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Hey All!

I hope that this posting finds you and yours very well.

It's that time! I'm pleased to reveal the next 9 topics that will be covered on CLS: KnockBack. Dagan and I will be recording this wave between December 6th and December 10th in Philadelphia, and we're stoked to reconvene.

Here's what we're thinking, topic-wise. Episode numbers are tentative, and don't necessarily reflect the order in which the episodes will be published.

Episode 45: Holiday Memories
Episode 46: Metal Gear Solid
Episode 47: The Goonies
Episode 48: The Ren & Stimpy Show
Episode 49: The Karate Kid
Episode 50: Don Bluth
Episode 51: Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3
Episode 52: Childhood Pets
Episode 53: Shopping Malls of the '80s and '90s*

* - This is a Patron-selected topic.

It's entirely possible we do a yet-undetermined tenth topic, but we're not certain we're going to have the time. We're getting back together in Philly in December, though, so there's no need to cram too much in.

Okay, so now that the topics have been established, it's time for you to participate as much as or as little as you'd like! In the comments below, leave your thoughts, memories, questions, comments, concerns, or whatever else about one, two, or more (or all!) of the topics given. Just make sure to clearly identify what subject you're talking about. We'll then use your postings on the episodes we record... it's that simple!

Remember: Your collective level of participation in KnockBack is totally up to you... so if you can/want to, please take the time to participate! It makes the shows better and more dynamic, I think. =)

Thank you, as always, for your support. -Colin

P.S. This wave should completely catch us up on fan-chosen topics, except the one that most recently won (in the recent tiebreaker, no less): PlayStation 2. Expect that in Wave VII.



Joey Finelli

Best place to eat in the mall? Hot dog on a stick was our go to in the early 90s.

Michael Choueiri

Hey guys i love the show and you both are doing amazing work my memory/question is for the Metal Gear Solid topic. Mgs2 is the first game i played that made me feel scared/excited/pumped in a way other games couldnt. My question do you think the games matched Hideo Kojimas ambition thank you for all the amazing work you do.


SHOPPING MALLS: not so much a question just a comment. My dad use to be General Manager for many malls. He helped open them and everything. I remember clearly around Christmas time staying super late in the shopping malls to help set up the entire mall with decorations. I had to be about 8, so I’d invite my friends and we would play tag and hide and seek throughout these giant malls. So.much. Fun!

Marc Boggio

Press F for MGS ☺️ Tap circle to resist torture


When talking about Don Bluth, please discuss the influence of Creed’s “Higher” in the promotion of Titan A.E.


MGS fuck yeah

Brian Borlaug

Hey guys, great podcast. My memories of the Mario Bros. Trilogy are very vivid. They were a big reason why I fell in love with gaming. I remember with the first one our parents bought the action set and gave it to us on my brothers birthday, making sure we knew it was a family gift. That day is still the only day my parents have ever played games with us and I'll love it forever. Mario 2 I was slightly confused by, less so now knowing what it is, but I still had a ton of fun playing it and using peach because she floats, ridiculous power... Mario 3 is absolutely the Pinnacle of the 3 because of what it did. So many worlds and power ups. My best memory is when my mother gave me a game genie and I used it to play the entire game in the hammer Bros suit and then also in the karibo (sp?) boot. Man what a series of games and I play every new title day 1 and still find something to love. Keep up the good work guys!


Metal Gear Solid: I still remember playing this game for the fiest time. I lived with my mom and had a nintendo sixty four and had never been exposed to a Playstation. I went and visited my dad and he had just bought one with a few games and this was one of them. I remember playing it and being totally blown away. It was unlike anything I had ever played before. Still to this day it's one of my favourite games I've ever played and I think it helped push gaming forward at a time when it needed the most. The psycho mantis fight alone is perhaps my favorite gaming moment of all time. Malls of the 80s and 90s: As a Canadian I always have fond memories of Eb games (Canada's Gamestop) and everything that came with it. What I find the most crazy was remembering the numerous electronic, music and video stores and now there is just a fraction of those remaining in Canada with Eb Games somehow still surviving. My question though, as a child did you ever get lost in the mall? I still remember one time getting lost and absouletly panicking. Worst five minutes of my life until a security guard found me and brought me to my irate parents for wandering off.

Brian Dewire

The Goonies is a hell of a movie and I can't understand/relate to people who either haven't seen it or think it sucks. Also, you guys gotta talk about Anastasia when you hit Don Bluth (it's the most Disney non-Disney movie and is still really damn good).

Riley Brewer

Karate Kid Hey guys! Amazing show, one of the highlights of my week. As east coast natives did watching Karate Kid invoke any feelings or desires for either of you to follow Young Daniel-San and take up karate? Also can you guys confirm that The Karate Kid is a sports movie? It’s been a question of debate I’ve seen.

Michael Steinmetz

Holiday memories: I remember the thought of getting up on the roof to help my dad put up Christmas lights was the coolest thing as a kid. When I was probably in 5th grade my dad started letting me get up and help him. By the time high school rolled around, I was putting them up by myself. I'm 33 now and to this day when I go home for Thanksgiving, my parents ask me to get on the roof and put up the lights. In hindsight, this may have been a long con by my dad to get out of some work. But I really love decorating the house and putting up lights. Did the Moriartys go all out for Christmas lights, or were y'all a bunch of grinches?

Adam Niksch

Super Mario Bros Have either of you ever seen the meme that basically said if you saw Luigi more than Mario as a kid, you were the younger brother? I was that older brother. I never let my younger brother play as Mario and also wouldn’t let him play 1 player games with me. As a result of this, Super Mario Bros. 2 was not allowed in our house, on the count of it being 1 player. We did get away with renting it once or twice, but that just reaffirmed in my parents’ eyes that it was a no go. Thank god for the GBA port, otherwise I’m not sure I’d have ever finished the game!

Tony Colton

Fuck yeah.... Metal Gear, The Goonies, Karate Kid & Mario Bros.... This list rules!!

Brandon Hardman

Metal Gear Solid: Who would be your choice to play Solid Snake if there was ever a Metal Gear Movie? Holiday Memories: Was there anything you hated about the holidays as a kid that you now enjoy as an adult (or vice versa)?

James Galos

My GF is much younger than me and I have introduced her to knockback so she understands why I like all these “old things” haha

Brian Dewire

Weathered is a great album and I don't care if anyone hates me for it.

Tyson Williams

Childhood Pets: I had a Boston Terrier before you bitch, Izzy is better

Riley Brewer

Goonies I watched Goonies sometime in late 90s and what always confused me about the movie was that there seemed to be this rich history with the gang, that’s just unexplored in any other medium. I felt like I was watching the sequel to some movie or comic that explained the gang coming together. Looking back now I think it adds to the film as it’s this one and done adventure. Did this bother any of you while watching it for the first time?


Holiday Memories: Hey Dagan and Colin, hope you guys are having a wonderful winter season. Not sure if this episode will get published before the actual day, but this year will be my first Christmas as a child of divorce. I’m 18 so I’m good, but just wondering if you guys have any advice/funny stories about how you dealt with this situation.

