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Hey All,

I hope you're doing very well!

A few days ago, I wrote a letter to the audience outlining a few issues, including upcoming merch plans (which I'm so stoked about... soon!), a 9/11 episode I'm brewing on with my father, and more. In there, I indicated that there was something else I wanted to tell you about, and the time for that is now.

I have a hankering to do something new with CLS. Better put, I want to make an addition to the CLS family in the form of a brief, modest ~20 minute podcast each week, something to accompany you on a drive to the grocery store, or walking down the street to get a coffee. Y'know. Wherever. People have so many podcasts to listen to, shows to watch, content to absorb. There are people out there that listen to things at two and three times the speed in order to get it all in! You don't need another 60-120 minute show in your life. You need something pithy. That's what I want to deliver.

I thought long and hard about how to do this, and how to make it fit, and I think I've sorted everything out. So, here's the plan:

I've added a new "goal" here on Patreon. The original goal, when my most ambitious projection had me getting 1,000 total Patreon supporters, was to do two CLS episodes a week at $10,000/month. Obviously, that goal was eclipsed in literally 90 minutes following launch (I thought it would maybe never happen, and if it did, it would take a long time), and ever since then, I kind of just left it there as a reminder of the incredibly successful launch of CLS in March. A relic of the past, as it were.

But today, I finally erased it, and added a new goal, this one not about money, but about people. Today, I sit at just under 5,000 Patreon supporters, which is completely insane. I hoped and prayed that maybe a thousand people would financially support what I do; CLS received six and a half times that much support at the outset. But as I continue to shed subs that wanted to show temporary support for my new endeavor, or simply wanted to let me know that I had folks in my corner (or people that simply don't like the show!), I figured I could probably do more to retain folks that are already here, and maybe even attract some newcomers, above and beyond all of the things that are already being offered.

One of the beautiful things about Patreon is that it allows us to work towards a goal together, and so today I'm unveiling a new product idea that I hope is realized. I'm calling it CLS Presents: Random Thoughts, a podcast series about things distinctly not political and distinctly not historical. A way to explore other passions, interests, questions, and ideas in a way that makes sense.

And yes, the first episode will be about video games.

But beyond that, it could be about anything. I have a list of things I want to talk to you about, that I think could provoke thought, or start an interesting conversation. Maybe I'll just have some things I want to get off my chest. Whatever it is, I'm excited about this show, because it'll be a good way for me to express myself outside of history and politics. Better yet, the show will heavily revolve around all of you, because I want you to submit your ideas, questions, comments, and concerns, too.

Now, CLS Presents: Random Thoughts will be a little different than what you're used to, in multiple ways. While CLS itself lives on YouTube, and then as a podcast only for $5+/month Patreon subs, Random Thoughts will live on podcast services, and will be available early to $5+/month subs. That said, even subbing at the $1/month or $2/month level will contribute towards the 5,000+ concurrent subs that will be necessary to get the show going. For each month that turns over with 5,000+ subs here on Patreon, I'll commit to four episodes of Random Thoughts the following month. And so on and so forth.

I have no idea if there's a demand for this. Maybe there isn't. I don't know! But I wanted to throw it out there into the world so that you'd know what I was thinking of doing, and to see if you were interested.

As always, your feedback isn't only desired, but actually quite necessary, to keep it coming!

Thank you for your time, your support, your love, and your attention. I appreciate all of you. Take care, -Colin


Joey Andrzejczyk


Joey Andrzejczyk

And yes there is demand. Me. Give it to me big daddy.


Yes. Yes there is demand. I DEMAND! GIMME


I'll sub.

Christopher Hopkins

Would love podcasts it's literally all I listen to at work, Rogan, Rubin, Nerdist, etc etc etc


Fuck yes!!

Brian the Witcher

Yes! This is a perfect addition to CLS. I can't wait. Congrats on all your success.

Steven Camilo

You had me at video games.

David McKinstry

You mentioned video games. You are definitely getting to 5000 haha.


There definitely is demand for more outside of politics. Especially for people outside of America. I can't wait to listen to these podcasts. You've made an already happy subscriber even more happy.

Mario Miranda

There's definitely demand for it as this sounds like a great addition to my weekly podcast rotation!


There's definitely demand for it! Just a little confused with how it will work, only on podcast services meaning no video? Only avaible for $5 patreons?


Any chance we get a little preview available prior to the 5k sub count?


