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It can't be (and isn't) all bad.


The Good Things President Trump Has Accomplished -- Colin's Last Stand (Episode 62)

It’s exceptionally easy to point out everything wrong with Donald Trump’s presidency. I do it all the time. But there’s far more to the story than just that. You’d have to be a pretty blatant and shameless partisan not to see that, in some ways, President Trump has taken the US in a surprisingly positive direction. Colin's Last Stand is free of baked-in ads, product placement, and other obnoxious forms of advertising because of your support. Please consider subscribing to CLS' Patreon to show your support for independent historical and political content: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Buy Colin's Last Stand merch, all made in the USA! http://www.declarationclothing.com Listen to the CLS podcast, Fireside Chats, on podcast services or at the following link: http://www.soundcloud.com/colinslaststand Watch the CLS video game show, Side Quest!: https://www.youtube.com/colinslaststandsidequest Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406 Still imagery come via a licensed Shutterstock account from the following contributors: Chintung Lee, Creative Photo Corner, Evan El-Amin, Frederic Muller, ImageFlow, JStone, matharaphics, Nomad_Soul, olrat, Orlok, railwayfx, sfam_photo, Strejman, Victor Moussa, and Volonoff. This video’s thumbnail image was created using a licensed Shutterstock account via artwork created by user Evan El-Amin. Bibliography (Shortened Due to YouTube Text Length Regulations): http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/263863-paul-trump-has-no-clue-what-the-nuclear-triad-is http://abcnews.go.com/International/isis-years-jv-team-international-killers/story?id=40214844 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/06/13/isis-beheadings-and-the-success-of-horrifying-violence/ http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/26/us/politics/26obama.html https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/473025/syria-red-line-that-wasnt/ https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/04/us/politics/trump-pakistan-aid.html https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/10/why-does-the-stock-market-keep-going-up/543249/ https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2018/01/15/economists-credit-trump-for-booming-economy-say-growth-will-continue-into-2018-thanks-to-tax-bill-n2434417 https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/dec/31/trump-economy-false-predictions-left/ http://money.cnn.com/2017/11/03/news/economy/october-jobs-report/index.html https://www.inc.com/jenna-lee/about-to-graduate-your-starting-salary-may-be-something-to-smile-about.html https://www.aol.com/article/finance/2018/01/23/disney-hands-out-dollar125-million-in-employee-bonuses-credits-trump-tax-cuts/23341692/ https://www.recode.net/2017/5/26/15656120/manufacturing-jobs-automation-ai-us-increase-robot-sales-reshoring-offshoring https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/12/why-dont-63-percent-of-americans-realize-theyre-getting-a-tax-cut-for-christmas/548852/ https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-05-04/there-s-a-lot-to-like-about-cutting-corporate-taxes https://www.forbes.com/sites/waynecrews/2016/11/22/donald-trump-promises-to-eliminate-two-regulations-for-every-one-enacted/ http://www.nationalreview.com/article/452868/trump-isis-victory http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/12/08/trump-mattis-turn-military-loose-on-isis-leaving-terror-caliphate-in-tatters.html https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/02/donald-trump-will-defeat-isis/517062 http://money.cnn.com/2017/03/20/news/nato-funding-explained/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/26/world/europe/nato-trump-spending.html http://www.businessinsider.com/nato-share-breakdown-country-2017-2 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/nato-allies-boost-defense-spending-in-the-wake-of-trump-criticism/2017/06/28/153584de-5a8c-11e7-aa69-3964a7d55207_story.html https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/28/opinion/trump-economy-credit.html https://www.thebalance.com/trump-s-tax-plan-how-it-affects-you-4113968 http://thehill.com/opinion/finance/368904-economists-agree-trump-not-obama-gets-credit-for-economy http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-kills-16-regulations-for-every-new-one-crushing-2-for-1-goal/article/2629177 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/01/30/trump-wants-to-cut-two-regulations-on-businesses-for-every-new-one-imposed/ http://freebeacon.com/politics/trump-cuts-22-regs-every-new-one/ http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-immigration-enforcement-20171205-story.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/01/24/justice-department-threatens-sanctuary-cities-subpoenas-escalating-trumps-immigration-enforcement-ca/1061225001/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ms-13-crackdown-nets-hundreds-arrests-feds-n821531 https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/11/opioids-epidemic-trump-addiction-emergency-order-335848


Lou & Rei Loper

That was a really great episode Colin. Nice to hear a viewpoint that gets past the hatred and popular mud slinging around this man/administration. Sure they aren't the greatest bunch to ever be elected, but that never means that EVERYTHING they do is bad/wrong.


Is everything okay with CLS Prime?

