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Hey All,

If you're seeing this, it's because you support CLS on Patreon at any level. First, allow me to thank you for that.

The link above (replicated here) will bring you to a short survey that I concocted to get your guys' and gals' feedback. It's pretty short, and should only take you a few minutes. While you're under absolutely no obligation to answer anything whatsoever, I'd really appreciate it if you did.

The survey deals with the content as-is, CLS' Patreon, some other extraneous issues, and the possible comeback of CLS: Prime, which will be determined by the outcome of this survey.

I'm gonna leave the survey open through the end of April, so you have a few days (at the time of posting) to answer.

Thank you for being an amazing, engaged, and supportive community. I will reveal the results of the survey in a week or two to let you know how you all feel about everything, and where we go from here.

Now go take the survey!

Thanks again! -Colin

P.S. Sorry for the update, but it goes without saying that the link to the survey should stay within the confines of this Patreon. This isn't for people who aren't CLS Patrons. Thank you!


CLS Feedback Maelstrom 2018 Survey

Web survey powered by SurveyMonkey.com. Create your own online survey now with SurveyMonkey's expert certified FREE templates.


Erik Peterson

Done <a href="https://y.yarn.co/175a8ad2-cee2-4551-91e8-b303894ca0c4.mp4?1524862211112" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://y.yarn.co/175a8ad2-cee2-4551-91e8-b303894ca0c4.mp4?1524862211112</a>

Jimmy Valentine

Thank you for asking for feedback! I completed it as well!

Nathanael Haller

Done! Like I said on the survey, I’d love to see you play some of your favorite games in a more laid back environment.

James Schubert

Potential for prime return, im in


You've got it. I'm a social scientist, how can I say no to a good survey :)



Tony Colton

Think it's important that everyone who completes the survey is 100% honest with the answers 😊


Completed it!

Brett Medlock

Questions answered &lt;3


Thanks for what you do!


Done - and thanks for all your hard work



Matthew Clem

Survey done! It means a lot to us fans that you take the time to make and read these surveys. Not everyone does that, and it shows you much you care about the audience and their opinions. I appreciate all the hard work you've been doing!


^^^Matthew said everything I was thinking. Hope my survey helps


It is finished.

Chris Coose

...and I did my homework for the day, I'm feeling accomplished on my day off!

Jorge Pal

I think I wrote a bit much but....done!


Sorry about the essay at the end 😛.

Ian (616Entertainment)

Done! I left a few ideas in the suggestions box, maybe you'll like them, maybe you won't. Thanks for listening, Colin.

Robby Deadman

Done. Appreciate you doing this Colin! Makes me proud to be a part of CLS. Keep up the great work!

Theis Jensen

Done. I have a feeling that you are going to see a lot of "Colin works to much" :)