Colin, So happy to hear about this! The fact that the first ep will be about video games is the icing on the cake. You're attention and care towards your audience has been incredible and even though I haven't completely been loving the show (not really into history and politics) I love being able to support you and watch this grow. What a great way to keep people around and continue to create special content. You are awesome, Colin. I look forward to adding this to my podcast library and look forward to seeing this (and hopefully the occasional video game stuff) in the future! -James P.S. If I don't hear your opinion on the Last of Us 2 whenever that finally comes around I might die. Your review of that introduced me to that game (favorite of all time) and to you and your work.


While I love and appreciate what CLS is now, I do miss your random musings about anything and everything else outside of politics and history. By all means, please grow this idea out! :)

Ethan Voce

Awesome! Can't wait for this to happen.


Would love this! I'm a daily podcast listener so adding video game and other random topics would be fantastic.

James Schubert

Great idea, looking forward to the first episode!


Would humbly like to recommend the title "A Conversation With Colin's Last Stand"


I would listen to this sort of thing all day.

Joey Rawlings

Random musings from Colin on a daily basis with a chance of video game discussion? I might just bump my Patreon pledge up a bit.


Looking forward to this Colin, and yes we all need a podcast by our boy Colin M. I think this'll be a perfect addition to the overall package/experience that is CLS. If it matters I'd like an episode about sports and what they mean to you, favorite teams...baseball, which I've never heard you talk about etc. I will continue to support you for as long as I can.


For the record, I would definitely listen to a 120 min podcast from you, Colin. Definitely looking forward to your future and what you have in store for us!

Scott Rabideau

Colin, I can tell you undoubtedly that there is an extremely high demand for this type of content. Your previous podcasting projects that involved video games and other random topics were always insightful and entertaining. My only concern is that four 20-minute episodes a month simply won't be enough to satiate us! Keep to the great work ;)


I'm definitely looking forward to this. I love that you've re found your niche in history and politics, but I feel like you're so much more well rounded than that. Can't wait to hear you talk about other stuff again!

Dustin Shaneyfelt

Exciting! You just got a new sub sir. I'll sign up after work today. Can't wait for the new content.


This sounds amazing! Can't wait, Colin!


HEY COLIN! Great Idea. I would for sure listen to that. Slightly confused on what you would do if we don't get the 5000 people. Would there be no podcasts the following month? Or just less than 4? Sorry if I glossed over that part. Thanks again.

Nicholas Swanson

Awesome idea. Dave Rubin does a similar thing with his Direct Message videos and I always enjoy those. Really connects with the audience.


Yeah great point Nicholas, I could see where Colin's podcast would have similar vibes to the Directs Rubin does. Colin's would be longer obviously but yeah, "I'm feelin' it"

Dustin Kline

I can agree with this idea. Sounds like a good 20min. I'm in




Man, I know it's not your intention at this time, but if you decide at some time to do even a bi weekly video game podcast you would eclipse that 5k count very easily. Keep up the good work.


You just got yourself a new patron


I missed Colin's insight on games. Love the idea. It's gonna let Colin go back to his podcast roots. It's what I loved him for, so getting both CLS and more podcasts is exciting.


Colin YES!!! This is perfect and exactly what I've been waiting for. CLS up to this point has been nothing short of fantastic but I miss your insight on video games, and various random topics. (GOG style). 100% support this.


Glad to hear this is happening, Colin. Been listening to old Colin and Greg Lives at work because I missed your comedy.


Sweet! When do you start? I already listen to more episodes of CLS than I watch so I'm definitely excited for this. Edit: Sorry, I see now. Only once you hit 5000+. Hopefully that will be soon.


At first as I was reading this, I was sort of annoyed that the podcasts would be only ~20 minutes in length. But as I thought more about it, I have about 10 podcasts a week that I want to get to that take up over an hour of my time each, so a sort but sweet podcast is just what the doctor ordered. You're the best, Col! Keep doing what you're doing!

Joe Nace

YES!!!!!!! When does the healing begin?

Chris Nelson


Drew Packard

I'm stoked for this. Please do it. That's my input for now, haha.

Tim Rutledge

A Podcast would be great. Just one more thing to look forward to each week. Lately the only podcast that i've been listening to is JRE.


I'm in.

Seth Eden

Awesome idea, totally in. Love seeing you constantly trying to improve and expand CLS, keep it up


Colin talking about video games. My life is complete once more. Your voice on my favourite hobby. Perfect!

Luke Spencer

Can't wait to hear your thoughts on topics over other sorts as well! I believe there's a desire for that no matter the medium.


Sounds amazing!!


The Hemingway approach: concise and pithy! Good call.


I like this idea! Count me (staying) in!


