Brandon Soto

It’s a shame Godfall is a dud. Really did look promising after every trailer. Also being the first PS5 game announced, it’s disappointing. Will pick it up when it’s $20


Wait... folks got upset at the hosts of a PlayStation centric podcast for acquiring the newest PlayStation machine and talking about it, resulting in them dropping their patronage?! I’m embarrassed for them. What is the matter with my generation... should have been born 40 years ago 🤦🏽‍♂️

Oliver Johnson

I can’t say I agree with your read on GoW. What’s Jim Ryan supposed to say? “We’re supporting PS4” “So is God Of War coming to it?” “Oh uhhh.... no” I’m not saying it isn’t possible but it can very easily be read both ways. He’s clearly talking about Horizon in the interview, I imagine there’s literally nothing to say yet with God Of War.

Brandon Soto

I think God of War: Ragnarok does come to PS4. I’m pretty sure it was developed as a PS4 game like Miles, Sackboy, Horizon 2. And to your point, where are the PS5 games, Sony? Resistance 4 maybe? (But even that might run on PS4 too.)

Chris B

Hearing the comments about first party cross-gen games, it reminded me of the film industry. They keep releasing films on old Blu-ray instead of only 4K, when we have had 4K players for years now.


Not being a fan of Bethesda games (too buggy) but as someone who has knowledge of SEC policies I guarantee you that Bethesda will be going Xbox Exclusively for all releases beyond Ghost Wire and Deathloop. Microsoft will announce this when, and only when, all ink has dried on the deal.


Or...Microsoft will bring Bethesda to PlayStation when Sony allows Game Pass on their console. Putting the onus on Sony. It’s a smart play.


The reason you lost paterons could be just so people can hide themselves from any ps5 info till they get one then they will be back, i unsubscribed from all youtube channles even mentioning ps5 so i can experiance it when they are finally avalible again but your show is the exception as it is just too good and must watch[hear] to miss out !!!

Samuel Zamora

That Outbreak listing better be true!

Joe B

Colin: "Bethesda games will come day and date to PS5." Xbox Exec: "Games will be FIRST, better, or best on Xbox." Colin: "CoLIn wAS RiGhT" Their not doing what you said Colin.


I didn't say their games would come day-and-date to PS5. I said Elder Scrolls VI and Starfield would.


Does anyone else prefer the duo over the trio...?

Fotis Lyto

The thing that Bloomberg and kotaku have in common is Jason, maybe that is the reason they treat them similarly.

Hoder Erroneus Jensen

I think Colin and Chris are being a bit hard on IOI :) "They have no idea what the game is, since they are hiring" - Or maybe the concept and gameplay loop is defined, and they are hiring artists and coders. "It's Hitman with a James Bond skin". Why would it be that? Because a game studio has produced games from the same series in a row, doesn't many every other game they make forward on, is the same formula. Eg. Sucker Punch Productions, Insomniac Game, Guerrilla Games, Crystal Dynamics (though they properly should have stayed with Lara :-D ) and so on. I personally couldn't think of a better company then IOI to do a James Bond game and when they are giving license to do an official origin story, that tells me they have something interesting.


I don't intend to come off as hard on IO at all; quite the opposite, I thought I praised them!

Jonathon H

CLS getting a shoutout on The Punk Rock MBA was an unexpected start to my day.