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Hey All,

As I promised, I'm letting you all know that I'm seeking very temporary part-time help -- a few days at most -- getting someone to come in and consult on CLS' production. Someone who understands all of this shit, and who can set me up to up the production value of the show with a little know-how that I lack.

More details can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ColinsLastStand/comments/6khkwv/production_help_wanted_temporary_parttime_in_la/

I hope you're all doing great, and that you have a fantastic weekend. Take care, -Colin


Christopher Lee

Good luck man!!! Contract work is great so that you're not committed to using anyone long term if they aren't on the same page as you or can't achieve the look/style you're going for, hope you find some people you like!


Very cool! Excited for what's to come ☺️👍

Shawn Cassidy

That's exciting news man!! If I was in LA I'd be all over that.


Thanks for sharing this with your Patrons, I sent something your way.


Looking forward to seeing what the show might look like going forward! Good luck with the search.


:'( rip

BettyAnn Moriarty

Awesome! Can't wait to see what you do. Always. Good luck with this, bud. 👍🏻


That's the idea! Plus, I really just need someone to come in and get me in shape. Nothing more.

Christopher Lee

Awesome man!! I imagine talented video/lighting people (and CLS fans) are all over in LA. Just wanted to mention, if it helps, that wedding video pros who create footage that matches your style might offer "affordable" options for what you're looking for with your content. Lots of friends of mine start in weddings and slowly migrate to commercial work (making them more affordable sometimes than the full on "commercial" work guys while they are in transition). I'm east coast (totally different demographic for sure) but figured I'd throw that out there if it helps. Cheers man! Have a happy 4th of July!