Tyson Williams

Karate Kid: is the shit, one of my all time favorites, also Cobra Kai, the YouTube Red series is an awesome continuation of the story, certainly not perfect but great

Matthew Mendillo

Ah I remember first playing Metal Gear Solid. I was introduced through Silicon Knights revamp of the game. I had seen reviews for it on what must have been Tech TV at the time. Being a huge James Bond fan and a love of military games/books/video games, it seemed like a perfect mesh of ridiculous over the top nonsense in a real enough world. I loved it. The series had me hooked from that point. It felt so different to me and I honestly can’t put my finger on what made it so different. What do you guys think set this game apart from the pack to make it the icon it is?

Marcus Brown

Hi Colin and Dagan, I hope you both are having a great day. What is there not to say about the iconic film The Goonies that hasn't already been said. Therefore I have a memory instead about this film. As a child I was very chubby so my mom would always call me Chunk and if I ever wanted something I would have to do the Truffle Shuffle first. At first it was embarrassing but after awhile I would embrace it and even did it better then that kid. I can't do it anymore but I look forward to tormenting my future kids with it.

Joey Gondhalekar

Metal Gear Solid: Hey guys! What is your preferred version of Metal Gear Solid? I’m impartial to the first one because of the superior script and grounded (at least compared twin snakes) action scenes. Plus I love potato snake! Thanks!


Fellas, this list has me so excited. Two comments/questions: The Karate Kid: This movie heavily influenced me as a kid. It got me into martial arts in the early 90s which later turned into a life-long love of brazilian jiu jitsu after seeing the first UFC at the age of 12 with my Mom's boyfriend. A few questions/comments: Did you happen to catch the YouTube series this year and if so, thoughts? I found it surprisingly enjoyable. Also, the How I Met Your Mother spin on Johnny being the good guy is amazing. I can't say enough about my love for this movie, the soundtrack, Pat Morita's performance (including the dark turn regarding his wife being incarcerated at Manzanar) are all phenomenal. Mario Bros: Unpopular opinion, while I fully recognize the brilliance of SMB3 -- I like SMB2 more as I age. It's just so damn unique. Also, please address the reveal of SMB3 in The Wizard. Thank you for all you do!

Marcus Brown

Movies have always had an impact on me as a child. So after seeing The Karate Kid you could say bullies weren't an issue anymore. This was beyond an underdog story for me but an educational lesson as well. I learned heart, determination, and how to Wax On-Wax Off through chores. This was Rocky for the youth and it will always be a classic. And let's be honest, Johnny was the victim lol. STRIKE FIRST/STRIKE HARD/NO MERCY.


Metal Gear Solid: Holy fucking shit. I remember so vividly the stunned awe I felt playing the demo (it came alongside ISS Pro 98 in Scotland). Has their even been such a quantum leap in what's possible in gaming either before or since?


Holiday Memories: As a kid Christmas was always so exciting because I would get a new video game or new console. I still remember my parent's and grandparents would try and trick us by wrapping the games or console in a box that wasn't the right size. The one year we all got Gameboy Colors, but my parents wrapped some sweatshirts in a box and gave us those until revealing the actual presents after a few minutes of genuine horror from us.

Sean Mason

Holiday Memories: Hey Guys (Dagan's voice) When I think of Holiday Memories, the Christmas season is the thing that comes to mind. Ever since I remember (I'm 23), my family has hosted our annual family Christmas Eve party. It's full of great food, fun, and family. The night usually consists of Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Trivial Pursuit, a Yankee Swap (which has only become funnier as we've all aged), writing letters to Santa (for the younger ones) and my Cousin Michale reminding my grandma that Jesus wasn't actually born on Christmas (much to her diagram). Growing up, did the Moriarty family have a Christmas party? If so, what sort of activities did it entail? Thanks, guys, keep up the tremendous work! Metal Gear Solid: Hey Colin and Dagan! MGS was one of the first PS1 games I saw running. My four-year-old mind was blown away by the fantastic graphics. I thought I was watching a movie. I'll never forget my dad telling me "don't tell your mother I'm letting you watch." When my father finally reached disk two, he let me stay up well past my bedtime to watch him finish the game. It's memories like that that have made me a lifelong gamer. How influential do you think Metal Gear Solid was to the success of the PlayStation? Love the show, keep up the fantastic work. Super Mario Bros 1, 2, and 3: Oh boy where to begin. One of my first memories is watching my older sister and father embark on the journey that was Super Mario Bros. on the NES. I'll never forget the feeling of excitement I had each time they reached a castle, only to be even more excited whenever "the mushroom dude" said the princess is another a castle. As a child I thought that game was never-ending, it wasn't till a few years later when I played the game on my own did I realize the game consisted of just 32 levels. Do you remember the first time you saw Super Mario Bros.? What did you think of it? Thanks, guys, your entertaining banter keeps me going every week!


The Ren and Stimpy Show: I can't believe I was allowed to watch this as a little kid with all the violence and gross humor, but I benefited obviously and how could you not remember the song happy happy joy joy.

Forrest Hunter

Metal Gear Solid showed me what the future of entertainment was going to be. I rented the game on a snowy Friday in Connecticut, beat it on Saturday, and strong-armed my parents in allowing me to do enough chores to buy it on Sunday. I had never experienced anything like it before and the game was a revelation.


Super Mario Bros 1, 2, and 3:What a great trilogy of games. The first game I ever played was Super Mario World which I think is the superior 2d Mario game, but I remember playing all of these in Super Mario All-Stars on Super Nintendo. What an amazing package that was, but Super Mario Bros 3 is one of the best games ever made and I love Super Mario Bros 2 since it was so different from all the others. Bring back Wart!!

Jeremy Brokos

Childhood Pets: Growing up my mother was very allergic to cats and dogs, so I unfortunately never got the chance to grow up with these. It's probably the reason why I don't understand why people lose their shit over seeing a dog. However, I did get the opportunity to own several goldfish in my early years. They certainly aren't as lively, but there was a calming air about them that I found relaxing. I named one of them Tiny after the Crash Bandicoot antagonist and had another named Scaley (original I know) that actually managed to live through the entire 6 year span of my elementary school career. I was crushed when he passed and ended up keeping him in the fridge for years after his death. Did you ever do anything odd following the passing of a pet?


Childhood pets: I had many pets growing up including dogs, cats, and fish. The weirdest pet I had was a little turtle. For some reason it loved watching tv, but it died like a month after we got him. Rest in peace Tommy.


Holiday Memories! I always remember on Christmas morning, my parents would line up me and my siblings in order of age on the stairs. We would take a picture and anxiously await that moment when dad would say... alright go! We would all charge up the stairs full speed and get ready to open gifts. It was always a good time! Did you guys have any similar traditions that you would do every year?


Shopping Malls of the 80s and 90s: The malls in the area I live now are pretty much dead. It's sad that the younger generation won't experience how impressive malls were, and how big of a deal it was to have your parents take you to the mall and pick out a toy or game.


Childhood pets! People can get very attached to pets, I know Colin loves Lola more than Erin ;) haha but growing up we had our dog get hit by a car and pass away, it can be pretty heartbreaking seeing pets go. Have you guys had any pets pass away during your lives and how have you dealt with it?

