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Hey All!

I hope that this posting finds you and yours very well.

It's that time! I'm pleased to reveal the next 10 topics that will be covered on CLS: KnockBack. Dagan and I will be recording this wave between May 30th and June 4th in Philadelphia, and we're super excited to convene and get this party (re-)started!

Here's what we're thinking...

Episode 19: The Breakfast Club
Episode 20: Skateboarding in the '80s
Episode 21: Mega Man 1, 2, and 3
Episode 22: Transformers ('80s cartoon/toys)
Episode 23: The Video Store
Episode 24: AOL and the Early Internet
Episode 25: Resident Evil 4
Episode 26: The Lion King
Episode 27: Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy*
Episode 28: TBD*

* - The fan vote in April went for Christopher Nolan movies; we've decided to narrow it down strictly to Nolan's Batman movies, as there's a lot of show there on its own. Episode 28's topic will be determined when we're in Philly recording (as that election hasn't even begun, no less concluded yet), so we'll have to play that one by ear.

Okay, so now that the topics have been established, it's time for you to participate as much as or as little as you'd like!

In the comments below, leave your thoughts, memories, questions, comments, concerns, or whatever else about one, two, or more (or all!) of the topics given. Just make sure to clearly identify what subject you're talking about. We'll then use your postings on the episodes we record... it's that simple!

I can't wait to see what you guys come up with for these topics. I'm rather jazzed by this array of shows, if I'm being honest, and I hope you are too.

Remember: Your collective level of participation in KnockBack is totally up to you... so if you can/want to, please take the time to participate! It makes the shows better and more dynamic, I think. =)

Thank you, as always, for your support. More soon! -Colin




Castlevania. Nuff said.

Jeremy Cochran

Regarding the video store....do you miss at all not knowing every detail about a game like today and basing rentals/purchases off of box art, word of mouth, and the description on the back of the box? Games seemed more magical in those times...

Craig Gunter

The Video Store: I have so many fond memories of the video store. My aunt and uncle owned a video store and I used to go hang out/help out there when I was 10-12 years old. It became a game to guess what section of the store customers would go to when they walked in the door just based off appearance. We could always guess who was going to the "adult" section in the back of the store. Be kind, rewind!


Transformers - Did either of you ever check out Beast Wars: Transformers? Think it ran around 96 or 97. Should check out an episode just to see early computer animation. Was actually really good, and very different from the original run in the 80s.

Craig Gunter

About Megaman: What is the story with the cover of the first game??? Its so awful.


Ohhh Resident evil 4! One of my favorite games ever and I've owned a physical copy on every platform it's released. It's a special game to me and It is one of very few games I've beaten a 100 times over and can still play without it getting stale. It fueld my love of gaming to where it is now and I'm glad it's getting covered. I have two questions, what impact did RE4 have on gaming in both of your opinions? And what does it say about capcom being willing to take another chance again on RE7? Even though capcom has been slipping for awhile and made a disgrace of the same series so many people love only to come back once again with RE7. Reminding us why RE4 was so great to begin with because of those chances they took years ago. P.s Ashley has NOT aged well in that game if I had to pick a weak point lol. Thanks guys. Keep up the great work

Sean Mason

Awesome batch of topics for season three! Cannot wait to listen. I have so many memories. My original AOL name, cystar, is my PSN name today. The Video Store! Oh boy, so many memories from my local video store- going every Friday night with my parents and sister. Getting various disney movies and a candy of our choice (Mike and Ike’s all day) Also, regarding Mega Man- among the NES games that are considered in the top tier, Mega Man was a game series I never have been able to get into. I’ve tried numerous times, but I just can’t seem to get into them.


Is there enough content to talk about RE4 without bringing up the other Resident Evils for an hour+? Same with The Lion King, and maybe Breakfast Club? Could be Resident Evils, certain Disney movies, and The Brat Pack. Question - For both of you - The Breakfast Club, which is your favorite character, and why? Mine is personally Judd Nelson as John Bender. Though Ally Sheedy is a close second as Allison Reynolds. Both were absolutely excellent in Saint Elmos Fire too.


