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Great. Just not as great.


Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Review -- CLS Side Quest

After a lengthy five year wait, the sequel to Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch has finally arrived. Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom abandons much of what made the original so amazing, but it thankfully manages to grasp onto greatness in its own, unique ways. (The copy of Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom that this review is based upon was provided to CLS by Bandai Namco, free of charge and before it was released in stores.) Colin's Last Stand: Side Quest is free of baked-in ads, product placement, and other obnoxious forms of advertising because of your support. Please consider subscribing to CLS' Patreon to show your support for independent content: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Listen to the CLS interview podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: Fireside Chats (also available on podcast services): https://soundcloud.com/colinslaststand Listen to the CLS retro podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://soundcloud.com/clsknockback Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406 Still imagery via Amazon and Wikia. All Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom footage in this video was captured by CLS at 1080p30. The following videos were also incorporated into this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mrgKrS5VuE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmm0R5mJJzA Bibliography/Reading List: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/15/ni-no-kuni-wrath-of-the-white-witch-review http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/12/05/ni-no-kuni-2-revenant-kingdom-announced https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-12-12-ni-no-kuni-2-has-been-delayed-until-march-next-year https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-07-13-ni-no-kuni-2-delayed-until-january-2018


Jacek Debowski

Colin, for what it’s worth, I love you for this episode. Now. Must. Watch.


Great review Colin! I was waiting on purchasing until I heard your feedback so thank you for putting this together.

Ian (616Entertainment)

Would looooove reviews on the channel, Colin. This review was extremely informative and let me know that while I still intend to play the first in the series, this one doesn't seem like its for me. I get overwhelmed fairly easily when there's a million different things to do in a game, and Ni No Kuni II seems like there's plenty to juggle. Excellent review, thank you!


I know you've only done the one review so far, but have you considered posting your script for them? Video was great btw, but sometimes I'm in the mood to read a good old fashioned review sans video/sound. Your writing is fantastic (I'm still hoping you do another 'history of (developer)' article in the future). Just an idea. Keep on gaming brotha.


Great review. Once I finish replaying Chrono Trigger on my Vita, this will be next on the list.

Brock Thomas Walsh

Excellent review Colin. I would love to see you do more of this. I was already thinking about picking this up, but definitely will later this year after watching this!

BettyAnn Moriarty

Nicely done, bud. I’ve missed ‘this particular voice’ ... 👍🏻😉❤️

Will Hahn

What a great episode! It’s nice to hear you reviewing games again!

Chris B

Great review. I hope we get to see at least a few of these throughout the year.


i miss the animation from the first one and this game seems to be really easy. I have not died once. Even when fighting enemies 5-10 levels above mine.

Bryan Finck

Really enjoyed it Colin, I think reviews of big games or ones you feel strongly about would be very welcome as a part of Side Quest.

Cameron Paterson

Great review. I would definitely love to see more reviews from you. I appreciate that you mentioned the trophie list for the game and that you didn't tack on a score at the end.👍👍👌👌.


God Damn Right.. awesome to see a review from you. Looking forward to more.

Leonard Jacobson

Awesome! I pretty much agree except a few things, despite only playing the original's beta. My points of comparison were Suikoden because of the party recruiting and Fable for the kingdom building. I don't think the characters grabbed me like they did in Suikoden but then I've played that game at least 6 times. Loved that the your time investment fed in multiple systems regardless what you were doing. I was surprised at the lack of VO and found the game waaaay too easy. I was having to fight enemies 10 levels higher than myself to find any challenge and yes, the combat system was like a lesser version of the The series. In saying that, it was very fluid and I've never found it boring, but then I'm a big advocate for the jrpg move to real time combat, despite how clumsy most attempts have been. I'm at around 30 hours and pretty sure I have another 10-20 to go at least and I'd be surprised if this game doesn't stay in my top 5 or at least top 10 for the year. In the mean time I better play its predecessor! Cheers for the review, Colin! Hope to see more for those special games.


I know you're said in past you don't like ratings, but it kind of stinks you don't include them. The way I see it, if I'm really on the fence about a game, I'll usually just check out the scores and see if it's high then I go off that. I was fine with waiting on getting Metal Gear Solid 5 at launch, but then when IGN/Gamespot gave it a 10, I picked it up without reading the review...I'll usually double back to read reviews after I've played it in a while. Ni No Kuni 2 is one of those games as well, I watched the review to see your thoughts, but probably won't watch future ones unless there is a score, or until I've given the game a try. Just some food for thought on the whole "Review Scores vs No Review Scores" - Thanks Colin :)


You're quite welcome! The first game is one of the best on PS3, period. I think you'll love it.