Ryan T. Mandle

Holiday Memories: more than the holiday itself, I was always excited for rituals that lead up to the day. Setting up Christmas decorations throughout the house was family affair for us growing up and it always took place the day after Thanksgiving. My siblings (of which there are six) and I would fight and debate over who would get to arrange the stockings over the fire place (order of the stockings mattered as if the first one received more stuff from Santa) or who gets to put the angel on the tree or even the seating arrangement for opening presents on Christmas day. Having children of my own now, I find rituals like these even more satisfying and enjoyable as I see how excited they get throughout the days leading up to Christmas. Thank you Colin and Dagan for the all content!

Jeremy Brokos

Holiday Memories: Gosh where to begin. Some of my fondest memories come from when I was in elementary school and my brother, 5 years my senior, and I would get up ridiculously early on Christmas morning because we were too excited to sleep. I remember one year waking up at 3:30am and going downstairs to watch Walking with Dinosaurs as we were both huge fans of paleontology. We watched until 6am at which point we decided to roust our parents who quickly told us to go away and come back at 7. And at 7am come back we did. Another year, I woke up early once again and came out to the tree to look at the gifts and heard the toilet flush in the hall bathroom. My brother appears and goes on to tell me that he had woken up and taken my Game Boy SP into the bathroom with Crash Bandicoot The Huge Adventure inside and proceeded to play it front to back for an hour and a half all while sitting in the bathroom. My final memory comes from the year Pokemon Leaf Green was released. One of my chores growing up was to empty all of the trash cans around the house and a couple days before Christmas, my mom asked me to empty them. Now the door to my parent's room had been closed all day, but not thinking I walk in to find everyone's presents sitting on the floor completely out in the open. Needless to say I really had to practice my surprised face for that year.


Can we talk about how horrible the Karate Kid remake was compared to the wonderful original? PS: Jackie Chan may not be OG Mr. Miyagi, but he was greatly under utilized.


For Metal Gear Solid, how many kids dreams were ruined when they couldn't find Meryl's codec on the back of the CD case, because they rented the game from the local video/game rental store?

Joshua McGee

Hey Colin and Dagan, My wish has finally come true, an episode for metal gear solid! Just wondering what experience during metal gear solid convinced you this was a game well ahead of its time (ex. Psychomantis reading your save data during boss fight)? I remember playing the demo disc to MGS at a friends house and sneaking around outside on Shadow Moses. After misjudging a sentry’s movement I was almost spotted but made it safely behind one of those box structures. Then I hear him say “whose footsteps are these?” and then proceed to search for me! This blew my mind and I will never forget that moment along with all of the other gaming conventions that MGS bent and broke during that first game and the games that followed. Love what you guys do so much, I hope it never ends! Thanks again!

Blake Davis

So pumped about these BUT I will make it my life’s work to get Dagan’s “Jackass” stories.

Andrew Christensen

When is my recent topic winner of first dates being included? I was under the impression this would be in wave 6, however the edit suggests it will eventually make its way into wave 7 or so?

Richard Duflo

Metal Gear Solid: This was a game that changed me as a gamer. I would casually play games here and there. We had lots of consoles, but I never really put much thought into them other than just a small hobby. I was 11, but playing hockey was more of a priority to me than games. But one night, my parents went out. They ordered a pizza for my sisters and I from Pizza Hut. With it came a PlayStation demo disc that had MGS on it. I played that demo and it absolutely blew me away. I couldn’t get enough of it and luckily, my dad ended up picking up the full game. Even he was blown away by it. He would never play games, but I would come home from school and he’d be in my room playing it. Not only did it make me the gamer I am today, but it also meant a lot to me to bond with my dad over one of my hobbies that was completely out of his wheel house. It’s a shame what Konami has done (and will do) with that series, but it’ll always hold special place with me.


SMB1,2,&3 - how cool was the inclusion of SMB3 in the movie Wizard? Do you think this would be a viable marketing strategy for a game being released in the current gen?


Karate Kid: Have you guys watched the YouTube original series “cobra kai” which takes place in modern times with the original actors. I thought it was a great way to keep the series going. And love how they flip the narrative that Johnny is actually the good guy. This also leads into the internet meme which I believe originally came from “how I met your mother” which states that Johnny was really the real karate kid and that Danny should be thought of the villain in this whole situation. IT WAS AN ILLEGAL KICK!

Andrew Christensen

Childhood Pets. Colin and Daeg.... I need you to be my priests as I offer you my confession: I was awful to my childhood pet, Moqui the Yellow Labrador. I thought at the time (having her from 3 to 12) that I was a good dog owner, but after receiving a new Chocolate labrador I named Hershey upon my 13th birthday, I realized I have been so much better to her than I ever was to Moqui, basically just because of my maturity and i feel terrible that i wasn't better. Do you fellas have any similar feelings of regret regarding a pet you could have treated better, in light of a pet who you NOW treat like gold?

Hose A Contra Razz

Christmas movies from my childhood that I love and remember the most are Elf, gremlins and it’s a wonderful life. What are your top 3 Christmas movies that you have to watch during the holidays? Honorable mention Christmas story, Christmas vacation, Die Hard and A Christmas carol the one with Scrooge McDuck

Joseph Ady

Hey Colin and Dagan! I loved going to Babbages at the mall. Smith Haven mall may have had a Babbages and an Eb games. The Time-out arcade was an amazing experience as I loved playing NBA Jam and Street fighter there. I also saw 3d fighting for the first time in virtua fighter. The atmosphere was electric. Who can forget the smell of cinnabuns? Even if sweet treats are just ok, you could always find something good at the food court. The south shore mall was lame in comparison.


C&D - Metal Gear Solid was a breakthrough in gaming. The stealth mechanics and dramatic presentation were a defining moment is the progression of video games. I couldn't get enough. Kojima was a great pick-up by Sony! Also, Ren & Stimpy was an unbelievable graphical experience during my college years. I'm not sure it was for kids, but we loved every minute of it! Best to you both and the fam!

Andrew Mendoza

Hey C&D, I have two quick ones regarding the Holiday Memories. 1) Did you ever have a "freak out" moment as a kid after getting something super awesome that weren't expecting? 2) (this might me a sidebar question) what qualifies a Christmas movie as such? Does if have to be about Christmas or just take place during the holiday season? Best wishes to the whole Moriarty family this holiday season! Love you guys.

James Kinslow III

--Holiday Memories-- Hello, Colin and Dagan. I hope all is going well for you guys and your family! One of my favorite holiday memories is the Christmas of 2002. My dad had just gotten divorced and it was just the two of us living out in the country. I remember waking up that Christmas morning and my dad presenting me with a gift. I opened it and it was the Nintendo GameCube. I hooked it up immediately and my dad sat back in his chair and we took turns playing 007: Nightfire all that morning, despite my dad not really having ever been a gamer. (My dad and I are huge James Bond fans!) I also got Super Mario Sunshine that Christmas, but I waited until later to play it as I wanted to share the James Bond experience with him. I really enjoyed this Christmas not only because I got the GameCube that year (which is one of my favorite consoles of all time), but also because it was the first year my dad and I got to spend the Christmas together as just the two of us. He had been really unhappy in his marriage and it was nice to see him genuinely happy and smiling that Christmas and every Christmas to come since then. Cheers, guys, and Merry Christmas!


For Metal Gear Solid, with the massive success of this game, my question is: do we need a remake/remastered version to remind everybody how important this game is? (Not including the GameCube version of course). A ground up remake like Shadow of the Colossus.


