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The ocean is a mysterious and even scary place, but in Disney's 1989 classic animated film The Little Mermaid, it's pretty damn awesome. That's what makes protagonist Ariel's insistence on leaving her home waters for the world above so confounding... that is until she falls in love and finds the perfect excuse to live her dream. The Little Mermaid was the first film in the so-called Disney Renaissance of the '80s and '90s, and it still holds up wonderfully these few decades later. So let's examine Ariel's story, the history behind it, and the gorgeous animation that may just convince you to remain Under the Sea, even if you like your oxygen in gaseous form.



Kyle Larson

about to start the episode... are the underwater castle penises discussed 🤔

Lou & Rei Loper

Part of your world is the greatest Disney song ever...fight me!!! (can't wait to listen to this one, my wife still giggles at how excited I get when that song comes on haha)

Rey Leija

I wouldn't say I'm enjoying what's going on, but work wise it's become way more enjoyable. I work for Coca Cola and service different stores in a general area. With the stay at home order it's almost calming to take care of business everyday. I think the fact that my day hasn't changed much at all except for dealing with less people keeps me relatively calm.

Tony Rivera

This is bittersweet for sure.. I literally watched this movie on Monday evening with my girlfriend. It’s her favorite movie and we watched it in 3D. When the credits rolled I literally talked about Knockback and wondered if you guys had ever done this movie because the animation is so advanced for its time. Last night, we broke things off in a civil way but it still hurts. Now seeing this post is both a joy and a dagger in my heart. In time, I’ll listen to it. Love you both. Stay safe and healthy.

Red Head Redemption

Wow, that epilogue was the most heart warming thing I’ve ever listened to. Thanks for lifting up my spirits as i get off my 14 hour work night at Raleys, guys. I don’t know how I could cope without you guys.


Thanks, it was a pretty nostalgic episode! Not sure if you both will be covering Animaniacs in the future but it was fascinating to learn that the live-action performer for Ariel was Sherri Stoner who voiced Slappy Squirrel in the show. There are some clips of the footage that animators used as a reference.


Loved the additional content at the end! You guys are spreading tons of positivity, which is something the world really needs right now. Thank you and the CLS family (and their families) for continuing to provide us all with the good vibes, exceptional entertainment, intriguing information amidst these crazy times. Please stay safe, healthy, and well. We’re here for you as you are for us!


It’s called Dave’s Killer Bread because they hire ex-cons to give them jobs after prison. It’s actually pretty admirable what that company does.

Caleb Greer

See, gentlemen, this is why we need Dagan to talk about Avatar: The Last Airbender ;)


Interesting! I'm sure we'll do Animaniacs; that's actually a show Dagan and I loved to watch together.

Joey Rawlings

During the episode, you and Dagan pondered if there was anyone that wasn't too affected or benefiting from the pandemic. I'm one of those very few people, so let me explain. My wife and I work for a public school system with an hour commute each way, her as a teacher in elementary school and myself in IT. Our 3-year-old is in full-time daycare in the tune of $214/week, our 5-year-old attends elementary school with before-and-after care to the tune of ~$75/week, and both have been ill off and on with allergy issues and whatever floats around schools and daycares. With the pandemic, our workloads are exponentially less and both able to work remotely from home. The 3-year-old's daycare is a non-profit, so they are closed for as long as the state of emergency lasts. Between 2 vehicles not driving 40-50 miles a day, a less stressful professional life, the lack of one kid in daycare and completely healthy kids, we are saving hundreds of dollars a week while still earning our normal wages. We still have the same functional issues of worrying about food, supplies, and such, but the lack of a 'rat race' is mentally wonderful. Both of us being at home gives us the ability to work, but gives us more personal time and more focus on our kids' health, education, and entertainment. Here's to hoping that someone else is finding the silver lining in this historic time.

Charlie Church

Dagan’s passion on this subject is amazing. In these trying times I need more Dagan. Thank you all of CLS

It’s only Eric

Did Dagan know that The Black Cauldron was based on a book by Lloyd Alexander? It’s a part of a series; The Chronicles of Prydain. Not trying to be snarky or anything but he mentioned it along with Tolkien and it’s not a far flung comparison to make. The series was written for children, but hits on some very adult themes. I’d recommend it for him, especially if he’s ever one to read to his kiddos.

Joe McPartlin

Awesome cameo at the end 👍🏽

Ryan Murdoch

Great episode, cheers lads.

Jack Sibert

Love the Disney animation episodes. Dagan really gets a chance to display his expertise and Colin has great questions

Will Hahn

Okay, this episode was great, but that cameo at the end was awesome! What a wonderful singing voice. :)

Reuben Barrett

Hearing Dagan talk about animation and the history of disney during the 70s and 80s was so interesting. I honestly had no idea they went through all that.

Jake Woods

Bruh can we please get an emporers new groove episode?


60 seconds in and, I love it! Haha. All I want to know now is... what did you think of Frozen? An episode on 1&2, and even the short films because they are fantastic as well. Would be enlightening I’m sure ;)

Kevin Tuber

Love that movie. Nice outro. Those songs are so good, so memorable. I used to play the soundtrack as a kid. Actually I remember listening to some of the songs while driving the night shift on tour with my old band to keep things light and have a silly sing along.


Great episode! Ursula’s great, but she’s no Maleficent! For me, no Disney villain is going to beat Maleficent!


Personally I've been highly enjoying being forced to stay home as a 24 years old who's school semester ended early and my work hasn't been open since March. I've just been doing what I love most...Playing video games all day :') In a selfish way this has always been my dream scenario minus the death part lmao

Trevor Deal

Not to be that guy but Flounder is not a flounder. Flounder are a flat fish with eyes on one side of its body and they swim flat like a string ray. I used to go flounder gigging (a way to fish them). They are actually ugly freaks and proof god is not real haha.