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With an all-new CLS series (KnockBack) just around the corner, I figured now would be a good time to introduce you to the show's co-host, my brother Dagan. Dagan is the oldest of the four Moriarty kids, and was (and is) a massive influence in my life. In this game of Five Questions, Dagan and I explore what art represents, what it means to live and die, why we're so proud of being from Long Island, how everything changes when you have children, and why skateboarding has been essential to Dagan's happiness.



Jon Barnett

As an aspiring animator, it's super relieving to hear that Dagan can't relate to the talent it takes to paint something hyper-realistic, and that he isn't much of a painter. In school I was always worried that I wouldn't be a good animator because I was "bad at art" since I couldn't do realism or paint very well. I just wanna make cartoons and I'm glad I don't have to be able to paint high art to do it. Thanks, Dagan!

Joey Finelli

Colin! Thank you for having these real conversations about life. Everything you guys talked about are the things i've thought about.


You're very welcome! Thank you for taking the time to listen. This "Five Questions" format is my favorite format to explore on Fireside Chats, particularly with those close to me.

Ian (616Entertainment)

Hey Colin. At 1:08:00-ish you're talking about someday getting the call that your mother has passed away. In March of 2017, I received that call from my dad's neighbor. He had been battling pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer at the same time. Over the last year of his life, I'd go over to his house after work 4-5 times a week. He'd cook and we'd have dinner together. The real reason we made this our ritual was because the illnesses ravaged his body and appetite, and if I wasn't there, he simply wouldn't eat. For most of his adult life he was 5'7, a healthy 155 pounds. Towards the end, he dipped to just around 100 pounds, and that's just what he was willing to tell me, it could've been much lower. Dealing with his death has been awful, I know you're one to appreciate candor so I'll be honest, its the worst thing I've ever been through. I still think about him every day. I struggled with every single memory of times I told him I didn't want to go fishing, or when I moved out after a big argument. Its hard, man. The only way to deal, for me, was to constantly talk to my girlfriend about it, who has been amazing as a listener. I kept myself insanely busy doing my YouTube videos and podcasts, trying to channel whatever I was feeling into something creative and productive. And I'm not kissing your ass, this is the truth, in the days right after his passing, I listened to all of your one-on-one interviews with developers and people in the gaming sphere to keep my mind preoccupied and away from sadness. I've typed that out in these comment boxes several times, but I'll never forget that. So yea dude, in a way you were there for me. And whenever something like that may glance in your direction (hopefully no time soon, of course), you know that people like me will be there for you. You've created a support system here. This episode is fantastic, by the way, and Dagan has a chemistry with you that I don't think any of us have heard in quite a while. KnockBack is going to be excellent. Have a good day, guys. Thanks!


Wow what an episode. That is me, it's almost crippling how empathetic I am. I'm kind of a terrible critic too. I can find the good in anything. My older sister influenced me to become the open minded person I am, and I both love it and hate it sometimes. Thanks for the episode Colin AND Dagan!

Hose A Contra Razz

Had to google some of the art you guys were taking about

BettyAnn Moriarty

I'm really sorry about your dad, Ian. It's such a difficult thing - to lose a parent. But I know that your dad must have loved and appreciated his time with you - all the times you shared- because of the love he has for you. Parents want their kids to live life - every day - to the fullest. They dont want you to be sad... I'm glad you have a wonderful support system in your girl. And ... your dad is only as far away as your heart. (I keep that with me every day. It helps) sending blessings your way. 😘💞

BettyAnn Moriarty

This was such a heart warming episode. The love and the Chemistry you share with one another is so evident. The topics were unbelievable- deep, poignant, thoughtful, heartfelt and honest. Couldn't ask for more. I love you both and am so proud to call you my boys. Love to you both. ❤️❤️😘😘 can't wait for more... 😉


As the youngest of three brothers, I personally really enjoy your recorded conversations with Dagan! I’m beyond excited for KnockBack! You’re making some of the best content you’ve ever made Colin, keep it up!

Joe McPartlin

Great episode Colin. As a fellow Long Islander I feel I have to call you on you saying Baldwin is white bread / silver spoon. I grew up in Freeport and worked in Baldwin during most of high school and I have to say Baldwin is one of the more diverse towns in Nassau County. I won't post the exact stats but there's a notable black and Hispanic population there. I know it was a quick off handed comment and you meant nothing by it, but I feel it's an important thing to point out. Anyway great episode. Love the chemistry between you and Dagan.

Cameron Paterson

This was a fantastic episode of Fireside Chats. I can not wait for KnockBack.👍👍👌👌.


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the episode. And, fair enough. Was kinda just pulling a name out of the ether, truth be told.

Eugen R.

Hey Colin! Didn‘t had the time to hear the Episode, but I‘m really excited. However: will this week be a „Sidequest Episode“? You said nothing about a delay, or I didn‘t get it. Can you say anything about it? Thanks a lot! Greetings, Eugen.

