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Back in early July, the newest CLS show -- Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast -- launched, and it already has a weekly listenership in excess of 50,000 people. The co-host of the show, YouTuber and comedian Chris Ray Gun, has already become a hit with the audience, but he's still a mystery to many CLS fans. So, this month's Patreon-exclusive podcast is an episode of Sacred Symbols completely dedicated to Chris, and completely driven by listener-submitted questions. It's time for you to get to know the man in the co-host chair.



Petre Cismigiu

*sexy female voice* Paatreeoon...Excluusive


Can not wait to listen on my drive home!

Michael Renner

With every episode, I like Chris more.

Pedro Escobar

i know chris might not like identity politics, but as a latino, i am glad to see another latino do one of these shows on a regular basis. i know there are a few of us scattered around the outlets,


Can't wait to hear about Doom for a whole show. I kid, I kid. We like to have fun here. Love listening to Chris every week. Can't wait to listen and get to know him better!

Joey Finelli

Two SS this week!!!!!! Wooohooooo

Joe Bellotta

I love all the platforms but kill Nintendo? Besides some of the Halo and Gears games what exactly has Microsoft contributed to the industry in terms of games and innovations? Microsoft can't even compare to Nintendo when it comes to those things.

Hugo's Desk

What a great show. Thanks

Marcus Brown

Thank you so much for reading my question.

Drew Lee

Thanks for calling us mature listeners. Nothing against KF, but I cannot stand being called “the kids”. I’m a man! I’m 31! (Call back to Mike Gunndy Oklahoma State football coach)

Dave Carsley

I'd like to start a movement among CLS patrons to request that our "gift" (or whatever you prefer to call it) episode each month *always* be a bonus episode of Sacred Symbols!! That's not to say that Knockback and Fireside Chats aren't good shows -- they are -- but SS is by far the best content CLS has created since its inception! Of course, it makes little sense to follow a regularly scheduled SS with another, identically-formatted, "regular" SS episode 2 days later for our bonus (I understand there's not enough news, new game releases, etc.). But something akin to this episode is great! It's not exactly an episode of SS, but it's SS-related; an SS spin-off; cut from the SS cloth if you will. That's what we want!!!

Dave Carsley

That's because "best friend" actually means something in the Sacred Symbols world!!

Tyson Williams

I understand this was made as an exclusive but was just thinking for non-patrons who want to know more about Chris, one of the two hosts, should be able to know more about Chris’ gaming history and what not imo. Just a thought, that came to mind because I got my girlfriend to start listening to SS, she isn’t a huge gamer partly because she isn’t in a situation where she could afford many games but she likes learning more about it and she likes you guys. Great show as always, love you guys, hope you are all doing well.

Tyson Williams

“Alright chick’s Head is spinning around, whatever” lmao

There’s No I in LLC

Fuck you should have called this episode the Chrissening.

Peter Campbell

Fun, relaxed episode. You can tell Chris not to worry about Arthur C Clarke. He's one of the sane sci-fi writers (who invented the communication satellite concept). Childhood's End is a stunning book. I read it as a teenager and have reread it a few time since. It has a real sense of awe about the universe and man's place in it.

Tony Colton

Ehhhhhh.... Get that Boy a fucking VITA and a one way ticket to vitamins island!!!

Zack E

Microsoft has done tons and tons and tons more for the industry in regards specifically to online infrastructure and online gaming with Xbox Live (and everything that falls under that umbrella such as Arcade, DLC, etc) than Nintendo has. I don’t think that can really even be doubted.


Hey Colin I literally just joined your patreon I've been a fan of yours since Beyond and I just wanted you to know you're the person who got me into gaming podcast and understanding the industry better you mean a lot to me I do live streams and stuff like that but I just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done I love your point of view yes we don't agree on everything we have different interests and stuff like that but I love the way that you explain yourself to me you are the most real person I've ever seen on a Channel or YouTube or anything you're just Who You Are and then that means the world to me I don't even care if you ever read this or not I'm just glad I got to say that to you


Hi Chris and Colin! Love the show, keep up the good work. Chris this question is directed to you. In Destiny, do you have a favourite Raid? Vault of Glass and Kings Fall blew my world as a console gamer. Side QUESTion, Chris mentioning the fact he had to go over to a mates places to play games struck a chord with me, as I had to do the same. Chris, do you miss this element of gaming? Ultimately my gaming experience was WAY better because of this. Playing Tekken or taking turns playing MGS1 or Dino Crisis will forever stand out for me as massively fun social experiences. You get amazing online experiences now (Destiny being the perfect example) but there is something special about beating the crap out of someone in the room.


I hear you! I'm gonna keep swapping in the other shows, but Sacred Symbols will return for another go-round in the coming months.


I read everything everyone writes on CLS' Patreon. =) Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad to have been a positive influence on you!

Ryan B.

Such a blessing to have Chris and Colin doing this podcast! Thank you for this exclusive and keep up the great work!

Michael Raymond

Hi Colin just became a supporter last night. Absolutely love the podcasts! Please keep up the fantastic work.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Great to get to know Chris a little more. Loved this. ❤️❤️

Edwin Garcia

Great episode , it was nice to get to know Chris a little better .

Michael Raymond

Quick question. Are the Vimeo gameplay videos with your brother only available for Patrons? Still new to patreon and have a lot to learn.

John Lynch

Great episode guys. Love the show

Joseph Ady

Chris, the Ninja Gaiden soundtrack for NES was awesome.


Became a patron again for a short while JUST for this episode! Hope to stay for a while! Love you guys :)

Michael Cook

Just caught up with this - just wanted to say well done to both of you, a really interesting listen and a nice conjuct to the main series!


Thank you! I hope you stick around, and continue to enjoy the content. Thank you for your support!


Fun episode, Colin. I love your content. I've loved your work ever since your final days at IGN. I hope you can continue making what you love for as long as possible. And Chris, it was fun getting to know you better. You're an interesting funny dude.

Jonathan Broussard

Great Episode! Can't wait to get to know Chris more.

Billy boob

Big up to Chris for appreciating King gizzard and the lizard wizard, sick band 🤘🏻