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When Nickelodeon launched its original Nicktoons lineup in the late summer of 1991, it did so with an eclectic collection of three shows. You had the young adult-friendly Doug, Rugrats for the younger viewers, and The Ren & Stimpy Show for... well... for some other strange reason. For four years, from '91 until 1995, only 52 episodes of Ren & Stimpy would be produced and aired, but the misadventures of the Odd Couple-like cat and dog duo enraptured cartoon fans around the world with its absurd characters, heinous humor, and completely bizarre aesthetic. But where did it come from? Who made it, anyway, and why? And where has it gone these last two-plus decades? Let's jump in and find out. And then, when we're done, I'll teach you to be happy. I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs!




This show used to bug me out in the most wonderful way.


Space madness!

Tony Rivera

Lmao!! Little creatures of nature.. they don’t know that their ugly! This is so great- can’t wait to listen. I remember I bought a Ren and Stimpy video game back on Super Nintendo. Oh man, brings back memories. Also, what is your take on the modern Mickey Mouse cartoons that have the same style as Ren and Stimpy? They are freaky as hell!

Barry M. Johnson

I'm enjoying this intro about about bathroom accidents far too much XD

Duncan Leishman

So many great episodes. The Shaving Yak and 'Don't Wizz on the electric fence' are highlights. I can barely keep up with all this content Colin but keep it coming please.

Julian Woodrum

Can't wait to listen to this. This was my favorite cartoon as a kid. Although looking back at it as an adult now, it was a very bizarre show.

Mason Bechard

I remember watching the Rugrats when I was younger, and afterwards Ren & Stimpy aired. As a six-year-old, I immediately thought it was an adult cartoon (akin to Robot Chicken or Futurama), so I clumsily looked for the remote, in fear of my parents’ reaction. To this day, I have not watched an (entire) episode of the show. Maybe this episode of Knockback will renew my interest.

Korey Burns

Dagan mentioned John K. disappearing from Instagram for awhile. It might have had something to do with his failed Kickstarter. I had the misfortune of backing it off the strength of my nostalgia for the show. Had I done any research, I would have known that he is known for missing deadlines (hence why he was let go in the first place). With the recent stuff coming out about him and grooming young girls, I'll chalk it up as a project I don't care to see get finished ever. Great show that I remember fondly, but sometimes it's best not to meet your heroes. <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1056985656/john-ks-cans-without-labels" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1056985656/john-ks-cans-without-labels</a>

Jimmy Champane

I forgot all about the Happy Happy Joy Joy song until you guys mentioned it and I keep watching it on YouTube at my desk. Great episode, dudes!

Tony Rivera

I already commented on this thread but I have to say, guys- I have never laughed so hard at a podcast. Colin, your story of shitting your pants had me in tears man. 🤣 and that is why I support your shows. Your candid honesty is genuine. Lol Cheers to the best brothers on podcasts 🍻


I am eager to listen to this tomorrow. I have very vivid memories of growing up in a split house with divorced parents. Early 90s, my mother hardly allowed us to watch TV and certainly did not pay for cable. We had a total of 5 channels from our antenna (6 if the weather was right). Going to my father's house in New Hampshire meant I could watch all the cable TV I wanted and I was obsessed with Ren and Stimpy. My mom never would have allowed this show, but being able to bask in all the lewdness and crude humor was a delight for a young boy is the early 90s. This show, as well as Beavis and Butthead, let me fantasize a rebellious boyhood and stick it to my mom just a little bit.

Tanner Brant

That's the funniest intro to a podcast I've ever heard. Truth or Dare but Truth is a keeper


Me: sits down at 6am, prepares food and tea, starts breakfast and puts Knockback on Colin: I shit my pants in 2015 Dagan: Wow, well I'm not gonna ask about this... Colin: Well let me tell you about it 😂😂😂

Kenny Gutzler

Legit laughed out loud at the Truth or Dare but Truth intro - it could have ended after 13 mins and been good. Alright, onto the rest of the podcast... Legit times I've had to get off a random MTA stop in NYC and run up above just to hope there is somewhere that will allow anyone to use their restrooms. The myth that there is a Starbucks on every corner would have been welcomed a few times...