AOL and the Internet - If you haven't checked out Halt and Catch Fire, you totally should. Was an AMC show that I think ran for 4 seasons about the tech revolution. - I feel like a whole episode could be done on AIM and other messaging platforms. Where your away message, and your profile page were the most important things.

Brent Lindquist

Resident Evil 4 is one of my favorite games of all time, and I distinctly remember Capcom's team-up with Nintendo in the so-called "Capcom Five," all of which eventually ended up on PS2 (aside from the canceled Dead Phoenix and P.N.03 which didn't do great). I remember picking up the original Resident Evil for the GameCube and almost immediately giving up on it, having never played it before. I found the tank controls impossible to grasp, but Resident Evil 4 was right up my alley. The setting, the enemies, the ridiculous-but-perfect voice acting, the gunplay that felt so great...it all just comes together to make such a great piece of entertainment. Also, there was a controller shaped like a chainsaw.

Bryan Finck

So many memories of my folks taking me to the video store every weekend to get a game, getting whatever looked cool from the box art and just dying to get home and see what it was like. That's how I played the first Metal Gear and fell in love with that series. Remember playing a rented copy of Mega Man on my black and white TV as well as Contra, and going nuts when I finally got to see them on a color TV for the first time. Can't wait for all these topics!

Marc Elfering

Really thought an alien was trying to contact me the first time I heard dial up for AOL, was very caught off guard lol. Wanted to see what you guys thought about The Dark Knight. I think it was such a phenomenal film because it was more of a crime thriller like Heat rather than a super hero movie. Just curious why you guys think the movie was such a massive success? Love the content!


I really hope you guys do another episode discussing other Nolan’s movies. Inception, Interstellar and Dunkirk perhaps.


Not much to add, but I would just like to share that The Lion King was the very first very I watched in theaters, it blew me away at the time and to this day holds a special place in my heart. I even saw the Broadway rendition when it came through town. Pumba is the best. Period.

Alex Ball

AOL Question: Did anybody have their own phone line or were you guys like me and have to sign off whenever my parents had to use the damn phone. Also, when did you start searching for porn?


The BC: Fantastic film. John Hughes is masterclass in 80s teen flicks. Also, the first film I felt I truly related to the characters even though they were supposedly so "different". P.S. - eat my shorts


Mega Man - As a kid, me and my siblings would play MM2 and MM3 a lot and is my favorite game series to this day. I wanted to bring up the grid based password system in those games. We were young and would constantly fuck up writing down the passwords. We had post-it notes all over the place trying to keep track of the passwords. We would draw out the entire grid with the dots and then go to enter the password later only to learn we fucked something up and it wouldn't work. Thank god for save files.


Or worse, someone would call the phone line and it would boot you off the internet.


The Lion King was one of only two movies (the other being in Home Alone when Kevin and his mom are reunited at the end) that I can specifically remember making me almost cry when watching it in the theater as a kid. Now that I have two kids of my own, I'm reluctant to even watch the flim's "dad- wake up!" scene again!


Hi, Colin and Dagan! My questions are about Resident Evil 4. First of all, I really think this is the high point the franchise and one game that (at least for me) never gets old (and, well, it's easy to play it nowadays since Capcom keeps rereleasing it everywhere). Do you guys agree that it holds up pretty well and will continue to do so for years to come? Also, Colin, since you've played God of War, don't you think Brok and Sindri kinda remind the Seller from RE4? I always think of him when I see those Dwarves. Thanks for all your amazing work, guys! KnockBack kicks ass!


For the Nolan Batman episode. I had just rewatched The Dark Knight when I saw this and I’m excited to hear you and Dagan talk about them. In my last viewing, I was struck by how scary Joker still is 10 years later. I think this performance is so well done, but the scariest part really has nothing to do with the character, and more with what happened after the movie came out. Joker is the embodiment of everyone’s fears about lone wolf terrorism; someone who just wants to watch the world burn. My question for the both of you is do you think Christopher Nolan (and Heath Ledger) saw this trend coming, did this portrayal of Joker influence would-be terrorists (I include school shooters in this), or some combination of both? Sorry for the heady question. Keep up the great work!