Hose A Contra Razz

Saw this on the tube good positive video, Trump not hiding who he is, is better than others like celebrities, politicians and journalist pretending to be good people.

James Galos

According to the extra $250 I got in my paycheck yesterday this tax plan serves me well haha. Looking forward to this one


I got an extra $300 out of mine. With the extra money, I am going to donate $100 every quarter to 4 different charities. Besides Wounded Solders, anyone have any other suggestions on charities? Though this may be a little conflicting, I believe in pro choice but I would like to donate to a pro life charity. There’s something endearing about this movement against Hollywood and colleges.


Some thoughts, the first thing i'd be curious about is how much real terms difference Trumps policy on ISIS made. I don't refute that it had an impact, but I wonder, if putting a $ amount on it, how much more did Donny spend than Obama. ISIS were in decline when he took office, he may have helped speed things up. I'd be very curious to see an analysis of it all. The problem to my mind of crediting the Trump tax plan with anything is how potentialy short sighted it is to do so. Trickle down economics does not work. More money in the pockets of big business and the rich is not a good thing. I have no issue with small businesses having taxes reduced, but that's where the breaks should be, help the little guy get on his feet, don't prop up the big guy. The real issue with the tax bill as you said is the explosion of the deficit, I can't help but think it's falling in to the trap of saying "Well I got a tax cut so Trump is great." meanwhile in 5 years time when the deficit is trippled the next guy (probably a dem) get's accused of raising taxes. In reality just to pay for the Rebuplicans mismanagemnt of the economy (again).


On a different note this is well worth a listen if you aren't familiar with the Bill Browder story, or indeed even if you are. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=252&amp;v=VkRXLDnxNKw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=252&amp;v=VkRXLDnxNKw</a>

Peter Campbell

Really enjoyed the video. I've always loathed Trump, still do, but it's good to see someone say, these things are working. Nothing is ever black and white. More videos like this will help. On the other side, I have just finished reading Fire And Fury, which reminds how much of Trumps year has been a train wreck, even if you discount the crazier stories in the book that are difficult to truly verify. I'm also about to start reading Collusion, which deals with Russia and Trump, and was published partially by The Guardian. So that will have its own bias. This is a very long-winded way of saying that all these perspectives should count, not just a one-note clown speech, just as the good and bad from past presidents need to be accounted for.

Timothy Monnig

How did you manage that, given that they haven't yet released the new W-4 that reflects the new withholding tables? My paycheck hasn't changed yet, but I anticipate it will be beneficial for me, and despite the general problems I have with the tax cut, I am pleased that this administration and Congress gets less of my money...

James Galos

Fisher House Foundation is one of the best most efficient charities you should look into if you want to help military families

Alec Shaner

I try to make a distinction between Donald Trump the man and Donald Trump the POTUS. I don't know the specifics of what regulations are being removed but I do believe it is dangerous to ignore the science about how our activities negatively affect climate. On the other hand I strongly support the president trying to fix bad trade deals.


From the analyses I read about Trump and ISIS, it doesn't seem to be a monetary issue as much as it's an engagement issue. What I was most taken aback by was how many foreign policy experts -- who have rightly lambasted Trump -- gave him credit for his ISIS policy.


I got about 3/4 of the way through Fire and Fury, and couldn't take much more. I don't know what's real in that book and what isn't, and that's truly a shame.


In many ways, they're the same person, but I agree that some separation is necessary, which I think really gets to the heart of why I felt this video was necessary in the first place.

BettyAnn Moriarty

You know that I don't like Trump very much and I just couldn't vote for him - or Hilary for that matter. But I do feel that the man has certainly accomplished a lot of good things in the first year. If nothing else, Look at the economy! It's amazing. I think this video came at a really good time, bud. I was flabbergasted at the inexcusable 'rude' behavior of the Dems during the presidents state of the union. To not stand for our military (as well as others) - they should be ashamed of themselves. It's embarrassing...

Chad Lewis

This was a great video. I think a lot of people will find this surprising and educational.


Topical Stuff like this is great in addition to the historic topics of the past

Terrell Thaxton (ThaxCast)

I've hated the man for much longer than his political career, but that doesn't mean I am not hoping he does well... Or rather, without the double negative, I do hope he does well. I feel like half of the good things are coincidental instead of his direct influence, although some of it is undeniably due to him. Either way, it is a nice change of pace to hear some positives from a critic. An interesting video for sure. I love getting your take on things, because you inform your opinions, and yet are still willing to actually listen to others who disagree. Too many people listen only long enough to formulate a (in this case partisan) reply, rather than listening to understand. Keep up the solid work!