Great idea. Podcasts have become my new favorite way to learn because I can listen while driving, cooking, playing a mindless game, etc., and continuing to learn is what this is all


Read this and immediately became a Patron. Long overdue. But I've always learned something from the content and the icing on the cake was hearing Jack Conte and his handling of a tough situation. Seeing his interview on the Rubin Report sealed the deal for me.


I really like your content, So i'll definitively stay, keep up the good work!


Love the idea, but are you going to have guests? I'll be honest... I love your solo work, but I truly believe that you shine brightest when you are having an active discourse rather than a solo lecture. And today's world needs people that not only know their shit, but know how to communicate that knowledge to others that may not agree with them. That's where your true expertise lies, and I honestly believe that's the future of CLS. Just my opinion.


Yes, your voice in video games is needed. Even if only from time to time.


I basically subbed to Kinda Funny for Colin's input, so a Colin-only podcast sounds perfect. Great idea!

Alex Ball

Brilliant idea man. I LOVE history, but I have followed you since freakin' Gamefaq's so I love your video game opinions as well. Especially with the new Call of Duty and Wolfenstein games coming out and your thoughts on the history and alternate history. Great Idea.


I think people are over-hyping just how much video game coverage we'll get out of this, but nonetheless, I am very excited. That said, I'm a little skeptical of Colin saying the podcasts will go out early to patreon supporters. It's not a big deal, but I specifically remember Colin saying nothing would go out early in his initial video about CLS. I hope this isn't a sign of Colin doubling back on his promises. Regardless, couldn't be happier to hear more off the cuff Colin.

Brian Fagan

Looking forward to it.

Kevin Almanzar

The podcast idea sound really awesome can't wait to hear it!


Great idea. Can't wait.


Totally in with that idea Colin, will be nice to hear your opinions on more casual and potentially less weighty topics. I will look forward to the first episode, as I do all the other content. Glad the first will be about video games too, I'm about halfway through mad max which had been in my back catalogue on your recommendation, and it is a criminally under rated game. Peace out ✌


I'm super excited to see CLS grow as a brand and encompass even more varied content. Good luck in this next goal Colin.

Michael Renner

I love it. I've been talking about this with Tanya for the last month. Even a low quality recording from your iPhone like Bill Burr would be cool. Football season is coming up and I know you have plenty to share on the topic. Thanks and keep kicking ass!


I'm so excited for this. The only other thing I could possibly ask for is for you to have guests sometimes. I loved the off script convo's that always happened at IGN / KF. I know nothing will be Colin & Greg Live again, but you're a natural and really good at keeping the convo going and keeping it interesting. I'd love for you to have someone to bounce funny comments off of, or have a little debate about something with. But I'm so pumped to hear you speak about games, or just random non political topics again as well. Keep it up Colin!


I'm all for this and I really hope we can hit this goal, more Colin in my ear holes is never a bad thing.


Very excited about the prospect of hearing you talk about games again. I'm from Canada, and while I do find American history and politics interesting from time to time, it's just not a very high priority for me. I loved your perspective on the games industry and I greatly miss it. I hope we can see more of it in the future. Pledging now what I can.

Jake Watson

Hey Colin first i want to say that this is a fantastic idea and something that I've really hoped you would have time for at some point. I know you're only thinking about 20 minute episodes, and that's fine, but please please please, if you have a lot to say on a subjext, please don't cut yourself off short just to wrap up the 20 minutes. Let the episode go for an hour if that's what it takes to get everything said. I know we have other stuff to listen to as well, but I will be putting your podcast as first priority so don't worry about that. Really excited about this!


Heya Colin, I wanted to get into your podcast and start listening on an episode. Do you have a past episode where you talk in depth about healthcare, I'd be curious what your thoughts are on this subject since it's the subject of a lot of controversy lately :P


Fantastic idea Colin. Looking forward to the podcast


This is fucking fantastic. GREAT IDEA COLIN. <3


This is a great idea. While we are all here for the history and politics chat, many of us could listen to you talk about anything, and it seems a shame just to confine yourself exclusively to those two topics. Just look at the success of Conversation with Colin and how loved that show is.


Do we want this? The answer is a resounding yes. I have much more time to devote to a podcast and save my YouTube viewing time for your show. This will allow me to allocate the time needed to your long-form content.

David Mann

Yes!! I've been missing the "event horizon" in my random topics podcast lineup. I'm really looking forward to it. Going to share this with several friends! 🍆

Michael Morris

I like the idea of keeping it shortish (think bill burr's show) but don't be afraid to go long if you're feeling a certain subject/topic. I was hoping this would happen


You have my support. Hoping for a little of that "Conversation with Colin" flair.

