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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has had exceptional staying power. It's enjoyed ebbs and flows in its relevance and success, of course, but it's been in the nerd consciousness for more than 30 years, and there's a reason for that: TMNT is awesome. Today's KnockBack is dedicated to the Turtles, with much of the conversation focusing on the classic 1990 film. But obviously, we touch on the cartoons, toys, and more, too. So let's jump in! Oh... and bring your Jose Canseco bat, if you can find it.




Awesome, been waiting for this one! :)

Patrick A Crone

Here’s Mike Matei’s Ninja Turtles intro recreated in Mario Paint. I’m pretty sure Dagan has seen it. Give it a watch if you haven’t yet, Colin! <a href="https://youtu.be/jWPi2icrs9c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/jWPi2icrs9c</a>

Justin Matkowski

Awesome episode and appreciate the comment shout out, dudes! As a side note, because of the 1980's obsession with ninja's, I think it was a right of passage for people in our generation to dick around with real ninja stars at some point.

Jason Stafford

Great podcast guys! I'm almost as old as Dagan, but not quite (3 years) and the Turtles were very much during my time. I loved the comics, loved the cartoon, and the films. The 90's films the most I believe. They were the perfect mixture of the comics with just enough of the cartoons that the fans of that could still get involved. Side note: The most recent films were only Michael Bay produced I believe. That being said, I watched them and enjoyed them although I've always been accused of liking bad movies. I actually liked the 2nd one, "Out of the Shadows" even better than the first. It really pulled a lot from the cartoons we grew up on including Krang, Rocksteady, Bebop, and the Party Wagon as well as the song! High art? No. But it was a hella fun nostalgia trip. I'd still recommend giving them a shot with an open mind. I still think it's okay to have fun movies that aren't high art. Love you guys! Keep up the great work! (P.S. Thank you for being fun without being inane.)

Eric Serrato

Yo fellas, great episode! So much nostalgia. I still have my 2ft Leo and Mikey. Im 38 and i literally collected them until i was like 13. I had all the figures from Casey Jones too the Crocodile guy(forgot his name). I still havent beat the Nes version but its on my bucket list! Keep it up


Thank you for your kind words (And for the information, of course. I'll have to take a look anew, perhaps!)


Yes! The first movie I ever watched in the theaters was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 1990 at the Beverley Center in West LA.

Christopher Toffolo

Great episode on the Turtles. They were really the first nerdy thing that I fell in love with, and I always like when they become popular again. Definitely share your sentiments about the 90 movie. Looking forward to that future episode all about Danny! Side note: it's so refreshing to hear a strictly audio podcast. YouTube videos converted over to a podcast never have the same intimacy going between the people. Keep this up.


That's awesome. I must admit that I don't even know what my first movie theater film was...


Thank you! I love the audio-only nature of the conversation. Not being able to rely on visuals enhances it, I think.

Christopher Toffolo

Anytime, man. Agree. It's like reading: I get to imagine and picture the stories in my head as opposed to watching the two of you talk with a TMNT banner behind you. Podcasts need to embrace this. I mentioned this to Dagan over Twitter; the brotherly banter is my favorite part. It reminds me of the way that me and my brothers talk to each other. Be well, from a fellow Long Islander!

Tony Colton

Great episode! Donnie was always my fav growing up watchin cartoon in the 80's but when the movie came out my fav changed to Raph! What a super character in that movie and for me is hands down the best portrayal of any characters across every iteration. For me the sequel was ruined by them changing Raphs character to a more comedic one. The best version of the character design I've seen since that original movie is the turtles in Injustice 2 they really look awesome. Would really love a proper sequel to the original movie

Abe Moukhtar

I have no idea how you guys came up with knock back, but holy cow! This series is fantastic! I love this episode just like the others. Best question ever asked by Dagan ,” Technodrome or Public Enemy’s Terror Dome?” I laughed so hard at that and the NKOTB vs Vanilla Ice question! Keep it up and can’t wait for the art to arrive from this month!!! And I know someone who is watching TMNT the 90 (?) movie tonight with my kids!!!