Super Mario Bros 1,2 and 3- Hey Colin and Dagan. Being born in 1996, my first exposure to Mario was Super Mario 64 which inspired me to go back and play the originals when I was younger. While I have never played either version of Super Mario Bros 2, I have fond memories of playing 1 and 3. I was able to play Super Mario Bros 3 on my gameboy and I can remember beating it over and over again, its truly one of the best games ever made. Which game out of the three is your guys’ personal favorite? Thanks for the great content dudes!


re: to the malls episode Few things make me as nostalgic for the 90s than hanging out at the mall with my friends. Aladdins Castle (my arcade), Walden Books, Suncoast, Babbage’s and the food court were a must with occasional stops at Orange Julius or Cinnabon to mix things up. I even met my wife at the mall. What routines did you and your friends have and did your neck of the woods have a “good” mall and a “ghetto” mall? I lived closest to the ghetto mall and constantly felt the need to defend it against those who frequented the “boujee” mall with a Banana Republic. Well, I gotta go find a payphone...getting a page.

Everyday Patrick

Don Bluth… According to my parents, the original The Land Before Time was the first film that I ever sat and watched in its entirety. Even as a young child, I think I could appreciate how the prejudice, bickering, and fear between the dinosaurs eventually grew into comradery and love over the course of their journey. To this day, a group of misfit characters setting off on a grand adventure is still my favorite framing device for a story.

Mikey 12

Holiday Memories: What’s up Colin & Dagan? One of my favorite holiday memories is Christmas of 97 when I received PS1. Up to mid November I asked my parents for a N64 specifically to play Shadows of the Empire. I was out of the loop of gaming for a bit at 13 and was under the impression N64 was definitively the best console on the market. The day before my parents were venturing out to shop, me and my dad walked to our local Blockbuster. We glanced at the gaming section to see what else Nintendo had to offer. On the way, we walked up the PlayStation isle first and looked around a bit. We were stopped in our tracks and enamored by cover art for Resident Evil, Final Fantasy VII, Clock Tower, Tomb Raider, MDK and more. This seemed like the more “mature” console and my dad asked if I was positive I wanted N64. I didn’t hesitate for a second, I needed a PlayStation. 20 years later, the OG PlayStation is my favorite console of all time. It made me the gamer I am today and that question from my dad maybe the single most important moment of my gaming past.


Childhood Pets: When I was about 7 my mom got me this rabbit, I was so excited I immediately got a box for it and made a home for it. Me being so young and naive it was a hot summer day and without any thought, I put this rabbit in this home I made, Hay, toilet paper rolls, you know, the works. (excluding food and water) But, I didn't think about how hot it was outside or the how I put this cage out in the beating sun without any shade. After I got back from my baseball game I came home to a dead rabbit that had been cooking in the sun. I was hysterical and didn't know why it died. My mom couldn't help but laugh but I remember vividly how that rabbit looked when I got home that day. Anyways sorry for the downer childhood pet story, but it is one that I remember all too well and still get sad when I think about it.

Everyday Patrick

Metal Gear Solid… I’m not particularly fond of the MGS games, however Yoji Shinkawa’s art and character designs for the series are always a delight. I’d like to hear Dagan’s opinion on the box/art/look of the franchise.

Everyday Patrick

Super Mario Bros… Every Friday while growing up, my family would go swimming and afterwards get Godfather’s Pizza. While eating, I’d always hear the SMB tunes play from the arcade room around the corner, since that particular machine was closest to the door. My parents never gave me money to play, but I always imagined that if I ever got a quarter I’d use it for Mario : P

Everyday Patrick

Holiday Memories… When I was a young, my parents always let each child pick one Christmas present on their own. After the initial purchase they’d let us touch/carry/look at the item as much as we wanted, as long as it wasn’t played with or opened. When I was in elementary it was torture, but as I grew older it just meant I got my boxed Super Saiyan Vegeta figure a month early ; ]

Will Hahn

Holiday Memories: Hi Colin and Dagan, hope you both are doing well! Typically on every Christmas, my mom and dad make it a tradition to first sit in the living room and open presents one by one, from youngest to oldest. Then, my dad cooks us a nice big breakfast and we usually go see a movie in the afternoon. Christmas for me was never about the gifts, but always doing that little tradition with my whole family. My question for you both: Do you have any holiday traditions that you do everywhere or that you used to do when you were young? Thanks for the great content guys!

Will Hahn

*Do you have any holiday traditions that you do every year

Jeshua Anderson

Metal Gear Solid- Hi guuuuuuys!!! Real quick before i get going, I want to request the return of "Changin The Topic". It was like having bonus Knockback inside Knockback. It was great, and it doesn't make me want to step in front of my commuter train like some of Dagan's dad jokes (loooove you Daaagaaaan) 😁 Ok on to my comment. Metal Gear Solid will always be a special series to me. MGS1 is the game that introduced me to the modern era of gaming. This wasn't a game, it was an interactive movie. MGS2, good but inferior to MGS1 to me, might be even more dear to me. My best friend and I moved out and got our very own first apartment in 2000, and knowing we'd always be broke, he bought and Xbox and I bought a PS2. MGS2 and GTA3 were the two games I bought. MGS2 (and GTA3) to this day symbolize the when me and him stepped out into the world, on our own, parents free. The other MGS games have great memories too but I will leave it there! Love all that you do, Jeshua

Cameron O'Neill

Holiday Memories: Hi guys! Hope all is well with you two. Perhaps my most memorable and scaring childhood memory is when I got stuck in the Christmas tree. The year was 1996, I was a mere 4 years old and my older cousins were all over for Christmas. The entire day they had been torturing me and chasing me around the house. I became desperate and saw my only chance at relief was by climbing into the 12 foot tall Christmas tree where my cousins couldn't find or reach me. Much to my surprise when I leaped into the tree off the couch I became wedged between branches and realized I couldn't touch the ground or wiggle my way out. My father, who seemed more concerned about the ornaments than me had to take a hack saw and carve me out. Not only did the tree sap stick in my hair for weeks, I now associate the pine tree smell with claustrophobic thoughts. Love the show and keep up the good work.

Will Hahn

Super Mario Bros 3: I adore SM3. That game will forever hold a special place in my heart and it is perfect. Why is it that they have to keep making 3D Mario games? I do love those games, but I’ve always wondered what it would be like if they made another 2D pixel art game in the core series. Imagine what the reaction to that would be.... I would lose my fucking mind (in the best way possible). Funny childhood pet memory: When I was in elementary school, my older brother used to love getting parakeets and would always keep them in a little cage right next to our fireplace in the TV room. One day, when I was home and my brother was out with his friends, I decided to take the bird out of the cage and play with him. We also had a golden retriever at the time who was pretty rambunctious and unpredictable (although very sweet). Unbeknownst to my knowledge, she was inside the house and took the parakeet right out my hands.... and ate it. I’ll never forget my brother coming home and screaming at me and then crying when he saw a bird carcass on the carpet.... lol. Make sure your dog is outside if you ever have a bird in the house 😂


Metal Gear Solid: What order would you guys rank the Metal Gear Solid games best to worst? Growing up with and playing all of them I would rank them MGS2, MGS1, MGS4, MGS3, MGS5. I love these games and still go back and replay the first two fairly often. Thanks guys and keep up the great work!