Ivan Hornett

Loved this and looking forward to the new show. However, one thing you said in the first topic I wanted to comment on. Comparing art to Olympic hockey isn’t really fair. Art isn’t a competition like hockey is. You can objectively say that one hockey team is better based on how many goals they score, how many teams they beat to get there. But you can’t really say with any objectivity that Monet is better than Van Gogh or even Rothko. Like what Dagan said, it all depends on how the art affects you. Museums aren’t necessarily a greatest hits album, instead a collection curated by someone or a group of someone’s. It’s just some people’s preferences on display. Preferences, like opinions are well.. you know what they say. Anyway, super excited for that twilight zone episode.


Hi Eugen! Side Quest went live today. I wrote this past weekend on Twitter that I was posting Fireside Chats and Side Quest backwards from one another, as I was spending all weekend (and late last week) working on KnockBack, and simply ran out of time. I will try and communicate more clearly with the audience moving forward; I was actually a little wary of creating another notification for Patrons when I already post here a ton, which is part of the reason why I didn't say anything here. The other part of the reason is that I simply didn't think many folks would care, as both shows were coming within 24 hours of when they usually do. Thank you for your patience!


You make a great point, but I think that there's a certain caliber or level of quality one should (or at least could) expect when in a museum. I don't go to a museum to see something I can do any more than I tune in to watch Olympic hockey to see people from my men's league on the ice, I guess is what I'm saying.

Robert Graham

Dagan is such a cool dude. Great episode. Been loving all the content lately keep it up! :D

Alex Gates

Sheesh... Your latest stuff is definitely CLS at its best. I loved this episode!!! I feel like I can relate to Dagan A LOT. I’m a graphic artist and I started skateboarding when I was 13 as well and I still love it today at 26. Keep this stuff comin’, Col. It’s fantastic.


Thank you for your kind words! That means a lot. I'm working hard, and I'm really glad that it's showing.

Chad Lewis

Man what a great podcast. Your conversation about death was great. As someone who has a much different experience with it then almost anyone I know it is one of my favorite conversations to have with people as it is one of the major driving forces in my life. Great great stuff. I’d be interested to see you talk more in depth on that topic one day!

Smokey Joh

Sweet ep dude. I like the 5 questions format and not letting them know the questions is awesome. On the parenting one, Dagan is spot on. It changes your perspective of the world so damn much. Its at time unbelieveably hard, and then in an instant its the most rewarding thing you can accomplish. And the best thing it does is strips away all the shit. You really see what actually matters in life.

Christopher Hopkins

Loved this episode; I can definitely identify with the dread of losing loved one, it hits very close to home today. I've lost friends to gang violence and drug abuse and lost my ex mother who meant a lot to me but the Paramount relationships in my life have remained untouched by death, until now. Weds night I found out my grandfather has prostate cancer and it's very aggressive, due to his age (90) it is untreatable (cemo and radiation would kill him faster than the cancer) I'm afraid for my grandmother now too as she and he married after he got back from WWII, I fear losing him will break her... It's crushing that this rock of a man who fought the Nazis and later worked with NASA on Mercury and Apollo and even had his engineered work used on the shuttles has been brought to such a fate... It's harder to see my dad in literal shock over this and my grandma try and see his memory loss as a glass half full because he can't dwell on the hand he's been dealt... This episode was hard to listen to but I learned a lot and it helps to be reminded that this happens to everyone and they all manage to get thru it so I can too...


I'm so sorry for the situation you currently find yourself in. I guess that's what I was talking about, right? This inexorable march life takes... and how it winds us into the painful before long. Keep your head up. <3

Christopher Hopkins

Thank you so much for the kind words. The wind is inevitable but pain can be temporary and at times even tempered by the love of others in our lives... Trying to focus on that to keep my head treading above the stormy seas...

Nicholas Swanson

Been catching up on CLS this weekend and this podcast really spoke to me. About a year and a half ago I lost an uncle who was like a brother to me. It was a very sudden thing. They were about to turn 30. The couple weeks leading up to it, I had these thoughts of "what if my grandmother or mom passed?". Every now and then those thoughts come up but this was more of a troubling occurrence. And then that happened. Not going to go into details but it was a very horrible way to lose someone. It's extremely tough. It never goes away. The best way to get through it is to celebrate the person. My sisters and I will laugh when we bring up how my uncle would have reacted in certain funny situations since he always had a comedic way at looking at things and situations. I'm in college right now and I'm studying engineering and trying extra hard to take advantage of the opportunity and future opportunities since my uncle didn't get the opportunity to have a full life. You find positive ways to think about the person. The negative feelings will always happen. But they happen less and less as you realize it is better to think in positive terms of that person rather than the absence. I try not to think about possible losses anymore or at least not enough to ruin a morning or a whole day. Those feelings have their own time and place.


I am really sorry to hear about your loss, Nicholas. I couldn't imagine the pain, and I really hope you're doing okay. I'm glad that CLS can be here for you, even in any small way, as you continue to move through life. I hope you keep your head up!


I really enjoyed this I was touched during your conversation about death, and I'm with you I haven't even lost any grandparents yet minus my grandfather who died when I was barely born. I can't imagine the pain it will bring but I pray that friends and family can help the pain be a little more bearable.


It's a scary thought, to ponder the inevitable, right? I'm glad you enjoyed this episode. Thank you for listening!