Matt Stinnett

Can’t wait for these episodes to drop. I’m a huge fan of The Breakfast Club so I’ll be looking forward to hearing you guys discuss it. Keep up the great work!


Hey Colin and Dagan! Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy is still my favourite set of Superhero films. I love how just like some of the best Batman stories, the trilogy really centres itself on its villains. I would like to know what your favourite moment is for Ra's Al Ghul, Joker and Bane. Thanks fellas and keep up the good work, you should be proud of the quality you are producing.

Ian (616Entertainment)

On the Nolan trilogy: How do you think the DC films would have played out if, in an ideal world, Bale and Nolan stayed on, and their universe welcomed in the rest of the DC heroes and villains? Nolan's world was so grounded, how would/could they have introduced a Superman or Wonder Woman into that sphere? No only that, but how do you think a Christopher Nolan Superman film looks?

Ian (616Entertainment)

On The Lion King: Nothing in the entire world brings me back to my childhood as strongly as The Lion King does. The soundtrack, the imagery, everything about it gives me an intense rush of nostalgia that can't be matched by anything else, that soundtrack can make me tear up on any given day, its hard to explain. What is that thing for you? What has the strongest tether to your upbringing?

Ian (616Entertainment)

On The Video Store: My local Blockbuster once accused me of breaking the PS1 disc for WWF Attitude, which I know for a fact I did not do. Ddi you guys ever have any return-related issues? Were you ever blamed for someone else's mistake?


Regarding the Lion King, I'd be curious to hear Dagans thoughts on rolling movies like this out to his kids. My son, Colin, is turning 3. He loves "The Lion Guard" which is an animated spin-off, but hates the Lion King. Says it looks "yucky." He also loves the recent live action Jungle Book, but won't watch the old animated one. What are Dagans kids favorite disney movies? Disney has produced a number of TV shows based on movies, so I'd be curious to hear any memories tied to (TV Show versions) of Toy Story, Little Mermaid, Hercules, Tarzan, Aladdin.

Ian (616Entertainment)

On Resident Evil 4: My first exposure was watching my friend Bathroom Money playing it on his Gamecube, and I couldn't get myself to like it. "This isn't Resident Evil," I kept repeating. Years later, I played it on my PS2, and felt so foolish. What an amazing game. Did either of you have apprehension when you first laid eyes on RE4?

Ian (616Entertainment)

Also on RE4: Have you guys seen the video of that early version of RE4, where its still using fixed cameras, and Leon is fighting a ghost who uses a meathook on a chain as a weapon? I love the RE4 we got, but what I would not give to see another world where THAT was the game that released. How do you think RE4 would have faired if it didn't take chances and get away from the fixed camera angles?


On the Breakfast Club: who was your favorite Bratpack star (doesn't necessarily have to be from this specific movie, just overall favorite). Personally, I'm torn between Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald or Anthony Michael Hall.


So many great video store memories. Growing up in a small country town in Australia we had our choice of a few video stores. Both with a mix of new releases and walls or classics. My favourite was a store called Future Flicks which also doubled as a mini arcade as well. If we accrued late fees for a video we would use another store for awhile in hope that they would eventually wipe the fees and they usually did. We probably have more choice today with iTunes and Netflix but browsing is not the same and not as enjoyable. Great topic and I cannot wait to hear yours and others thoughts


On the Batman trilogy: I really love this trilogy and I think all three movies are better then most of the Marvel movies out today. My question is this: Why hasn't DC been able to copy the success of what made this trilogy great in their latest movies? Do you think it's a combination of how grounded the series is as a whole or is due to how great of a Batman Christian Bale is?


On Lion King: I think Lion King still holds up as one of the best movies ever created by Disney for many reasons. The music is one reason I think it's still remembered and referenced today. What do you guys think of the music and are you living the Hakuna Matata way of life?