Brandon Soto

Pretty hype for episode 51. Mario 1-3 bring back so many memories. A lot of people still don’t know that Donkey Kong was the 1st Mario game, with Mario Bros. (No Super) being the 2nd. Mario 1 & 3 - Top 10 NES Games. Sorry Wart.


Holiday Memories: Did you guys have a member of your extended family whose gifts you couldn’t wait to receive? Perhaps because you knew they’d always spoil you with something cool? For me it was my grandparents on my mom’s side. They always went all out for my Christmas gifts.


The Ren and Stimpy show: Was this show the origin of that brand of disturbing cartoon humor? The first time I saw it I was at my best friend's house in elementary school and I knew from the beginning it was something unusual. It seems deeply similar to shows like invader Zim and I wonder whether it was the inspiration of this psychologically unsettling offshoot of the adult cartoon.


Childhood pets: Had the best dog named George since the day I was born. He sadly passed away last year at 18 (I was 16) and it felt like a part of me died. He was a springer-spaniel yellow lab who had a ton of energy and picked lots of fights. He would come home and have coyote marks sometimes. He was a smart dog though. We moved houses and he got out and we found him waiting at the doorstep of our old house. It’s pretty great that I had that dog by my side my entire childhood and most of my teen years. Did either of you get to experience that with a pet?


Childhood pets: I got my little mutt Brodie when I was 12 years old. For the best part of 15 years he would wake me up every morning by knocking on my bedroom door to drag my arse out of bed to go for a walk. He was there when I was bullied through primary school, as I studied for exams in high school and waited patiently for me to return home from study abroad at university. We were best friends for longer than any human friends I have. Sadly he passed away a few months ago, but I still think about him every day.


Metal Gear Solid: Psychomantis reading my memory card and commenting on my favourite games blew my mind. Metal Gear Solid may not have been the best controlling game or had the best graphics on the PlayStation, but in my opinion it set the bar for unique mechanics and game design.


Holiday memories: When I was 8 years old I set up an elaborate Christmas countdown system in my bedroom. I had a batman figurine hanging from a rope and I would move him a certain distance across the room every day, getting closer to the Christmas tree on the other side. By a Christmas miracle, my mother did not clothesline herself on the rope. How did your anticipation for Christmas manifest?

Brandon Soto

Man, so many game-related topics I want you guys to talk about. Don’t even know where to begin.

John Fazio

Malls of the 80s and 90s: In auburn Maine there sits a mall that has not been updated since the 80s it’s literally the wildest thing I have ever seen. All the lights inside are that old neon color and even the sign outside is ripped right out of the 80s. I also want to note that these days it’s a very sad mall with little open. Walking through it gives me a somber feeling like the apocalypse happened and I’m looking at the remains of how life used to be. I would suggest plugging it into google and see if you can find this bad boy. P.S. I just wanted to say hi to Dagan and tell him I find him very kind and insightful.

John Fazio

Metal gear solid: Besides the fact that many say the twin snakes completely broke metal gear solid. Did you get to play it and if so how did you like it? As for me it was my introduction into the series and I beat it multiple times consecutively because I enjoyed it that much. I even remember bringing my GameCube and box tv to a hotel on a family vacation.

Ryan R. Kittredge

Ren and Stimpy: I love this dark cartoon humor as a child. From log to Powdered Toast Man to Kowalski, Ren and Stimpy was really before it’s time in this brand of humor.


Childhood Pets: I grew up with two cats in the 90's who were both outdoor cats. We would let these cats outside and then they would come back at some indeterminate amount of time. Sometimes they would come back with a dead bird or even bruised and bloodied. There would be times they wouldn't come back for days. One of them was run over by car and the other was about 15 years old before finally not coming back one day (we assume he died somewhere in the woods). Thinking about it now, it seems crazy to just let a cat outside and hope they would come back and not die.

Brett Medlock

Did you feel betrayed when you found out Santa wasn’t real? 🎅🏻 Have you ever gotten kicked out of a mall/public place?


Don Bluth! So random, but I love it.


SHOPPING MALLS: Is it me or were certain restaurant chains limited to the mall food court? I recall only seeing Panda Express, for example, at malls until the mid-to-late 2000s, when they began popping up all over the place.

Trent Miller

Holiday Memories: Decorating our Christmas tree has to be one of my favorite memories. My mom would buy ornaments for my brother and I commemorating something that had happened that year, like learning to ride a bike and so on. My favorite ornament was one of Santa’s workshop where the characters inside the globe would move which was awesome to watch. Were there any particular ornaments that you guys were fascinated with or particularly really liked?

Austin Powell

Metal Gear Solid is my favorite game of all time. I remember reading about it in PSM and couldn’t wait to see it in action. I was in Toys R Us and walked into the game section to find a demo running on the tv. It was the most beautiful game I had seen up to that point. I started playing and had a meltdown when I saw that footprints were left in the snow and that your breath could be seen. Then the guard spotted me because of the footprints which totally blew my mind. This is my favorite gaming memory. This was the game that turned me into a lifelong gamer. I even have a tattoo of Snake and Gray Fox on my arm. There are other games that might be better overall but none have impacted me the same way Metal Gear did for me. Love you guys. Keep up the great work.

Dustin Kline

SMB: SMB 1 is the first video game I remember playing as a kid. One of my neighbors had a NES hooked up to one of those tiny tvs in an old, green chevy sportvan and I remember clear as day the first time I grabbed that first mushroom in world 1-1 and proceeded to smash every block I could. SMB 2 is my favorite 2D mario game as it was one of the 4 NES games my grandparents had at their house. I loved the soundtrack to game and the fact you could pick between different characters was a real game changer for me at the time.

Dustin Kline

Don Bluth: Anytime I get asked which disney princess is my favorite I always answer with Anastasia and proceed to laugh when the person asking blows up. Also The Land Before Time series will always make me think of Blockbusters because I would never make it out of there without having grabbed the VHS. His connection with the video game industry is something that I have always appreciated well. Find it funny that he was trying to get a VR Dragonslair game up and going.


Holiday Memories: I can remember a Christmas when I was 7 or 8, where we were all opening presents at my mother’s parents’ house, and I remember my grandfather (we called him PaPa) had a very large present addressed to him, and as I watched him open it, it was a power of the force AT-AT. He was saying “Look what I’ve got here!” and I can remember running over and telling him “ That’s not for you, that’s for me!” Everyone had a good laugh over the trick. Were there any Christmas shenanigans or tricks your parents would pull on either of you two or your siblings that you can recall? He passed away more than fifteen years ago and I miss him dearly. That memory is heartwarming for me, showing his sense of humor and of my grandparents’ gratuity. It was one of my favorite possessions as I child, and I eventually gifted it to the son of a friend of mine. I really enjoy this show and the both of you. Best.


MGS question - How do you feel about the atmosphere? There is something that the music in combination with the somber tone that has me feeling uneasy to this day in a lot of sections of the game. Do you agree? How would you describe the atmosphere that the game provides?


Karate Kid: Have either of you seen the YouTube exclusive series reboot Cobra Kai? I definitely wasn't expecting much from this series but was so pleasantly surprised! With the show being told mainly from Johnny's perspective and with plenty of fan service for the viewers, I thought it was really well done.