Timothy Monnig

A few thoughts for discussion: 1.) ISIS was in pretty anemic shape at the end of 2016, so the ball was teed up nicely for Trump and his team. And very little of the strategy changed, save for the considerable loosening of constraints for airstrikes and deference of command to field commanders, which produced admitted great results, though at the expense higher civilian casualties. <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/05/25/world/middleeast/airstrikes-iraq-syria-civilian-casualties.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/05/25/world/middleeast/airstrikes-iraq-syria-civilian-casualties.html</a> While this can’t consider the potential costs to civilians had they remained under the boot of ISIS, it does demonstrate the costs of less measured tactics. And given that Raqqa was liberated by a tenuous alliance between erstwhile enemies (U.S., Syria, Russia, Iran, Iraq, the Kurds), I am anxious for the world that follows where the geographic and ideological “spoils” are claimed, particularly in the over the ruins of Syria, which has been given so little air by both the media and the Administration compared to 2016 that it stands as a dereliction of duty on both their counts. Blowing up shit is easy; the trouble is putting it back together… 2.) It’s an oft forgotten refrain (generally remembered when one’s side is out of power) that the President takes too much credit when the economy is good, and too much blame when it’s bad. Specifically, I feel most of the credit goes to Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson for doing the hard work of keeping the horrible situation from getting worse and creating liquidity in an economy that had none, but Obama deserves his share of credit for the stimulus and auto bailout, which, however, irresponsible fiscally, pulled us out of the spiral. <a href="https://www.cbpp.org/research/economy/chart-book-the-legacy-of-the-great-recession" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.cbpp.org/research/economy/chart-book-the-legacy-of-the-great-recession</a> Given this, two things to say for Obama: things could really only go up, as long as he put a floor under it, and secondly, recovering from a rapid loss 9 million jobs is impossible to do quickly, or well (the recovery was and remains very uneven), especially when you consider that many other corners of the globe faired much worse, and depressed demand globally. The recovery was steady, though not boisterous, and the status of surrounding markets improved also, particularly the EU, who posted the growth that exceeded ours in 2017. <a href="https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eurozone-economy-gdp/euro-zone-growth-eclipsing-u-s-economy-set-to-be-best-in-decade-idUSKBN1DE17N" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eurozone-economy-gdp/euro-zone-growth-eclipsing-u-s-economy-set-to-be-best-in-decade-idUSKBN1DE17N</a> We are seeing the full flourish of this recovery, but the conservative talking point that this is suddenly new is absurd: <a href="https://www.statista.com/statistics/188185/percent-chance-from-preceding-period-in-real-gdp-in-the-us/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.statista.com/statistics/188185/percent-chance-from-preceding-period-in-real-gdp-in-the-us/</a> <a href="http://fortune.com/2017/08/30/donald-trump-springfield-mo-3-gdp/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fortune.com/2017/08/30/donald-trump-springfield-mo-3-gdp/</a> All that said, I believe the “Trump Bump” as it was called in the early days of the Administration is real, but this also comes with the understanding that the stock market is driven by perception as much as (if not more than) real factors. For example, it made appreciable gains in the early days of his Presidency under the (correct) presumption that he would be pro-business. Add to this, the fact that if you are an investor, due to historically low interest rates, there are few good places to land your money if you’d like to see it grow, and the stock market and the housing market, both of which emerged from the abyss of the Great Recession (where the Dow hit 6500), provided enormous opportunity to anyone with the means. Obviously, the tax plan gives body to these gains and will propel them further forward (a failure to do so would be the ultimate indictment of supply side economics), but the bull market is long due a correction. However, it probably won’t see one until interest rates actually increase, presumably because inflation has crept up due to real wage increases (due to wage competition as we reach “full employment”), or a reduction in savings (falling steadily since late 2015), or just extra cash from the tax cut.), and large corporations won’t be able to borrow cheaply for capital expenses and will need to funnel profits back into the business instead of burnishing their stock price. This isn’t an indictment of the tax plan, necessarily; I’m generally in favor of the corporate tax cut, not just because it makes us more competitive, but that it encourages the money to stay in the U.S. (for now) and works at reducing the tremendous inequity between industries in the prior corporate tax code. However, I do find the recent spat of raises and bonuses a bit dubious: <a href="https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/companies-are-announcing-raises-bonuses-trump-s-tax-plan-reason-n839871" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/companies-are-announcing-raises-bonuses-trump-s-tax-plan-reason-n839871</a> Nor is this an indictment of Trumps handling of the economy, even though I find his approach to deregulation ham-fisted at best and heavily skewed towards environmental concerns (for which he can get a kick in the balls from me the next time he comes to Nashville) and dismantling the CFPB, it’s just a reminder that this stuff isn’t magic, and neither is he. 3.) Bullet points from a liberal on the immigration: a. Build a wall on the border, who gives a shit, we’ve wasted more money on worse stuff. b. Sanctuary Cities are an overblown issue on both sides. I think it’s reasonable for large cities to not want to use their beleaguered police officers as ICE agents, especially if it prevents “illegal” persons of interest from talking to police in investigations, but it’s unreasonable if they fail to report someone as illegal arrested for a violent crime. Liberals overstate how much they are protecting these people for their base, and conservatives overstate how defiant the action is. Both are posturing. c. Thank you for fighting the dregs of MS-13. Please fight other gangs, too, and not just because they are a political cudgel . d. Curbing illegal immigration is a great and necessary goal, but the current brinksmanship is not a good recipe for sustainable policy. e. The immigration courts that have been set up at the border to process cases more rapidly are a shit show: <a href="https://thisamericanlife.org/636/i-thought-it-would-be-easier" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thisamericanlife.org/636/i-thought-it-would-be-easier</a> f. And more This American Life, because the reporting was exquisite: <a href="https://thisamericanlife.org/632/our-town-part-one" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thisamericanlife.org/632/our-town-part-one</a> <a href="https://thisamericanlife.org/633/our-town-part-two" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thisamericanlife.org/633/our-town-part-two</a> 4.) I agree with you on the opiod crisis. There should be ample room for bipartisan efforts here, even though both parties have failed us. Trumps initial actions were a bit meager, but the Obama administration and Congress were asleep at the wheel. At least, Rep. Tom Marino withdrew his name from consideration as the drug czar, when a spectacular 60 minutes piece revealed him to be an architect of legislation that only worsened the crisis: <a href="https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-dea-agent-opioid-crisis-fueled-by-drug-industry-and-congress/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-dea-agent-opioid-crisis-fueled-by-drug-industry-and-congress/</a> <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/meet-the-24-year-old-trump-campaign-worker-appointed-to-help-lead-the-governments-drug-policy-office/2018/01/13/abdada34-f64e-11e7-91af-31ac729add94_story.html?utm_term=.df795064c20d" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/meet-the-24-year-old-trump-campaign-worker-appointed-to-help-lead-the-governments-drug-policy-office/2018/01/13/abdada34-f64e-11e7-91af-31ac729add94_story.html?utm_term=.df795064c20d</a> <a href="https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/31/cdc-director-resigns-fitzgerald-azar-380680" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/31/cdc-director-resigns-fitzgerald-azar-380680</a> That’s all I’ve got for now, which I suspect is enough (or too much, really). Thanks for the forum, as always and keep up the great work.