Brian Fuller

I am really pumped for this new content. I have a long commute each day and I am always looking for podcasts to listen to. There are a lot of podcast out in the wild, but so few are produced by people who are actually any good at it.

Niall Prendergast

Fantastic move Colin! All the content so far has been great, love it, and it keeps getting better, For me, a podcast on the ad-hoc topics that are interesting and some may deem " hot topics" withing society is the small hole that CLS hasnt filled for me yet so I am looking forward to this with bated breath! Where can we submit topics?! Niall

Caera Bradshaw

Hooray! So excited for this, I think it's a great addition and will round out the CLS staple nicely. I love the way the show has progressed and the topics you've covered, but I would be lying if I said I didn't crave the old "what's the best vegetable" chats now and then. Looking forward to the first few episodes when you get there, and continue to be a very happy member of the CLS community :)

Marty Blois

A recent topic on KF was about your passion becoming your job; do you ever worry that you'll get burnt out on your passion for politics and history now that you do it for a living? Many of my teachers in highschool wanted me to pursue art in university because I was good at it, but I opted for STEM fields and wound up working as a nuclear medicine technologist. Now I have a job I enjoy, pays reasonably well, and my passion for art remains unblemished.

Jeff Pollard

Love this idea!! Also, like many have already noted, please don't feel the need to lock yourself into a time limit per episode. Take all the time you need.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Perfectly fantastic!!!! 👍🏻❤️


Yes! Really looking forward to this. I always loved hearing your take on random things on the GameOverGreggy show. Can't wait :D


called it!

Chris B

This is something I've been hoping would happen. The tangents on random topics in the past have been some of your best conversation starters. To echo a previous comment - please don't restrict yourself to 20 min if the topic is something you are truly passionate about


This is awesome to hear!

Joseph Marzola

This is an excellent idea. I've always enjoyed your historical and political discourse, but, as I'm sure most here can relate to: i miss your views on everything else too. You're a much funnier man than I think you realize, and your standard CLS topics don't really (and understandably) put the spotlight on that aspect of you, so im stoked for Random Thoughts!

Jason Kelley

I love this idea! I really can't get enough of listening to your stupid voice! 😘 If this happens, please do a Lola episode. My dogs are the loves of my life, so I'd love to hear you talk about your sweet girl.


Yes sir!!!

Cody Mahoney

Man... My money doesn't help this endeavor. What has the world come to?

Nick Jensen

Yes this is what I want! Podcasts podcasts podcasts!


Very excited for this. I miss hearing Colin's thoughts on random topics so this will be a nice addition to the politics and history focus.


Oh dang I just read 101 comments on a thread, that's a first. I'm with everybody else, thank you Colin.


This made me re-pledge. Good luck!


Holy f I want this! And just as a compliment to the side, I do have lots of content that I consume but I'd rather listen to a 3 hour podcast from u than anything else

Dennis Parker

I've been supporting you since day one on CLS and years prior on KF. I love the idea of you doing a video games/whatever else podcast, but it would suck to not get it because one month you only had 4,995 patreons. How about making it available to patrons at the $5 or $10 tier? I'd totally give you another $5 a month to hear your thoughts on the video game industry. I don't know...it's just a thought...

Isaac Cynova

I'm signing up specifically for this. I'm one of those people you mentioned that listen to podcasts at 2x speed. I love the content though, and a 20 minute random topic from a favorite YouTuber is enough for me to pull a trigger and support. Here's hoping we get it above 5k consistently!


Just in cause you need more input (which I am sure you don't at this point), I am very excited about this! And more importantly for you I think it will certainly help keep the sub numbers up! Thanks for all your work and thinking about us plebs ;)

John Burleson

Do it!! Please do it!!!