Britton Dowers

The Goonies Love this movies, and one I have introduced to both my sons. (14 and 7). Just recently let the 7 year old watch and he was glued to it. I have so many memories of watching this movie during the summer on the Disney channel. What is different about watching it there is The Disney Channel had a different made for television version that had an additional scene with a giant Octopus. The octopus attacks the gang after they jump off the ship, and Data actually mentions it when talking to the police. You can't get this scene on any DVD/Blu Ray I've ever seen and it's never in the deleted scenes. I would love for them to release a special version with this in it. Either of you remember seeing this version? Love the show keep up the great work.

Charlie Church

Goonies was the second movie I loved (first was E.T..) I originally saw it on network television. That was via a tube tv on casters. My parents were having a adult get-together and put me, my two brothers and sister in the the bedroom I shared with my two brothers with the door open and the tv rolled in front of the doorway. We were all enraptured. These days I can’t imagine being as sucked in with entertainment with so many distractions (the quality of the tv, my parent and their friend uproarious laughter and the commercials.)

Dustin Henry

Super Mario 1 2 and 3 I have many memories associated with these games. We received Super Mario Bros and duck hunt 1 year for Christmas with the nes...I must have been 8 or so. What I really remember though is playing Mario 3 with my older sister. Neither of us were very good at the game, but it would drive my sister crazy. She would play and invariably get more pissed off until she would scream "I'm never playing this game again!!" Then she would storm out of my room, and after about 20 minutes, she would say "Hey Dust, wanna play some Mar 3?" We still laugh about it, but that's how great that game was.

Petre Cismigiu

Holiday Memories: Heeyy guuuuuys :) For some reason when it comes to holidays, I have a specific memory with me and my father. He used to take me around Christmas to play in the snow and my favorite activity was going down the hill on a sledge. It was all going great until one day, the finish line for my ride was directly into my father's shin. What happened next was a 7 year old boy dragging his 40 year old father on a sledge all the way back home. Ever since that day, it was (and I'm sure you'll know how to read this Colin) "No sleigh for you!". Love you guys, and congratulations to you, Dagan, for an amazing job on Knockback, it feels like you've been podcasting for years.

Ashlynne Lee

Holiday Memories: One of the most endearing stories of my husband is that he truly believed in Santa Claus until he was 12 years old. Finally, in middle school, his mom had to sit him down and break the news. He was devastated-but still loves Christmas and is so grateful to his mom for providing him with so many holidays filled with magic and childlike wonderment. My question to you guys: Did you grow up believing in Santa? If so, when did you come to the realization that Santa may be Mom and/or Dad? Happy Christmas!


I don't have a question, I just want Dad jokes.


Good Day Gents, I have great memories of the holidays. From making sugar cookies with my Mom, playing Mortal Kombat with my Dad, constructing holiday blanket forts with my Sister. One of my fondest memories though is watching "A Christmas Story" over and over and over again because of the 24 hour marathon they'd put on which also made it my favorite Christmas movie. Curious about your guys favorite Christmas/Holiday movie.

James Kinslow III

--Super Mario Bros-- I mentioned in the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past episode last wave that I was a Sega Genesis kid before I switched over to the SNES because of my aunt and watching her play Zelda. Well, the SNES was also how I first discovered these games through the Super Mario All-Stars collection. I honestly don't remember playing much of the first two games, but I played Super Mario Bros 3 an awful lot! I was awestruck with the P-Wing. An item that let me fly over the entire stage and straight to the end? I loved it! How about the desert level with the angry sun that chased you? That level used to infuriate me to no end because that sun would always hit me. I'd usually try and go around that stage and just skip it. How about World 4 with the giant enemies? Even if I collected the whistles, I always made sure to do World 4. Who doesn't want to stomp some giant Goombas or Koopas? Also, shout out to The Lost Levels game from All-Stars! I remember it being quite hard, but a lot of fun.

James Kinslow III

--Childhood Pets-- In high school we had a chocolate lab named Hershey. He was a sweet, kind, and caring dog. He was older as my mom preferred adopting older dogs. We had gotten him when I was a Freshmen and when I was a Senior he had developed a tumor on his face. It was hard for him to eat and quickly his health began to decline. I went with my parents that day we chose to have Hershey put down and let me tell you that I've only ever cried that hard one other time in my life and that was when I watched my grandma pass. I sat on the floor and held Hershey in my lap bawling like a baby even though he was way too big to be a lap dog. To lighten the mood a bit before I end this comment, Hershey is also the reason that I can confirm to you great gentlemen today that those peanut butter dog treats do NOT in fact taste like peanut butter. They're very chalky and bland... I was curious.


Never had a pet as a kid. But I have always loved animals(especially dogs.) Did you ever use your friends pets as a way to feel like you had a pet? Side note as a Minnesotan listening to ep 35 of knockback calling "duck duck grey duck", "duck duck goose" hurts and offends me.

John Ceccarelli

(Prounced Check-Er-Ellie) Holiday Memories: Growing up, we always went to my Italian grandparents' house on christmas eve to see the extended family. I fondly remember looking forward to this and how warm the house was. I also remember the gifts from my G-parents slowly diminishing in quality as the years went by (finally ending in weird mall kiosk cologne), then we'd go home and would each get to open a single present on xmas eve. Did you guys have any traditions like this, seeing extended family, having a matriarch or patriarch of the family host a massive gathering on a yearly basis? As my wife is a nurse, holidays have somewhat become a thing of the past, but we still make a trip to visit at some point in december. Metal Gear Solid: That Sniper Wolf fight though. Was there a biggest watershed moment on the original playstation prior to that? What were your immediate thoughts after that snow fight; dealing with the calls, and then the final cutscene where Sniper Wolf just wants to cradle her rifle as she passes on. I hadn't had a game elicit emotion out of me prior to that moment, and it was just the first of too many moments to count in my gaming career (staring at you, TLoU ending). The Goonies: Living in the Portland, OR area, The Goonies has always had a special place in my heart. Any time I visit Canon Beach, I'm reminded that a bike ride from the Goonies house to the infamous cave would have taken AT LEAST 2 hours, not the 10 minutes they make it seem like in the movie. Also Josh Brolin dressing up as himself from the movie for Halloween will never get old. Ren and Stimpy: This was a little before my time, but my early memories include nightmare inducing R&S scenes. Was this an indicator of the early Nickolodean days in general (also thinking of Rocko's Modern Life), or was this more of an outlier?

Jason Bolla

MGS: Were you excited for the Solid series having played the previous games? What expectations did you have going into it, and how far off were you from the mind bending brilliance of Kojima?

Jason Bolla

Don Bluth: Many Bluth movies have such a high caliber of animation, but growing up the stories and characters didn't always grab me. Do you feel his story telling may have been weakened leaving Disney overall (as there are obvious exceptions)?

Jason Bolla

The Goonies: My wife had never watched The Goonies until last year. Growing up her sister always said HEY YOU GUYS and she always just thought she was a weirdo. Do you know someone that misses movie references that are basically ingrained in pop culture? (Side note: wife did not like the movie)


HOLIDAY MEMORIES: What is the second best Christmas song of all-time, seeing as how “Christmas Wrapping” by The Waitresses absolutely trounces all contenders for the #1 spot?


