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When I launched the podcast series CLS: KnockBack some weeks ago, I simultaneously altered some of the perks you can receive for supporting Colin's Last Stand here on Patreon. One of the more significant changes came to the $50/month level, which used to net you a handwritten note or postcard from yours truly every 30 days or so. I still want to do that every now and again, because it's a fun way for me to keep in touch with my most hardcore Patrons. But I wanted to change things up, too, so that you can expect something new and different in the mail from month to month.

Today, I'm excited to reveal the first one-time-only perk that will be available only to those who support CLS on Patreon at the $50+/month level for March, and it's a perk that aims to celebrate the launch of the aforementioned KnockBack.

The first episode of KnockBack is all about The Empire Strikes Back, one of my favorite movies, and one of Dagan's, too. During the podcast, we spent a lot of time talking about Boba Fett, not to mention the other five bounty hunters Darth Vader hires during the film. For supporting CLS at the $50+/month level in March, you will receive the enclosed art of Boba Fett, IG-88, 4-LOM, Dengar, Zuckuss, and Bossk, drawn by Dagan just for this occasion, printed in beautiful color on high quality stock paper, signed by the artist, and delivered to your mailbox.

Pretty cool, huh?

Oh, and making everything even cooler, a supporter at the $50+/month level will be randomly selected to receive a painting of the six bounty hunters, created by Dagan, and sent to your home.

Thank you to all who support Colin's Last Stand here on Patreon, no matter the level. Every one of you is contributing to an independent brand of content that could only exist with your backing, content enjoyed everyday by thousands of people. None of this would be possible without you.



Abe Moukhtar

Are you serious, Collin? Not only this extremely cool concept and creation by Dagan, but it’s by Dagan, the lead animator at Sesame Workshop! Holy Moly! I am in!!


This is awesome. Can't afford it myself, but it's really cool for people who can support at that level.

Abe Moukhtar

That’s several things in my life that culminate into this awesome thing. I can’t figure out which part is cooler, Empire Strikes Back original artwork or getting something created and signed by the lead Animator of probably the greatest children’s show ever created that I grew up on. What a friggin perk!!

Ivan Hornett

A Dagan OG?? Very sweet perk.


All good! I appreciate you being here regardless. I dig the art, too. I asked him to draw the bounty hunters, and this is what he came up with. =D


Hey Colin I already paid for March at my normal teer. Can I update it to get this?!


Hey Kyle! As far as I understand, if you bump up to this tier, you'll just be charged the difference. If there are any problems, absolutely let me know.


Thanks! We're gonna be offering Dagan prints/art/paintings at this tier moving forward more often than not, but I wanna switch 'em in and out depending on what we're talking about.


Alright I’m absolutely getting this!

BettyAnn Moriarty

Oh god!!! I love this. Yay!!! 👍🏻❤️

Abe Moukhtar

Do I smell maybe some mega man/ castlevania original artwork from Dagan coming? I think I do lol. I would never thought of being a $50 /month Patreon member but for CLS and this unbelievable perk you came up with, I will now be a $50 member. Just got to the second episode of knock back and I literally nodded in appreciation when you mentioned Faxanadu. It is the only cartridge I own but it is a prized possession lol. Keep up the great work!!!


Absolutely. What I'd love to do moving forward is a unique piece of art for something we spoke about recently on KnockBack. I don't wanna JUST do that -- I kinda like sending you guys letters and postcards every so often -- but I think we'll typically do that at this tier moving forward.


Here’s hoping the painting contains both Zuckuss and Suckass 🤞jk

Abe Moukhtar

I am sold my friend. It was your words that brought me to kinda funny when you said “What the fuck is this” about the PS4 Pro and I am extremely happy you are now doing what you have a passion for and all I have to say is the insightful and grounded conversation that happens across all CLS channels and delivery mediums is my favorite content in the world. Thanks for all you do and please thank all of your family, Erin and especially Dagan and your Father for their participation. Best content on the internet for today’s world!

Patrick A Crone

Dagan’s Art is fantastic. Sadly, I don’t have the scratch for the $50 tier. But those who do are in for a treat!

Jonah Gespacho

I was just going to direct message about Dagan’s art at the $100.00 tier. This is superb and a visual treat. Very grateful and thank you much !

Jeff Pollard

This is so awesome! Just bumped up to the $50 tier!! Can't wait!!

Steven Oslund

I think I'm gonna bump up my pledge for this! Boba looks so perfect. I do have a question on this. Once I bump up my pledge and get charged, am I then free to bump it back down to my normal tier? Just don't want to forget about it and then be surprised at the first of next month :) By the way, I've kind of been absent in interactions but I love all the work you've been doing <3

Cameron Paterson

As a massive Boba Fett fan that's really awesome.


I THINK that will work, because if you roll into April, you'll be charged again (and will therefore get the next perk). So go ahead and try that, if you want. Make sure you get charged, then bump back down. If, for some reason, you don't get this in the mail after that, we'll know (and obviously, I'll rectify the situation for you).


I'm not really a Star Wars fan, but I feel like I need that lol. The art style is fantastic.


Thank you! I'm sure we'll be doing more of these types of things as the months go on, so don't feel like you have to get in now if this isn't a property you like. You'll have other opportunities. =)

Cameron Paterson

I just bumped it up 👌👌👍👍.

Steven Oslund

Ok great! I appreciate the response. I just bumped up my tier for this month. I'll eventually get to a spot where I can keep my pledge at that level :) Have a great weekend!

Abe Moukhtar

If I wasn’t already excited enough about this unbelievable perk this month, I was blown away by what happened yesterday. I went to the mailbox and pulled out a package that wasn’t round and didn’t think anything of it as I was getting home from work and kids and all that good stuff. I opened the package and my mouth must have hit the floor. There was a piece of wood with a hand written sticky note on it saying Congratulations, I had been randomly chosen to receive an original hand painted set of bounty hunters instead of a signed print. I carefully removed the sticky note and beheld the majesty of having in my hands, an actual original Dagan painted set of bounty hunters on a piece of wood. Not paper hand drawn or another medium. A piece of hand painted wood. I wish I could post a picture on the thread, but it is unbelievable. Thank you Colin and Dagan for this truly awesome perk I received his month. You conversations on knockback are insightful and thought provoking at the minimum and a magical trip back to the 1980’s for me and growing up. I can’t thank you guys enough. I own some cool little collectibles, but this, by far, is my favorite thing I have ever been in possession of. It hits so many different levels of collectible. Moral of the story is, CLS is awesome! Colin and Dagan and family are awesome! If you haven’t yet today, let everyone you see and talk to know of the might and majesty of Colin’s Last Stand!!!