Great Vid as per usual, Colin. Hopefully Trump can look to Europe for some ideas for improving the drug abuse scene. All that money spent fighting a "war on drugs" would be better spent on support and rehab, and treating the cause not the symptoms of drug addiction.

Joey Finelli

I didnt vote for trump and i still think he's a spinless bag of dicks but We as Americans need help to become better. When he wins we could all win as well.


Couldn't agree more. I REALLY dislike Trump but I do want him to succeed for America's sake. People hoping he fails are out of their minds.

David Kramme

You know Colin I put off watching this video for days because I figured It'd just upset me, but i really enjoyed hearing you perspective on thing, and you are so right about having a little positivity in the midst of this nightmare we're all living through right now.

Tony Colton

Gotta see the positives in every situation no matter how grim it seems.

Christopher Hopkins

Good reminders to “please remain calm” because it’s literally not all bad; as a begrudged Gary Johnson voter I needed this video with all the mess that is the MSM view of current events.

Jason Kelley

Same here. Glad I finally listened. Colin's always fair, so I'm not sure why I thought I wouldn't like it.


I'd tend to agree, and think there's a notable separation between the man and the office, and the respect due to the latter.


I just felt like it was a necessary video to make. I've made several negative videos about him, so why not try to balance it out for the audience?


Thank you! A renewed War on Drugs would be such a huge mistake. It didn't work with Reagan and Bush I, and it's not going to work now.


I agree. I'm not crazy about him, and I hope he's limited to one term, but I want him to succeed.


I'm glad you gave it a shot, and walked away from it with a different feeling than you thought you were initially going to get!

Alexander Moon

Well timed video! As an "outsider" to the US, I mostly encounter people who, not having actually delved into it, don't (and perhaps can't) separate the man from the work. I don't like the man at all, but I'm glad to have some actual examples for the discussions I sometimes find myself in.

Cooper Bibaud

These kind of videos are very important. Thank you for making this!