METAL GEAR SOLID: The Metal Gear Solid series is interesting in that a decent argument can be made for why almost any of the games might be the best in the series. MGS1 is my personal favorite, as it is a master class in tone, characters, and atmosphere. Shadow Moses is a character unto itself.


KARATE KID: Earlier this year I marathoned the original 80’s trilogy as well as Cobra Kai, and the experience really impacted me. I felt this spark telling me to make a change in my life. So in mid-August, I set a goal to lose 50 pounds by my birthday in December. I changed my diet, purchased a kickass Cobra Kai t-shirt, and began to form a solid workout routine accompanied by 80’s montage rock. My birthday comes up next week, and I’ve now lost a total of 54 pounds over the three months. I am now on track to win my battle with obesity by Christmas. I feel great and I look forward to my Birthday reward of Smash Bros and Pizza next week. As over-the-top as a franchise like Karate Kid may be, there is a real motivation to be taken away about discipline and determination.


SUPER MARIO 1,2,3: In December 1989, Depeche Mode televised the debut of their biggest hit single “Enjoy The Silence” on Peter’s Pop Show, which would be officially released to consumers a few weeks later as 1990 began. What does this have to do with Mario? Well, I find myself reminded of Super Mario Bros 3’s appearance in the film The Wizard, which hit theaters that same December in 1989, before the game’s official US release a few weeks later at the brink of 1990. I find myself fascinated by these moments which mark the beginnings and ends of eras. Similar to “Enjoy The Silence”, Mario 3 is a swan song for 80’s Nintendo. What began with dodging barrels across single screens in Donkey Kong ‘81 would be iterated upon through the decade, finishing out with a whimsical full-fledged scrolling adventure that —both literally and figuratively— takes flight... A game that completely, undoubtedly holds up to this day. What a triumph. Super Mario Bros 3 is the culmination of the 80’s figuring out what video games are, and its serendipitous release passes the torch on to the 90’s to figure out what video games can become.


Childhood pets. Hey guys. I love the podcast. Hope you do it for years to come. When you were kids did either of you have a tragic death of a pet? I had several. My dad accidentally ran over our 3 year old pug. My mom mistakenly poisoned our 2 goats. (With rhubarb) And in the 5th grade I brought my two bearded dragons for pet show and tell. They got overheated and died. (I put them in to small of a cage with there normal heat lamp)


Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid is my absolute favorite series. MGS1 was a revolution in gaming, the story and cinematics were unlike anything I had ever seen before. My love of the series only grew with each successive release (except MGSV which I found largely disappointing). However, it was a love that nearly never was. I can distinctly remember playing the game on a Pizza Hut demo disc and not enjoying it. Thankfully, back in those days I didn't have much else to play so I gave it another chance. Once I made it out of the starting area and reached the DARPA chief (where the demo ended) I was hooked. Thanks guys, I look forward to listening to KnockBack every week. -Corey

Britton Dowers

Super Mario Brothers 1, 2 & 3 My seven year old son has an annoying yet sweet habit of asking me what my favorite game is. I answer that I have a bunch but Super Mario brother 3 is usually what I land on. I have so many memories of playing this game with my brother at our house or my grandma's after we took our old NES there after we got a SNES and Genesis. We would work together to try and beat the game and eventually did together. We would leave the Nintendo on for hours when our Grandma would make us takes breaks. I love the level structure, the addition of the mushroom houses, and the glorious matching game that would always pop up on the second map. While I like the original Super Mario Brothers, it's 3 that holds a special place in my heart. I mean Nintendo basically used an entire movie with Fred Savage for marketing promotion of the game. Let the movie The Wizard never be forgotten. Keep up the great work guys.


Greetings to you both - I am stoked to see you talk about Ren & Stimpy. This show was a big part of my childhood and we had many VHS tapes full of episodes recorded from the TV. When I think of the show a few things come to mind instantly like the 'Log' song which I can still recite, Powdered toast man and the classic close up gross out shots which must surely have influenced shows after it like Spongebob. It definitely had a dark and warped sense of humour and from memory there were episodes that were hilarious and some that were so fucked up you were just left scratching your head as to what just happened. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it, thanks for reading

Ryan B.

Hey Colin and Dagan, thank you so much for doing a show on the Goonies! I was wondering if either of you had read the novelization that was released concordant to the movie? It’s actually quite good and told from the first person perspective of Mikey. I particularly enjoyed the description of the kiss he shared with Andy in the cave, which was his first and something that I had yet to experience as a kid myself. I highly recommend it as it continues to grace my shelf while I am now 36. The Goonies was great... even beyond the nostalgia factor I maintain that it captures, both in spirit and function, early adolescence in a way that few other movies of the genre seem to achieve.

Matthew Clarkson

Wow I have so much input about malls but I won't go to much into it. The last two months I have gotten into dead retail. Youtube has so many good channels on it I recommend the dead mall series by Dan Bell. Some of these Malls are stuck in the 80's and 90's with never changing the decor. What seems to be happening is stores like Sears,Macy and others which are the bigger anchor stores are moving out and leaving a ton of space that no one seems to be able occupy. As a teen I loved the mall we would go every Saturday and talk to the music store employees and just loiter. Its sad but I see them going away at some point in the next 10 years.

Jeshua Anderson

The Mall- My 80's/early 90's mall routine as a kid: Nintendo demo kiosk till I was kicked off > Software Etc. to play more demos > KayBee toys to review what Batman & X-Men action figures just came out, and what Hot Wheels i was gonna beg for (action figures were bought at Fred Meyer) > the arcade (only to watch as my mom never gave me quarters for it) then finally Sam Goody to look at posters and listen to music demos. Spencers with their erotic birthday cards and posters would be added later. What was your mall routines? Keep up the great work! Jesh

There’s No I in LLC

Episode 52 Childhood Pets When I was around seven my mother purchased a beautiful siberian husky that we named Kai. Now Kai was a bit of a troublemaker she would disappear for days and comeback. One day she came back with a horse leg and we never followed up on it. Later on when my grandfather took her in Kai and her daughter ate my Grandfathers chickens. Now I know how it seems but Kai was always gentle with my siblings and I. She was just a little wild.


Metal Gear Solid: Metal Gear Solid is incredibly special to me because I love the series but have never actually finished MGS1 myself, just all the main line games and Peace Walker after. I sat with my oldest brother while he played (this was the green band 'greatest hits' version probably in 1999, so I was about 9 and he was about 17.) Watching the way the scenes played out over codec with high quality voice acting seemed incredibly revolutionary at the time. The way the twists and turns happen through this game was like nothing else, and I think this is the birth of modern storytelling in games. The soundtrack is also incredible. I have such an insane amount of nostalgia for sitting next to my brother in my pajamas as he took on the bosses, and reading him Meryl's number from the back of the CD case. Not only one of my favorite gaming moments, but a favorite bonding moment for us as well. PS Can you rank the main line canon games? (I, II, III, IV, PW, V) How does Twin Snakes stack up for you?


Super Mario Bros 1 2 3 As someone born in early 1990, playing SMB 1 and 3 with my older brothers is probably my earliest gaming memory. We played in a little room above our porch on a little TV with the old style channel knobs. Almost every time I played, we did the double flute trick in Mario 3, so I don't even recall if I've played some of the middle worlds in the game. A few years later, I remember getting Mario All Stars for my birthday, thinking it was a new Mario game-- to my surprise it was not, but this was my first exposure to Mario 2, which felt a little like Diet Coke to my little mind-- mostly there but something was different. To this day though, Mario All Stars-- and the three original games-- hold a special place in me.