Patrick A Crone

Resident Evil 4 is one of my all-time favorite games. So much so that I’ve bought it almost as many times as Super Mario Bros across several different consoles. My personal favorite was the Wii version. While there are much better looking versions on the newest consoles, the Wii version was one of the few games that used the Wiimote and Nunchuck without inducing a rage stroke.


Oh you have to mention the "back room" of video stores. To a little kid I always wondered what in there lmao


Once the new DC films inevitably come to an end, sooner rather than later, I would love for them to go back to Nolan’s universe and build. Let the trilogy stand on its own and build off of Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s batman. It may not be “comic accurate” but I think you could ground every hero but Superman, and keep him as the only fantastical aspect. You could even bring villains like Joker into the fold by having copycats mirroring the Batman copycats in TDK.

Phillip Guglielmo

AOL and the Early Internet: This era, for me, is synonymous with the nu metal movement. I remember watching Korn's online show, Korn's After School Specials, with my cousin (which was wildly inappropriate for an 8 year old and boasted some classy guests like Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson). This was one of the first examples of streaming technology and it blew my mind.


On skateboarding in the 80s: BMX probably doesn’t need its own episode but it tends to overlap culturally with skateboarding a lot. Just wanted to give a shout out to it. “Rad” and “BMX Bandits”, featuring a teenage Nicole Kidman, made me fall in love with BMX as a kid. Love the show, guys!

Sean Mason

The Dark Knight is not only my favorite superhero movie, but it’s also my favorite overall movie

Alex Castellanos

For the Lion King: What could possibly be different about the scheduled "live-action" Lion King remake that would make it any different than the '94 film? Can a movie with nothing but C.G. animals look or play out any better than its predecessor?


For Lion King: Did either of you ever play the SNES game? You may have both been too old for that style of game at the time, but as a youngster that game was so hard! Great soundtrack too (Just thought of my next my next Knockback topic submission- Your favorite soundtracks from video games).


For Skateboarding in the 80's: What were some of your favorite (or most popuplar) skating brands back then, and what were some of your favorite skate videos and pro's themselves? I lived and breathed skateboarding during my middle school years in the early 2000's and am interested to see which companies stuck around. Also, did you ride those boards with no nose and only a tail? That would've been so much different! Lastly, vert, street, or both? I'm not sure how prominent skate parks were in those times


Hey guys! For Transformers topic: I loved the show and watched religiously, however my parents spent most of the toy budget on G.I. Joe so I was stuck with GoBots. Do either of you remember this cheap knockoff show/toy-line? For Lion King topic: Fun theatre nerd fact - the Lion King is a re-contextualization of Hamlet. Not sure if this is widely known, but it sure blew my mind in college. Thanks for all your hard word, you two have created one of my most anticipated shows.

Koray Savas

For Resident Evil 4: I was a big Resident Evil fan in the PSX era and played 1-Survivor plus Code Veronica and 0 on GameCube, but somehow never played 4 and lost interest in the franchise when 5 rolled around and changed the core gameplay. With 4 being available on PS4 for a mere $7.99, is still worth going back and dedicating time to playing through it? Has the game aged well enough to revisit? Or should I just leave it in the past and dust off my VR headset for Resident Evil 7?

Jorge Pal

Hey guuuuuuyyyys, Hope all is well! My question is about the Nolan Batman movies. Had Heath Ledger not passed away, what do you think could have possibly followed the Dark Knight? Do you think The Joker would have been involved in a major way? Would new villains still been introduced? Do you think there might have been a Burton like situation were Nolan would back out at the last minute and we'd have a new director step in? Also, Do you think they could make a game out of the trilogies that could work? Thanks for everything! BEYOND! -Jorge

Phil Crone

Regarding The Video Store, everyone has that one game that they rented an obscene amount of times (Earthbound for me). What was your alls?

