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He'll kill you without hesitation.


Andrew Jackson: America's Favorite Psychopath -- Colin's Last Stand (Episode 24)

Andrew Jackson was the United States’ seventh president. He also happened to be fucking insane. Let’s chat about a few great Andrew Jackson stories, from the time he was a POW during the American Revolution, to the duels and brawls he found himself in throughout the years, to the ragers he threw at the White House. Colin's Last Stand is free of baked-in ads, product placement, and other obnoxious forms of advertising because of your support. Please consider subscribing to CLS' Patreon to show your support for independent historical and political content: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Reddit: /r/ColinsLastStand Still images in this video were acquired from the following sources, for which Colin's Last Stand is thankful: Alchetron, Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage, British Battles, Chicago Tribune, Daily Signal, Emerson Kent, Fine Art America, History.com, Library of Congress, North Carolina Museum of Art, Rare Historical Photos, Somewhere Down the Road, Tara Ross, Vanity Fair, Washington Post, White House Historical Association, Wikimedia, Wikipedia, and Will Rabbe. Bibliography/Reading List: https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/10-birthday-facts-about-president-andrew-jackson-2/ http://thechive.com/2015/04/22/andrew-jackson-a-lunatic-that-became-president-9-photos/ https://millercenter.org/president/jackson/life-before-the-presidency http://thehermitage.com/andrew-jackson-prisoner-of-war/# https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/11/03/andrew-jackson-was-in-more-than-100-duels-and-he-killed-a-guy/ http://mentalfloss.com/article/18445/nine-lives-andrew-jackson https://owlcation.com/humanities/3-Famous-Duels-Involving-Andrew-Jackson http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/andrew-jackson-kills-charles-dickinson-in-duel https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2016/04/andrew-jackson-was-a-crazy-person-and-you-need-to.html http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/andrew-jackson-narrowly-escapes-assassination http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/attempted-assassination-andrew-jackson-180962526/ http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history/2014/01/andrew_jackson_assassination_attempt_anniversary_the_president_redefined.html http://time.com/3676512/andrew-jackson-assassination-attempt/ https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2014/01/ill-be-damned-if-i-dont-do-it-the-failed-assassination-attempt-on-president-andrew-jackson/ http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/president-jackson-survives-assassination-attempt-jan-30-1835-234243 http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/jackson-holds-open-house-at-the-white-house https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/the-story-of-the-wildest-party-in-white-house-history/ http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/jacksoninauguration.htm https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/20/us/politics/donald-trump-andrew-jackson.html http://modernnotion.com/andrew-jacksons-inauguration-drunken-brawl/ http://mentalfloss.com/article/27228/andrew-jacksons-big-block-cheese https://www.thoughtco.com/andrew-jacksons-big-block-of-cheese-1773414 http://www.foodandwine.com/fwx/food/real-story-huge-chunk-cheese-sat-white-house-year https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/01/the-real-story-of-the-white-house-and-the-big-block-of-cheese/384676/


Christopher Lee

Today's video on Andrew Jackson was awesome! I didn't know any of those things, didn't understand why everyone kept asking you to cover Andrew Jackson, but now I get it! Need to get that book you mentioned as well. With that said here are some lighting/camera suggestions. You're skin is glowing and too bright. You may want to ask Erin to sit in the chair for a bit while you play around with settings. You can turn your ISO down for starters, you want your ISO to be low because a high ISO will cause a "glow" on the bright spots of your image aka your face and skin. I don't know what lights you purchased but if there is nothing to soften the light you end up with it looking like you're aiming construction lights from Home Depot at your face. I would suggest investing in "softer lights" this can be done by diffusing the lights you are currently using or getting lights similar to what Danny O'dwyer uses for his interviews, which I believe are some form of LED (I have my own issues with led but they can give you more control over the intensity of the light.). You can also play around with aiming your lights at the walls so the light bounces off of them and ends up being "softer" on your face and skin. Long story short, there are LOTS of ways to fix the issue of having your skin glow and the image being too "hot". There are other video guys in here on patreon that might have specific suggestions as well. I can shoot you a link to the kit I use if you want but there are endless options and no one way to do any of this stuff. I hope that helps! Great episode!

Christopher Lee

Forgot to mention, a quick search on YouTube for DIY soft boxes will give you lots of ways to diffuse you're current lights cheaply and affordable. If you're NOT using LED lights than make sure to avoid any of the DIY soft box videos that use cardboard (obviously a fire hazard) haha. Cheers!