Jason Bolla

SMB: I mentioned this to Dagan on Twitter the other day, but do either of you have any experience (and in turn thoughts) on Super Mario Bros. Crossover? It was made by one guy (Jay Pavlina) and is the entire SMB game with access to multiple Nintendo characters, each with their regular abilities. He just launched 4.0 in the interim of his own original games. Would you like to see something more official in this manner from Nintendo a la Mario Maker?


Holiday memories: What’s up homies. Happy Holidays to you and yours. Thanks for pronouncing my name correctly previously (pronounced Kyle). A rare occurrence. Anyway, music always has a way of marking a moment and tying it to a memory. For me, the sounds of the holidays were often music that my mom and dad would have playing in the background. Seasonal gems by the likes of Vince Guaraldi (A Charlie Brown Christmas), Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole. The sounds accompanied by the awesome smells of the season which for me is whenever my mom would light some kind of cinnamon or pine flavored candles, or my dad making focaccia, arancini and other traditional Italian treats. Those are my preferred Christmas vibes for sure. Super Mario Bros: Where to start? For me it’s always been a special game because it’s the only video game that my dad would play with me, and he’d genuinely enjoy it too. When I was about 6 years old in ‘96, it wasn’t all that uncommon for people to still be actively playing their NES and SNES consoles with Mario games featuring in near ubiquity. I loved booting up those older games just to be able to experience a game with my dad that he really loved as well. He even impressed me with his memory of the hidden blocks and warp zones despite not playing the game in many years. It’s one of my favorite video game memories. Childhood Pets: I remember when I was about 7 or 8 my parents came home with a pet turtle that they got from Chinatown. It was a red-eared slider that we named Torto. This little motherfucker would always attempt to escape any and all terrariums and enclosures that we had for him. We at one point bought a kiddie pool and filled it with rocks and sand and water to give him space to run around. We had to cover the top with chicken wire to prevent predators from getting him, but also to prevent him from running away. We had him for a few years before he was finally able to escape never to be seen again... As I type this I’m realizing that this is actually a depressing story haha.

Matthew Clarkson

Mario games :Can we give the super Mario super show a shout out? It seemed to be filled with enemies from Mario 2.It really did give the characters more depth and personalities we still see today. Also lets not forget super Mario bros 3 the cartoon which had a guest appearance of Milli Vanilli. I found the show on YouTube and watch it with my daughters they love it. Keep up the amazing work !

Matthew Clarkson

Metal gear: Metal Gear is one of my all time favorite games the lil doot doot jingle still gives me goosebumps. I remember borrowing the game from my sisters boyfriend and not having a memory card. I can now get past up to the ninja fight in about 30-45 mins if I really move quick. I still go back and play it at least once a year. The game felt so open yet so closed in at the same time. Being able to move around in the different sections yet so close to the enemy made for amazing game play.

Luke Tucker

The Karate Kid Do we train to be merciful at KnockBack? (No Sensei!) This was my first movie I ever owned when I got a check from my Great-Grandma for $25 for Christmas and was able to buy the VHS of The Karate Kid. I proceeded to watch it at least 60 times prior to my teenage years, probably more. I will add myself to my fellow Patreons championing the excellent YouTube series Cobra Kai and am anxiously awaiting Season 2. But in regards to the original two films that really matter I have two statements/questions. 1. Ali with an I (oh Elisabeth Shue ❤️) was my first celebrity crush. Can you guys remember yours? 2. Did you ever find yourselves shouting “Cowaaaaard!” in the voice of Sato often for no particular reason, or was that just me?

James Kinslow III

Holiday Memories (Part II... I apologize) - I know I already made a post about holiday memories and I apologize for making a second post, but I feel this one is needed as well. Whether you read them on the episode is up to you of course, as long as you read them to yourself and get a kick out of this one in particular. Do you guys remember the episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia where the gang makes a product called Dick Towel? Well, that's a real product based off of the show that you can actually buy and one year as a gag gift I actually bought a dick towel and gave it to my dad. My family laughed for minutes and to this day my dad still has his dick towel. Thank you guys and thank you to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia for the great gift!

Jeshua Anderson

Holiday Memories- Hey guys, hope you are having a great holiday! Ok, how great is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation?? I've seen that movie maybe 100 times and i crack up everytime! A pure classic!

Jeshua Anderson

Super Mario Bros- This trilogy to me is the all time greatest video game trilogy ever. Everyone has memories from be playing these games. All that said SMB 2 is my favorite. I know its treated as the red headed step child, but I love how it plays. Its not all about jumping over pits of doom that quickly becomes tiring to me. I loved figuring out which characters were best for what levels (luigi for sand level, princess for Ice etc.) It just was a great game. One last thing, did either of you play the japanese SMB 1 where they skateboard. Love all that you do and keep up the great work!

Jeshua Anderson

The Goonies- Hey guys! So like everyone I love the Goonies. My question is, why does Hollywood not do more movies in this vein? Kids on a treasure hunt, treasure hunting...we all love these things. Now I'm not saying a goonies reboot or sequel, just more of this type of story. Anyways, keep up the great work! Jesh


Shopping Malls of the '80s and '90s* Did you guys ever go into a chain of stores called The Nature Company? We had one locally (Ardmore, PA) in an outdoor mall and I think about it from time to time. The store had new-age music with pan flute type stuff playing all the time, plants all around, and water features. The decor reminded me of a Legends of the Hidden Temple. They also sold rock gems and books about nature. Between 96 to 2000 most of the stores were converted to Discovery Channel stores, and by 2001 they were all gone. The store is lost to time, but I can still remember walking in there every chance I could just to look around at the water fountains and enjoy the jungle ambiance.

Greg Rygar

Super Mario Bros 1: If you were to boot up Super Mario Bros 1 today, which Moriarty brother could execute the Infinite Lives trick in World 3-1 quicker?

Justin Matkowski

Hope I'm not too late with this one! Super Mario Bros 1, 2 and 3: Besides setting a benchmark for gameplay that can still be held as the gold standard almost three decades later (only improved upon by Super Mario World, in my opinion) this trilogy really encapsulates the technological evolution of the original NES so well. To see what developers could accomplish in 1988 (Japanese release date of SMB3) as opposed to 1985 is truly astounding. Also, the importance of the severely-underrated Super Mario Bros 2 (the American version) introducing Mario's ability to lift/interact/use objects as a weapon or puzzle solving mechanic cannot be overstated. Keep up the awesome work, my dudes!

Greg Rygar

The Karate Kid: Elisabeth Shue in The Karate Kid, Elisabeth Shue in Adventures in Babysitting, or Elisabeth Shue in Back to the Future II?


I THINK first dates will go this time around, but not entirely sure. It won too late for it to be included here, so I think we may punt.


Hi! This is the cut off! Your questions/comments/concerns/thoughts/ideas are compiled, and we are ready to record. Thank you!

Chad Lewis

Sorry I missed it. Busy time of year. Please wish dagan and his family a merry Christmas if you read this. Thanks again guys.