Isaac Cynova

Transformers: How idiotic was Megatron's first transformation. Why did he shrink? Why did he let Starscream of all Decepticons shoot him? And why did he still miss all the time? And for those kids who saw the Movie and seasons after that, how did you handle it when the familiar Transformers that you cared about died? That last part was actually really hard for me. Optimus Prime got a whole resurrection arc, but a lot of the other ones didn't come back to make way for Hasbro to introduce new toys and characters. The Video Store: in New Mexico we had a store called Hastings which was a little like a magical Wonderland of entertainment. It had books, videos, music, and video games, and the videos and video games you could rent or buy. I really miss the feeling of seeing covers and just renting whatever looked cool, before buying the ones that really resonated with me. It was great for discovery, and helped me find games like the SaGa series, Ogre Battle 64, Dynasty Warriors, and others that would go on to become my favorites. I hope the younger generation has some of that magical feeling when they go through the digital shop. Do you think that feeling, which I've heard others talk about before, is purely a product of the physical shop and time, or could it be the age of the shopper, since everything (new music, movies, video games, and even books) have a special, mysterious and exciting feeling to them during the formative years of your life? Also, for movies, seeing an advertisement for a movie like "Rad," or some other obscure movie, and then going through the phone book calling every single video rental store looking for one that carried that movie. It took a lot of work to track down specific movies or video games back then. I remember doing the same thing trying to find a store that had a rental copy of Stunt Race FX, and then again for Street Racer, when my brothers and I were wearing out SNES racers. AOL: 13 years old, "15/m" - I'm sure there were hordes of us 13 year old boys in the gay/lesbian chat rooms talking to each other under the "18/F" label with no verification too. Wild times.

Mathieu Brousseau

Hey boys, sending positive vibes from Canada! As a 21 year old (born in 1997) I was to young and missed the AOL period. So for my question, whats a positive aspect of the early internet that I missed and whats a negative one that I should be glad I never had to deal with? Cheers Mat

Michael Miller

I just now stopped using my AOL email back in January. Nothing was wrong with it, but it was time....

Jonathan Broussard

Can't wait. I wonder if Dagan will agree with Colin's love of Dark Knight Rises in Ep 27.

Isaac Cynova

The Aladdin game was awesome too. Weird how those Disney platformers were so good back then.

Isaac Cynova

Re:AOL - Did you guys have a Live Journal? What Message Boards were you a part of, before everything went to Reddit?

Tim Taylor

Hi guys, looking forward to the upcoming episodes. One the Batman Trilogy: I think Batman Begins gave us the truest form of Batman. He fought using the shadows and looked like an actual martial artist rather then just busting into crowded public places and body slamming guys.

Eric Wilson

I don’t skate but ever since THPS, I’ve always admired the sport and wished i had what it takes to be somewhat decent. Stacy Peralta made two skate docs: Dogtown and Z-boys (2001) and The Bones Brigade (2012). Were you guys blown away by the rapid evolution of skateboarding, beginning with the Z-boys from the 70s, then transitioning to the members of the Bones Brigade of the 80s and beyond? Thanks, i love this show.

Justin Matkowski

Can't wait for this season, dudes! Mega Man 1,2,3 - Aside from the fact that it is one of the greatest games (with one of the best soundtracks) of all time, the thing I admire most about Mega Man 2 is that it was a labor of love project. The team behind it fought for its development when Capcom was on the fence about doing a sequel to the first Mega Man. Their dedication led to an even-better follow-up in Mega Man 3 and birthed one of the most beloved IPs in all gaming. An awesome lesson that no matter the creative endeavor, passion will always win the day! Nolan's Batman Trilogy - Seeing The Dark Knight with a packed theatre on its opening weekend is one of my favorite film-going memories, ever. The moment that blew the doors off for me was the Joker/Batman interrogation scene, when the Joker maniacally tells Batman "You complete me". I nudged my girlfriend at the time who was sitting next to me, and said "Holy shit, they nailed it. They've actually brought Batman to life." There is a reason TDK is considered "The Godfather" of comic book movies, and The Dark Knight Rises is an incredible closer for an amazing trilogy (*Bane voice* suck it, haters!)


Is there a worse modern-day adaptation of a retro franchise than the modern-day Transformers movies? Just terrible, right?