Nicholas Swanson

Great video. Not sure if any other presidents can really compete with the amount of entertaining stories about Andrew Jackson. The guy is almost like a myth with how lucky he is with duels and close calls with death. Really exemplifies toughing it out and succeeding. Of course, he did some bad things. But we all know about the baby and that bath water.


What a f*cking maniac 0_o... great video though.


Jackson was a crazy dude man... Great video Colin! I've already requested one on Teddy, and I feeling that one is coming. Next request would be for one General George S. Patton in terms of vids on some of our more colorful historical figures :)


You did! You fixed the lighting! Haha. Well done for figuring it out. So much better. Remember those settings! Oh, and the vid was great too. Really interesting. I'm really enjoying your history lessons. Would love a video about the history of the Republican party or of US conservatism at some point.


As always, loving the hell out of the content. This one specifically. Picked up Shttered over the weekend too, hoping to get it finished soon. Hope all is well.


You think it's still to bright? I think it looks better than ever this video! I'll keep tweaking, I guess, but I thought I had finally figured it out.


He's a fascinating man. Complex and shaded with gray, sure. But fascinating nonetheless.


I'd like to do a few more "nutjob" videos, and while more cultured and intelligent, TR fits the bill. =)

Christopher Lee

Perhaps using the word "bright" is misleading, I think the light is to harsh and causing detail to be lost on the brightest spots of your face. I think it's gotten better with time I'm just trying to be helpful. Not everyone can see the difference, but everyone typically "feels" the difference. Take Rubins stuff, no detail is lost on his face on the bright spots, everything feels "softer" both the light on his face and the shadows in the background. Are you using soft boxes or direct lighting? The shadows seem pretty defined so my guess is its 2 direct lights with little to no diffusion to soften the lights. If that's the case it's not your settings causing the loss of detail on your face in bright spots it's the intensity of the lights. Something like soft boxes will "soften" the light of each light source and create a less intense light on your face and softer shadows. Anyway just trying to be helpful, content is king and you've been spot on with preparation and delivery! The audio is great too! Cheers!


Really enjoyed this one. Keep up the good work.

Sam Hunter

Definitely my favorite video so far! As a native Tennessean who has visited the Hermitage several times growing up, Andrew Jackson has always been to me a particularly resonant character in American history - I thought the story about the cheese was hilarious btw. I was wondering if there might be a chance you would consider doing a video about the other great Tennessean president, James K. Polk? I have yet to meet a single person ever who has even heard his name and I think that this a great shame as he was without a doubt the greatest single term president (by choice) in our history...

Jeremy Meyer

What are the odds the UN caves in to The Organization of Cartographers for Social Equality?

Britton Dowers

Looking through the Reading List/Bibliography got me thinking about citing sources when I was getting my degree and how much I hated formating. Most professors were cool, but some would take off if a period was or coma was out of place. My thought always was if you can get to my source what does it matter. I love that you take the time to cite your sources and I enjoy going through them. Keep up the great work, and loved this video :-).

Cooper Bibaud

Enjoyed these stories. I will try to casually somehow have this brought up in conversation so I can appear smart.


What a great episode! In one of my college history classes I remember learning about how Jackson married a woman that the elite of Washington basically considered a whore. At one point Jackson became so enraged at the way his wife had been treated that he screamed at a group of women and ended up coughing up blood all over them. The dude was nuts! Such a great character of history. Thanks again for the show Colin.

Brian Fuller

Really well done. I really enjoy that you take the approach to make your historical content so entertaining. History I interesting, but you have found a unique way to bubble up some great stories and deliver them in a way that is both enlightening and legitimately fun to watch.

John Quinn

Excellent video once again sir

Anthony Wright

I'm debating on whether to read Shattered or American Lion first.


I know you're trying to be helpful! I truly appreciate it. I'll keep tweaking. Every episode is an experiment.


I actually like James Polk (especially the one-term pledge), but I doubt I'll do a video on him. Somewhat obscure. I mean, Jackson is one of the most famous Presidents, and the video isn't exactly doing well. =\


The sources to my videos are essential, because while much of what I say is opinion, a lot of it is also cited, researched information that should be properly attributed. I'm glad you appreciate that facet of the show. =)


He was insane. Rachel (his wife) was apparently the source of much consternation for him.

Sam Hunter

Sorry to hear that...do your political videos or historical vids get more buzz?


Andrew "Badass" Jackson!

Tom Koch

Colin great video! Andrew Jackson is probably our most interesting president. You have been probably asked this million times but I was wondering about your thoughts about E3 and not your thoughts on the show but your thoughts on how it was as now an outsider, for lack of better words, looking in at the show even if you did that?