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Today, Dr. Greg Jackson -- professor of history at Utah Valley University and host of the wonderful podcast History That Doesn't Suck -- makes his valiant return to the show. I'm excited to have him here, because I wanted to pick his brain about one thing in particular: National division. The political rhetoric and behavior on display in contemporary America suggests that the US is being pulled apart at the seams, and I was curious if Dr. Jackson agreed. We delve deep into history and pull useful anecdotes and stories that indicate that while our heated nature is very real, it's certainly nothing new. Forget the Civil War. Just ask the Founders, instead.



Michael Schofield (making Audio Dramas)

I jumped on the HIstory That Doesn't Suck bandwagon the last time Greg Jackson was on Fireside Chats and damn, if you guys aren't listening to it, it's great.

James Galos

I’m not sure if I’m the only one who is excited about the history podcast as I am about video game ones. These are fantastic!

Will Caldwell

Sipping coffee out of my History that Doesn't Suck mug as we speak


Man I wish you guys collaborated more often...like once a week.

Everyday Patrick

I have nothing original to say, but I always enjoy your historically-oriented content

Jason Stafford

I like this guy. He seems like such a good dude.

Erik Peterson

Loved him last time and will have to hop on the history doesnt suck bandwagon as well.

Nick DeBoer

Great discussion again! His history pod is great as well!

BettyAnn Moriarty

I loved this podcast! Learning history from ‘stories ‘ is awesome and makes the information relatable. But I have two college stories: I had a young professor that told ya that we could call him Jon. All the students did this except me. He spoke to me about it one day and, like you, Col, I couldn’t do it. I explained that calling him professor came from a place of respect (to me) fir what he had accomplished. And it drive me nuts when I’d hear students in class saying ‘yo, Jon’. I was like, really?! 😳🙄😂 One more anecdotal story: One if my history profs, that I adored, gave us a take home/open book final. Everyone was thrilled. We needed to answer only 4 of 9 questions - And had about 5 days to do this. That test took me 14 hours to write! It took a friend of mine 13 and another classmate 9. But it turned out that we were the only 3 earning A’s in both the exam and in the course. That test was one if the most difficult finals I’ve ever taken - because I knew that the information I wrote better be correct. Yikes! 😉

Will Caldwell

Love me some video games but hearing two of my fav podcasters talking history for a hour and a half is a good way to start the day :) Excellent episode

Will Caldwell

Would love that but geographically guessing not realistic. I'd go for a biannual or quarterly :)

Will Caldwell

<a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y6CUQ2-uGU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y6CUQ2-uGU</a> his Office Hours on YouTube is pretty entertaining


Mate I'm gonna say it just once - what a GREAT fucking episode! Really appreciate it and you just can't stop winning me over Colin. Amazing - thank you!

Jordan Gagliano

Wow Collin, great job on this one. Literally my favorite podcast so far.'


Nice stories, ma! Reminds me of one of my higher end Colonial America classes at NU where the only two grades were the midterm and final, and the final had seven questions, of which you had to answer three. And I went through the first four in order and had no fucking idea what the answers were, and then was saved by grace by knowing the last three.


Amazing episode! It’s crazy to think that this episode (and the previous one) happened. I told Greg before the first time on CLS that it would be an amazing collaboration, and it was. Great stuff Colin, as always.

Peter Campbell

I really enjoyed this podcast. He is a terrific talker and I love hearing about history. As you pushed West Wing to him, I am pushing Yes Minister to you. If you want to know European politics, this wonderful comedy gives you all you need to know about the attitudes involved (even though it was made in the 1980's).

Andrew Christensen

My friend had this guy a a professor. We were listening to it in the car, and he couldn't believe it 😂😂

Christopher Toffolo

Colin, fantastic episode. I could listen to you guys talk history for hours. I'm going to give Dr. J's podcast a listen. Hope you and yours are having a great holiday!

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 11:56:54 Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the show! &lt;3
2018-12-30 23:01:43 Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the show! <3

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the show! <3


I fall behind every so often, so I'm a bit late to the party. I just wanted to say this was an excellent episode.