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Hey All!

This month's Topic Election for $2+/month is now over, and a winner has been declared!

869 of you voted, and the winner with 33% of the vote was The Manhattan Project, a topic submitted by Matthew Nathan Lauzon. Thank you, Matthew!

At some point in August, I will deliver a video on The Manhattan Project, in line with the vote. The full results are below:

The Manhattan Project: 33% (287 votes)
The Video Games Treat Historical Figures: 29% (252 votes)
The JFK Assassination: 12% (104 votes)
The Electoral College: 11% (96 votes)
A Rundown of All US Territories: 10% (87 votes)
History of the TSA: 5% (43 votes)

August's Primary Election for a September video topic will begin tomorrow (August 1st) for all $2+/month CLS Patrons.

Thank you for your support! I appreciate you. -Colin



Chris B

An awesome part of history. Looking forward to this one


Nice! Can I request the Video Game topic again tomorrow for September?


Electoral college will win eventually


Absolutely! You can submit whatever topic you want (as long as it's relevant), for as many months as you want. Ultimately, it'll be up to the audience to decide what advances to the General Election, and then to vote for it once there.

Fred Bence

I love this idea. It really involves the community in the process. Can't wait for the video and getting involved in it next month (since I got distracted and missed out this time).


I thought this was a perfect way for those who miss the gaming content to sneak it in. Not today fellas!


Just keep an eye on your Patreon posts every so often; I'll make sure to make announcements and reminders throughout the month. =)


I voted the way I did to specifically avoid that lol. I'm pretty shocked it didn't win tbh.

Owen (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 17:54:16 おっぱいも最高ですが前からでもわかるデカ尻も最高です!😍😍😍
2017-08-01 02:48:36 Awesome participation levels patrons! Love this

Awesome participation levels patrons! Love this


Colin, would it be possible in future if you made videos on perhaps the 2 or 3 most voted? Because all the voted topics are very interesting and, in my opinion, would all make great videos. This may also leave room for more original ideas and content come following elections. :)


Love it! =)

Jeshua Anderson

Man, i really wanted to hear your thoughts on the JFK assanation. Oh, Manhattan project will be fun! Perhaps i will submit next month a topic for all of the 1960's assasinations (JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcom X) that just somehow were all "random".


Yeah, you're not wrong. I still think at least the top would be great to make. :)

Cooper Bibaud

The video game Braid is all about The Manhattan Project, would be curious for commentary on that.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Can't wait for this - but let's face it, all those topics are really great! Looking forward to this! 😉


Yeah, it's really cool that so many people partook. Hopefully we can sustain this level of involvement!


To be honest with you, I don't really want to give up more than one slot a month. I like to move quickly and to be timely (as Thursday's episode will show), and I'm forever changing my mind about video topics, sometimes at the last minute. So I think the one video-per-month thing works out nicely.


Throw it in the new election, then! The video I'll do on the Manhattan Project will be about the actual Manhattan Project. =D


Good 😍