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Celebrating the Holidays With Super Mario World -- CLS Let's Play

The Holidays draw near, so why not celebrate with a fun Let's Play for one of the best games of all-time? Let's relax, chat, and take in this wonderful time of year with everyone's very favorite plumber. (Wacky hijinks ensue.) All footage was captured by CLS on a SNES Classic (720p60). Listen to Sacred Symbols, CLS' PlayStation podcast (also available on podcast services and here on YouTube): https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/STU5682506591 Listen to the CLS interview podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: Fireside Chats (also available on podcast services): https://soundcloud.com/colinslaststand Listen to the CLS retro podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://soundcloud.com/clsknockback Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406



The best side scrolling Mario game ever.

Forrest Hunter

Hope you're having a great time, Colin. I really love these videos and appreciate you having them ready to go during your vacation. I posted on this video on YouTube that it's akin to leaving the TV on for your puppy when you aren't home and it does me well!


Really enjoyed this and yes it would be great to see you do full let's plays using your old guides you wrote!

Kevin Rood

Super Mario World will always have a special place in my heart. My Dad died in 1994 when I was 9. This was the one video game my Dad and I played together and bonded over. He was not particularly good at videogames by any means, but he was good at this one and was incredibly skilled with the cape. He could fly across an entire level. To this day I haven't been able to master what he could.

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Loving these Let’s plays! It’s just really nice and entertaining to watch. Would be cool to see some full games done like you mention. I think it also could be a lot of fun to see you and Chris play something together, like you and Dagan did. More let’s plays are great however it’s done! Have a great holiday, Colin.


Really love these old Lets Plays. I'm not sure what you think of this, but it seems to me that there is a new growing interest for older games. In my opinion, the AAA gaming market is really struggling to innovate in a landscape that rewards repetitive multiplayer hooks and micro transactions. Personally, I'm finding it tougher and tougher to pay 80$ (I'm Canadian) for these types of experiences when going back to my nostalgic roots has been even more rewarding at a fraction of the price. Am I the only one who has been increasingly feeling this way? Is a Retro game Renaissance imminent?

Craig Carter

That Lets Play idea using your old guides... please, yes! I’d love to watch those.


Man, as a little kid I played this game over and over again. Getting the "Super Mario All Stars" cartridge with this game on it as a little kid was MIND BLOWING. This game, Metal Gear Solid, Goldeneye/Perfect Dark, the Donkey Kong Trilogy (which doesn't get any love), Diddy Kong Racing, and Crash Team Racing are the games I think back on most fondly. Probably because I played most of them with my best friend growing up or solo the most. I wasn't into RPGs as a kid and grew up without a lot of money and buying a lot of games or renting games wasn't something that my family did.

Aaron Treble

Comfort food for the gaming soul. Can't wait to dig into this one. Have a happy and relaxing Holiday season with Erin and Lola and the fam back in LI, Col. You should be proud of what you've created for yourself and for us, your audience, with CLS. We all have something great here. It has been a journey to get to this place, but it's that much sweeter having taken the long road and walked it (quoting The Music) and watching the garden grow while the fruits of your labor turn out even better than we all had hoped for you, and for us (this is as pure, honest and genuine and as a mutually generous transaction ever could be on Patreon). Things feel solid/sturdy in the foundation. You can lean on it and not worry about it giving way on you. That's what you want in these things. "I'm doing what I do, the way I've always done it, and the way I'll always do it" - Kramer Anyways, we all appreciate the time and work you and your team (Erin, Lola, Chris) have done this year, and look forward to all the wonderful things future holds for you guys. Get some well earned R&R, mate. And thank you. (No need to write back - go enjoy your time off, re-fill the well, and get ready to bookend another decade. 2019. here we come!)

Chad Lewis

For the love of god why can’t I play this on switch!?!?


I got my girlfriend a SNES Classic for Christmas (she loves older games), but secretly I'm super excited to play it too. Specifically this game. I had a Super Nintendo as a kid but it got stolen when I was in 4th grade and was never replaced.

Ian (616Entertainment)

You know what’s funny, Colin? I don’t like let’s plays. Why would I watch someone play a game when I can just play it myself? That said, I’m always so happy when you upload a let’s play, because A) it’s my fix for CLS content, B) you play better than almost anybody, C) I know you’re going to show me some shit I didn’t know, and D) your commentary is always excellent. Great stories, hilarious meltdowns if shit gets too heavy, I love it. I would be so excited if you decided to follow through on that entire play-through series you were thinking about doing. I’d watch every episode. Thanks for keeping the content flowing even while you’re on vacation. One more reason you’re the best. Have a good one!

Joseph Ady

I think I am the only one of my friends not to pick up a classic console yet. I'm just too obsessed with trophies, even though I am not really trophy hunting at all right now.

Brandon Soto

Do Altered Beast next. 😂


If it makes you feel better - not only have I not picked up a classic console... I don't plan to and may even be actively, philosophically opposed to them.


I actually really dislike trophies. I feel like they incentivize me to do things that aren't enjoyable. If you're trophy hunting and end up doing a bunch of stuff that you wouldn't have otherwise wanted to do, then is it really worth it? If the trophies are for fun things that you would want to do anyways, then what's the point of them? Maybe to point you towards some fun part of the game that isn't obvious when you're playing through it, but couldn't that be addressed through better game design? Maybe some people like the competitive nature of it and showing off their plats. I can see how that would be appealing, but personally it doesn't draw me in at all.

Joshua Chap

I built 2 Retro pies with custom 3D printed cases with 1000's of games and I barely touch it over the years. As fun as I enjoyed those games when I was younger, I just don't have the patience or time to play through most of them.

Joseph Ady

It's just fun to see a reward pop up. I don't go out of my way to platinum anymore, except Spiderman.