'Tis an interesting idea. Maybe I could put the script in the body of the postings here on Patreon? It's something to consider.


You're playing the PSone Classic of CT? Dude, that's a terrible port! =\ Glad you liked the review, though. =D


I died a few times, but I was really pushing it fighting enemies I had no business going up against.


I'm personally not seeing much Suiokden here, though there's certainly something to be said about that comparison. Honestly, I get Actraiser vibes (like I said in the review), in addition to -- if I'm being honest -- perhaps Little King's Story? Obscure, but an apt reference. Like you said, it's not boring by any stretch. I think it's pretty great. But it doesn't have the SPIRIT of the first, and that, to me, was stunning.


Thank you for your feedback! If I'm leveling with you, there's a 0% chance I put a score (or other system) on my reviews. I've been saying for years that review scores are dumb, and now I can put up or shut up, as it were.

Carson Smith

Good review Colin. I would enjoy more of these for sure. I would also like to mention that the reason I played original game was because I constantly heard you praising it. I borrowed a PS3, bought it and wow... what an experience it was. The game literally had me tearing up in the first 5 minutes. The combat was weird at first, but I got used to it. I was so happy that this one came to PC, so I can play it without borrowing a console lol. I will say the challenge level is pretty low so far, which is kind of disappointing, bit it's still fun. As a side note... did King Tom from the first game have intercourse with a human at some point... how else would we get a cat boy for the protagonist. Still makes me uncomfortable when I think about it too much lol.

Theis Jensen

I have also been a little on the fence with this one, and I am going to wait until I can rent it, because of the lack of a good story and characters. I am all about story and characters :) I liked your review and hope that you will do more this year like God Of War, Red Dead, Detroit. No score at the end is not a problem for me, you say everything we need to know in the review.


Great to see you do game reviews in this style again Colin. I really enjoyed it! Keep up the great work.

Hose A Contra Razz

Great video, I wonder why the 1st one is a PS3 exclusive, its a remake of Ni no Kuni: Dominion of the Dark Djinn on the DS. The DS has all the animation from Studio Ghibli, the DS has an extra animation movie clip I believe, but its was only released in Japan.

Peter Campbell

Enjoyed the video, even though I don't think it would be a game I'd play. On the question of having reviews, I think they would work on games you have a strong opinion on but I don't think you need to feel you have to do them if its games that aren't doing much for you. I'd much rather have a point of view in a view, no matter the subject, rather than a do it because its expected habit.


I am interested in trying out Ni No Kuni, never played the first one but it looks pretty aight.

Tony Colton

Boom.... The master is back!


While not a JPRG fan, it's great to see you reviewing games again. Hoping for reviews on Far Cry 5 and God of War.


It's safe to assume that I'm going to at least try to review the three games you mentioned (and others), but reviews will certainly not constitute the lion's share of CLSSQ content.


Thank you or your kind words! I'm not sure how regular it'll be -- a lot of it depends on access -- but I certainly want to do more!


The games are quite different, but the DS one came first, and I think the PS3 version uses a lot of the original.


Thank you! No Far Cry 5 review (though I wanna do a video on it), but God of War is on my radar to review.

Jimmy Valentine

Has anyone heard any rumblings of bringing the first game to ps4? I'd love to play it, but no longer own a working ps3. As a side not, I played Far Cry 5 some late last night. Great game so far.


Great review. Wish mainstream media would just knock off the scores and hit the highs and lows like you did here.


I'm shocked they didn't before the sequel came out, so I'd say it's highly unlikely at this point.

Paul Molina

Great to see you doing reviews again. Had it not been for your review of the first Ni No Kuni, I never would have given it a chance. Turned out to be a great game. After this review, I am tempted to just go back and play through the first again. Gotta love that Oliver.

Ray Briggs

Love the review Colin. Makes me want to pickup the original. For games you really like I'd love to see more. God of War is coming!

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 15:42:01 Thank you so much! Hopefully the next video you see (after today's) is the God of War review... but we'll see how that goes! <3
2018-04-03 19:31:02 Thank you so much! Hopefully the next video you see (after today's) is the God of War review... but we'll see how that goes! <3

Thank you so much! Hopefully the next video you see (after today's) is the God of War review... but we'll see how that goes! <3