Aaron Treble

My thoughts: 15 mins Random Thoughts + 5 mins weekly gaming Random Thoughts (maybe a 'Hot takes' - sports timer style - rant session w/weekly notes) That way you feel like you 'know' what you're getting but still don't know what to expect. 15 random fun, 5 random gaming guaranteed. Colin is still off-leash and can talk about anything, anytime and get crazy and creative, and the audience get CLS, THAT insanity & GAMING takes they all want. If Wayne Gretzky does a 20 min podcast, you want 5 mins for current hockey random thoughts. Sure, open w/15 mins of off-the-cuff,the Behind the scenes, off-ice, retired legend having fun with friends and loving life talk. But consider dropping a guaranteed 5 mins for random hockey thoughts you've had this week. No assignment. No exam. Just the things you've noticed this week while naturally enjoying the game you loved and once owned. In this scenario, Colin's Wayne Gretzky. Gaming is hockey. And we're the '17-'18 NHL fans who want to know what The Great One thinks of McDavid, and the season round by round, week by week, NHL stuff he notices. No gun to his head, no pressure, just enjoy the game on your own terms and share your random insights with us, fun, serious or silly. That's all we want. A legends perspective on modern times. And outside of 'hockey', hearing his awesome stories about hanging out with his partner in crime, and pets, and cool quirky friends, and random Santa Monica chess adventures? That's the 'Colin' stuff. That's the Seinfeld/Curbed meat of it all. That's the fix. Of course people will crave those 5 mins of gaming. It's rare these days from CM. The news would definitely create a temporary mushroom cloud of excitement from people. Absolutely. People can get gaming news from anyone, anywhere, 24/7. It doesn't matter. It's not the same. They like THIS deli. This is the one they want to have some soup at weekly. It's your deli, Colin. We're playing by your rules, your comfort zone, ect. If knowing the fact you make the best soup in the city makes you a little anxious with thoughts that the incredible demand for soup exceeds the mental will to supply, you simply say, 'No Soup For You! Come back, one year!' In closing my feedback would be: open the deli, Gretzky. Give them a guaranteed back 5 mins of random gaming thoughts that feel fun and natural to YOU on your terms, your style (that maintains flexibility) --AND-- have some kind of random audio late-night talk show lead up/main show w/You, Erin and Lola with random speakerphone guests like Ramon, ect. Chatting shit. Having a laugh. It seems like the best of both worlds without tied to anything or any label. The most freedom possible with the highest rate of financial success. Fin.

Alex Landry

Yes yes yes yes yes

Fred Bence

Sounds like a brilliant idea. It's nice being able to talk about any topic that you want to, especially something that doesn't require tons of research like history or politics...Gaming (like Wolfenstein 2!), shows (Man in the High Castle), or whatever! No scripts, just whatever you're feeling at the moment.

Damian Castillo

"The firs episode will be about video games". WHAT? Brother, you make a podcast just about video games and I will double my current pledge. I am starving for video game podcast that have someone as knowledgeable as you in it. I support you in all your new ventures but I would give anything for a CLS - Let's talk video games show.


I would LOVE this! I consume far more podcast content than YouTube. Despite being a day 1 supporter, I haven't been able to get to the majority of your content since I'm on the road a lot. Keep being you Colin, hope you catch you on a podcast service soon!

Bryan Finck

Fantastic idea Colin, as you have obviously seen in comments since CLS started, people want to hear your thoughts on a lot of different subjects. You are an effective off the cuff speaker, easy to listen to, and I'd imagine you will enjoy a couple good rants or other less scripted discussions. Can't wait to hear what you have to say, and the podcast format is awesome for folks like me that really can only watch/listen during commutes. Thank you for constantly thinking of new ways to expand and improve CLS!

Kenneth Koepnick

This is wanted. I'm excited. Thank you.


Yes. So much yes


Love the idea and I can't wait. I shrank my podcast list a bit just due to changing tastes and a CLS podcast would be a great addition.


This is one of those things that I never knew I wanted. Let's do this!

Kyle Bardiau

I think this totally makes sense for having to compartmentalize CLS. And having a podcast will be nice since there are way more opportunities for me to listen to autio than a video. I'm in.


Hey Colin, have you ever thought about appearing on or doing something with Pat Contri? I'd love to see you two discuss video games/movies/TV e.t.c.


This is very exciting, continue to be awesome man. It looks great on you.

Nicole Webb

Love this...cant wait!


Awesome that you hit 5000 patrons Colin. I've been catching up on the episodes lately and they are really good. Can't wait to hear about more than just politics and history from you.


Very good

Lou & Rei Loper

Just make sure you're not overextending yourself when you find AWESOME new things to share with the community. As for the podcast.....you had me at "pod" <3


Since I support you at the level that gives me audio files of each episode I treat your show already like a podcast. CLS is setup up for visuals to not be necessary as well. Either way more content that I can listen to? Yes, please.


I really feel like you should do a 30 minute show. It's a nice juicy bite of content and not something that you are trying to rush through to fit something in 15 minutes.

Prince Borutski

To throw my penny in the well: I support this project. You often have very well developed thoughts. I would enjoy listening to anything you have to say, in podcast form. Regarding the length, I vote to make it however long that you feel it needs to be for the week.

Jacek Debowski

i'm 'm totally in. i think the length is great - for starters. if turns out it makes sense, you can always make it longer, and we'll be happy. but to make a longer show and then to decide to cut it.. harder. also - good luck!

Andrew Christensen

Oh my gosh! Please yes, and hopefully you can have guests on the show!


So is there an update? Did we hit the 5,000?