Fred Bence

As someone who grew up drawing every cartoon I could watch, I could listen to Dagan talk about animation forever. So insightful

Cameron O'Neill

Well if you are ever in Seattle, there are actually Starbucks on every corner lol. Starbucks have saved my ass multiple times, no pun intended.

Ian (616Entertainment)

So many of the shows that I would never think “hey I want to hear a podcast about this” end up being some of the most interesting. My memories of R&amp;S are very blurry. I know I watched it here and there as a kid, and like most, I think my most vivid memories are of the voices and the fucked up zooms and close ups. Dagan is dropping some hardcore knowledge on me here and I’m loving it. Great show, guys.


I always enjoy hearing Dagan talk about animation so I really enjoyed this. I really hope you guys do one on Doug and Rugrats as well!

Austin Ashworth

This relevant video essay on the unique animation behind the show is definitely worth a watch! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmJrvzyEwWc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmJrvzyEwWc</a>


I was surprised my parents let me watch it (I was seven when it came out), but since I watched it with Dagan, they didn't seem to have a problem. The only shows my dad ever had a problem with, strangely, were Beavis and Butthead and South Park. My mom never cared.


It's funny you bring up Beavis and Butthead; I just mentioned that to a poster above as a show my dad in particular took issue with me watching.

Reuben Barrett

This was an awesome episode. I hope we get a Hey Arnold episode one day as well 😁

Jason Bolla

What an intro, perfect for the episode. Very relatable ;)


Chances are we'd fold Hey Arnold into a more general Nicktoons podcast, but you never know!


I went to highschool were a “person” was infamous for pooping on their partners chest. Thanks for bringing back that memory. Poop stories are as Americana as baseball and apple pie. Another Great episode! ( also I feel the need to clarify that I’m not that “person” lol)


Man I love Dagan. You guys have been killing it. Love hearing the old family stories.

Trent Miller

Such a good episode. I love hearing Dagan talk about animation. Also, Colin, your poop story had me in tears! 😂 Some very unfortunate luck for you on that one.

Michael Candelaria

Great episode guys, Dagan is such a breath of fresh air when I comes to listening to podcasts. I listen to a shit load of them as well as participate in one and I gotta say what you and Dagan, as well as everyone you have on your shows really do change the mold. Keep it up guys.


Such a good dive into one of the most memorable shows of my childhood. Ren &amp; Stimpy made me both laugh incessantly and feel completely weirded out as a kid. So strange, but so good.

Joseph Ady

I see it as four shows. Rocco's modern life was a big deal to me.


Arguably the greatest thing that’s come out of Cleveland


It's interesting that, even as young people, we knew we were watching something totally offbeat.

Kenneth thomas

I grew up on Red and Stimpy it was my dad's favorite show ever. I'm not sure enough people would vote for it but I'd love to hear you talk about the Howard Stern show sometime. I submitted a question on KF one time asking if you'd stay on the air during a terrorist attack like Howard did on 9/11 and it seemed like you weren't aware he did that, if that's the case I strongly suggest you go listen to that broadcast it's fascinating.


I'm a huge fan of Howard Stern (Erin and I have spent many a late night watching/listening to old clips). I'd love to do that, but I don't know that Dagan was/is a listener. I need to ask. (The 9/11 episode is obviously historic; heard it several times.)

Kenneth thomas

Right on, I thought back when you answered my question on a KF morning show you were saying you weren't aware he stayed on the air during 9/11 maybe I'm misremembering that and it was greg who said that idk. But yeah it's a shame that lots of people have a tainted perception of him and miss out on what is basically one of the greatest, (and maybe even first?) reality shows of all time.