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Almost every episode of KnockBack is focused on something: A topic, or a product, or a place and time. Today's episode is a bit different, though. Each month, CLS Patrons get to vote on what we should cover in a future episode of this show, and you guys and gals voted for us to tell some of our favorite childhood memories. So we've done just that. From feats of hockey heroism and snowball fights with the older kids, to fake-out birthday gifts and family vacations, to school assemblies and fights with bullies, this episode kinda lacks focus. But then again, that's sorta the point.



Saulius Vekteris

Colin is that you as Goaltender? :) Super fun episode :D Very enjoyed it. You guys doing great job.

Kenneth Oms

I can't stress enough how much i love knockback/dagan, both of you bring such a good/close perspective to things thats beyond entertaining, and often it makes me call my brother up to catch up with him/talk about some of the things ya'll bring up. One day you need to do an all-star knockback where its you, dagan, and chris.

Tyson Williams

My girlfriend is gonna be upset when she hears you say that Winnie the Pooh is corny lmao. Also the Christopher Robin movie made me so emotional

BettyAnn Moriarty

So much nostalgia. 💞 I laughed out loud more than a few times. I remember ‘the bad kids’ going after Dagan SO many times that I finally told him to punch ‘Em back - which coming from (at that time) my pacifist soul, was really hard to do. But he did it and it worked. And oh how I remember that hockey game where Colin couldn’t do anything wrong. He’s right... he just ‘saw’ what was happening and put aside ‘his style’ - it was fantastic to witness. The crowd was crazy excited. It was awesome! I love these episodes. Thanks for making me remember... Ih, and dad speaking with Corey’s dad. Yep. Scary and hilarious to think about and you described it perfectly. I❤️❤️

Jimmy Champane

I'm sure it seems bizarre how fast I get through these but I drive from Mar Vista to Claremont every day, hah. My parents have a house out in the woods in Michigan with a pool JUST like the one you described. I love going back there in summer and just at the beginning of fall when its still warm enough to swim. The awesomeness of night swimming can't be overstated. Great episode!

Matthew Clarkson

So many memories.. Weekends as a kid renting a game and my parents watching hockey night in Canada then watching SNL with them.Summer with my pool and having bbq’s. Every kid show that we all love. TMNT toys .. Seeing the Undertaker get out of a limo and walk by me at a wwf event that guy is Fucken huge.

Kenny Gutzler

Special shout out to my younger brother. For our whole youth, I was always "the good guys" when buying toys and he was always "the bad guys". I think the only exception was we both had 6" Luke Skywalker toys. He never second guessed assuming the role of bad guys. He'll never see this post, but I often think back about this when I reminisce childhood.

Jason Bolla

This is easily one of my favorites. Love listening to your guys' stories. Hearing Dagan talk about your dad 👌👌👌 Part 2 would be more than welcome.

Jayce Tamulevich

That swing talk just hit me hard here at home, I felt my stomach drop just thinking about hitting the slack point.


Thank you so much! We really have a blast doing the show. Dagan will be here in two short days so we can record the next nine episodes! We're planning to get more family involved, in particular, as we move forward. I'm probably going Out East in December at some point, and wanna record episodes with my parents and siblings.


We miss that house tremendously. It's been 21 years, and I still can't (and won't) get over it. I'm still plotting buying it back, too.

Nate McKinney

This was a great episode. Got me thinking about so many stories. I can relate to the sports stories, I played baseball for years. I remember having this one kid on the team, weird kid. He would fall asleep in the equipment bags in the dugout during games. I'm dead serious. Just found out from my mother a few weeks ago that he was sneaking drugs from one of his older brothers. Fucking wild shit, dude. The things your parents don't tell you when you're a kid lol.

Nate McKinney

And HOLY SHIT those baseball hat ice cream bowl things! I had a fucking ton of those. Got them from the local Dairy Queen. That's an early memory for me. That just came rushing back.

Jason Kelley

Read this as, "Random Childhood Murders," and got super pumped you and Dagan had done a true crime episode.


It's so funny what parents observe that kids don't, and vice versa. It's like two different worlds.


I loved this podcast. Man, I feel you Colin about "disappearing" all day. When I was young I would wake up at like 7/8 in the morning (I never slept in) and literally would ride my bike all day and disappear. I'd show up home in the evening when the sun was setting and my parents would be so pissed LOL. If I was hanging out with friends we would ride our bikes all day until like 4-5 in the afternoon and then I'd go to his house or he'd come to my house and we'd play video games until it was time to go to bed... Those were the days. I think about this days a lot... Miss them.

Will Hahn

This was such an awesome episode to listen to. I laughed many, many times. Also I don’t think I’ve heard you two laugh so much! That story where those kids kept chucking the ball at that dude.... haha that’s fucking hilarious. I would love to hear an episode about your and Dagan’s high school experiences!

Justin Matkowski

LOVED this episode, dudes! The story about your dad grabbing the crowbar is legendary!!


As far as pranks go, we use to sneak out at night and grab all of our neighbors trash cans and set up a road block on the neighborhoods main road. One of us would hide in the cans and when someone got out to move them we’d bust out and yell “it’s me!!”. I’ve never seen people jump so high in fright before....we were douchebags, I know.

Will Caldwell

Your dad sounds like a bad ass :) The crow bar story had me rolling


I laughed when you mentioned "The Ground Round". I remember that place so well. They had the weighing of kids for the cost of the meal. My family was not well off so the cheap nice meal was a treat. Also yeah it was in other states, the one I went to was in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

Ryan Gorris

Such a great episode. Had my childhood flash before my eyes on many of these stories. Do a part 2!!

Dennis Meinschein

Love this episode. I spent an entire summer (89) playing Dungeons and Dragons and Gauntlet on NES.

Kevin Sullivan

This episode was an absolute blast to listen to. I’d certainly be on board for another in the future.

Marc Boggio

The Darth Vader award is the best thing I’ve ever heard 😂

Matthew Perry

One of my most vivid childhood memories from when I I was around 14 was swapping my Amiga 500 with my friend for a nes , we met half way between our houses ( 3 miles apart ) he handed me a ruck sack with the nes and I handed him a massive box which he had to carry back home over a mile an and half ! Felt guilty at the time but glad I sawpped as had alot of fun with the nes :-)


Those were truly the days. I don't feel like kids do that anymore. Or, if they did, their parents would be looked at as negligent or something.


Yeah, I think I actually remember going to a Ground Round or two in New England, so... that makes sense.

Jacob Knopp

Another sublime episode of Knockback. It reminded me of several childhood memories of my own. Keep up the great work Moriarty Brothers!


Thanks again for the shout out. That’s awesome that Dagan was out on the tracks throwing rocks too lol.

Jose Garcia

Great episode! Was looking for the tweet you mentioned about using old landline phones but it’s nowhere to be found. I want to read the comments. Help!


Here you go! <a href="https://twitter.com/notaxation/status/1022308284001267713" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/notaxation/status/1022308284001267713</a>

Joseph Ady

I also collected those ice cream hats from the ground round, though I thought other places gave them too! Remember the pizza hut arcade games? They were amazing!


“We lost Danny!” 🤣 So many laughs in this ep. Doctor Mindbender is a dope name.