Marcus Brown

Breakfast Club has a spot in my heart. It's one of the biggest things in my childhood. I was only 8 when I first saw it...now 1 million times later I can repeat every word of dialogue. It's in my top 10 films of all time


The Video Store: I was so lucky my mom was a movie addict, her weekly visits to Hollywood Video would always involve me renting a new game. Not sure if your guys store did video games too but I probably played a majority of the PS2 library cause of her and the Rent 2 get 1 free deal. Love ya mom!

Chad Lewis

Megaman: I know that Colin prefers the traditional Megaman games to the X series but I’m curious of Dagans opinion? I personally prefer X. Megaman 2 was one of my first gaming experiences but X was the first game to truly ever blow me away and still one of my all time favorites today. Also thought I’d note that while I listen to the answer to this question my son will be going bananas watching Elmo’s world! Multi generational Moriarty fans in the Lewis house! Thanks so much for ALL the hard work and content you guys do!

Chad Lewis

Transformers: I’m a huge gen 1 Transformers fan but have either of you watched transformers prime? Both peter cullen and frank welker return and the show actually has one continuous plot. I think its definitely worth checking out for any transformers fan I might even like it more then gen 1!

Chad Lewis

The lion king: how do you guys feel about the iconic voices of Nathan lane and Jeremy irons being recast for the new movie yet they brought back James Earl Jones despite him having a more minor role? I can’t imagine Timon and Scar without those fantastic performances.


Resident evil 4 - I love this game as I think many people do and should. But what I want to know is, Do you think the original concept for the game that was shown with ghost puppet things, been a better, more terrifying one? I'm still interested to where they were going to take the story before they changed it. & Wasn't Leon in Devil May Cry ;)

Jeshua Anderson

Christopher Nolan: Hey guys, loving the show and all that you do! Ok so the Nolan trilogy is hands down the best overall Batman movie series. However I just can't understand the belief that Bale played the best Batman. Bruce wayne, yes. But in comparison to Keaton,, his Batman was not intimidating (sorry over aggressive growling doesn't intimidate). Keaton's just had a silent, brooding confidence that your ass was abput to get kicked in 2 effecient moves that was terrifying. Anyways, your thoughts?

Jeshua Anderson

Aol, and early Internet: Can you please, for the youngsters out there, discuss how much Limewire, Kazaa, Morpheus and with those Napster really changed things for the entertainment market place?

Jeshua Anderson

80's Cartoons: Is it me, or was M.A.S.K. the most undrrrated 80's cartoon? They easily had one of the best toy lines and would make for an AWESOMEmovie today if done right. Also The Real Ghostbusters cartoon (not the atrocious knockoff) how great was that cartoon and toy line??

Ryan Hurley

AOL and the Early Internet: What were your AOL screen names?

Ryan Hurley

The Lion King: Have either of you attended The Lion King on Broadway? As much as my wife and I love the original film, the musical gave us a whole new appreciation of the story. We think the musical's soundtrack is just as good as the original, if not better.


The Breakfast Club: Perhaps Anthony Michael Hall deserves a knock back episode all on his own but, my question to you both is how did the characters he played across those HUGE films in the 80s impact on the children/teens of the 80s. As a 90's kid, Im not sure we had a teen actor who played so many key roles in so many key films... so i was wondering what that was like.

Mikey 12

Dark Knight Trilogy: Welcome back to Philly Colin (home of the world champions of football). Regarding the Dark Knight, as a Michael Mann fan, can Dagan comment on the heavy influences of HEAT on Nolan’s creation of the sequel? Opening bank heist, familiar actors, interrogation scene/diner scene, Gotham acting as a character in the film much like LA. Thanks and keep up the great content Pisans.

Dustin Kline

Mega Man: have only played one of the ps1 mega man games (cant remember which one). Picking up the MM legacy collection for my switch in the next day or two. The retrogaming/collecting episode you guys did has spurred me on to start getting into playing old series/games i am to young to have been exposed to. Just bought the three castlevania games for my nes and plan to beat them all!