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As May turns into June, I just wanted to thank all of you here for your continued support of Colin’s Last Stand. I value each and every person that subscribes to my YouTube channel, watches a video, and otherwise exists in this growing community. But you -- the Patrons -- are, as I’ve reminded you in the past, the fuel that makes this engine run. Without you, I’d be off doing something else. And I don’t want to do anything else. I want to do this, here, with and for you.

The fact is, I was so scared when I launched CLS. I had no idea if anyone would care. I was known for this other thing, but I really wanted to segue to something new, and I didn’t know if anyone would take the journey with me. All I wanted to do was to prove that history and politics could be fun, interesting, engaging, and worth your time. I wanted to take this negative and painful thing that happened to me, and spin it into something positive and productive. Thing is, it’s become even more positive and productive than I could have ever imagined, not only for me, but for so many of you.

Every week -- each and every week -- thousands of people leave comments on YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and here on Patreon. Many of them let me (and the world) know that this channel is working for them. Many people didn’t expect to like it. Others hated politics and history, and had no expectation it would be for them. And, naturally, many others find themselves right in their sweet spot with this brand of content. Some agree with me politically; many others don't. Some are still figuring out how they feel, finding their political bearings, as many of us already have.

The greatest thing about doing this is seeing the light turn on, person by person, as they become engaged with the historical and political spheres. This person is now reading Book X; that person has fallen down a documentary rabbit hole. This person bonds with his dad over CLS; that person has now registered to vote. This person now majors in history or poly-sci in college; that person intends to when he gets there.

I knew Colin’s Last Stand would be important -- at least to me -- but I didn’t realize that the greatest gratification I would receive from doing it is seeing the spreadshot of how it has affected others. Every episode is someone’s favorite; every episode has made someone into a believer, a politico, a wonk. Each episode has made people curious. People asking for book recommendations, historical places to go visit, ways to flex their intellectual muscles in a world full of absolute bullshit. It’s the very definition of heartening. I’m proud of the product; I’m even more proud of the community the product has sprouted.

Even as my Patreon’s numbers have settled (and will no doubt continue to), I’ve found so much more success here than I would have ever imagined possible. Destroying my goal more than four times over made me nervous. Ask Erin: A few hours after I launched my Patreon, and it was literally twice what my highest overall expectation was, I was jokingly screaming, “Stop! Stop! Stop!” I didn’t want people to think they were getting slickly-edited documentaries or cable news-style takedowns, or that I would “stick it” to someone or something twice a week, talking about the negativity of the PC culture that so cutely tried to take me down, but only made me stronger and more popular (all the while giving me a whole new slate of amazing allies).  Telling that Al Bundy joke and refusing to apologize to the mindless zombie horde proved that they're as fickle, useless, and laughable as we all suspected. As toothless as they are brainless.

But I didn't want Colin's Last Stand to hinge on and revolve around that moment. Note that there hasn’t been a single, solitary video dedicated to political correctness or the culture surrounding it; note that I still don't use the terms "SJW" or "snowflake" or "cuck;" note that instead of taking the easy bait time and again, I make 40 minute videos on aborted moon bases and extensive histories of presidential impeachments. If I delve into the social space, I do videos about cultural appropriation or political expediency. All of that's intentional. I could get twice as many subs, more Patrons, and bigger viewcounts by jumping wholesale into that fray, but to what end? I'd rather just be happy in my own little niche. That's the thing, after all. This really makes me happy. And I forgot that I could actually be happy dedicating my life to something. It's been great remembering that. In a way, CLS saved me. Not my life, per se, but certainly my happiness.

The overall monetary success of this Patreon wasn’t a reflection of a desire to see me take on that culture. That culture is imploding in on itself, anyway, and there are so many people out there that do that far better than I ever could. The good news is, it turns out it the frankly bonkers Patreon support I received was a reflection of the volume of people who wanted to see what it was I wanted to do. Exactly what CLS has become. Whether it lasts or not, it's an honor.

I’m not going to sweat the money. The Patreon will settle where it settles, and I will continue to work my absolute hardest to make you feel like your monthly investment is well-spent. I will, however, continue to sweat the content and the community. I hope you’ve seen me actively and eagerly engaging in the community, everywhere I can. I joke with you guys, I respond to YouTube threads, I jump into deep conversations, I solicit and respond to feedback, and, as I’m sure you Patrons especially realize, I answer pretty much every Patreon message I get, jump into every convo, and do my best to respond to as many comments as possible. I don’t take you for granted. I’m working more than I’ve ever worked, by a mile. But it’s these interactions, in between researching, writing, editing, and administrating, that truly make me happy.

Please keep the feedback coming and continue to keep my feet to the fire. I think the evolution of CLS is already quite demonstrable -- compare Episode 2 to Episode 17, as an example -- and it will continue to evolve. I’ve got plans, yet! But, as a one-man band, I have to take things slowly, and knock things out one at a time. Your patience in this regard has been extraordinary. The fact that you authentically like the content and want more of it drives me forward, and makes me feel like these many, many hours I work each week aren't only important, but vital.

Thank you so much. Let’s keep on learning, shall we? -Colin


Brandon O'Toole

Why do you refuse to mention Kinda Funny by name? I support you but that seems strange and slightly immature to me


Keep up the good work Colin.


I agree Brandon. Totally shady.


Would you consider doing a live reaction to the Sony E3 conference in a couple weeks? You could make it patreon exclusive to help get more people to pledge!


I kinda agree, I guess there's more pain then either party has admitted too, :/ but it's sad to see them on such vague terms


Thank you for the content. Keep up the good work Colin.


Thanks Colin!

Tasur Seen

Does seem weird that you don't acknowledge the old crew at all, but that's not my business. So far my favorite content has been the North Korea piece and the watergate episode. Looking forward to more pieces like that and also catching on the last few episodes especially because I love science so much (specifically space related).


Proud of you Colin! Do you man.


Loving the content man. Keep it up. I just want to know what this collaboration thing you and Rubin keep hinting at!!! Any timeline for an announcement.

Khalil Sadi

Keep it up, Col. It's fun to be on this ride. There have been some videos (like the Project Horizon one) that surprised me in a very positive way. Awesome content.

Britton Dowers

Dude I loved the moon base episode yesterday. Probably my favorite so far because I hadn't heard about it. Really interesting stuff and I'm going to dive into that rabbit hole.

Joe Schleif

I appreciate the time you take in putting these videos and letters together. Your summaries of news articles are fantastic as well!


I think your reading too much into his statement, either way this message was to his supporters on patreon, not mentioning a former business that he partially found/helped create by name isn't strange and Im very pleased and proud how Colin has carried himself regarding the matter. I believe you may be alone or at the very least in the minority on your opinion.

Steven Camilo

Keep up the great work and classy delivery sir - and look into Vanguard for all that extra cash!!


Loving CLS so far and the variety of topics already covered, it's great seeing the evolution in just this short space of time and I can't wait to see the journey as it progresses further, proud to be along for the ride as a Patron. Also reading A People's History of the United States thanks to your recommendation 👊


To to be honest, I haven't been supporting you on Patreon yet cause I wanted to see a good bit of your content first to determine if it's worth my time and I'm happy to say your content is amazing. You have a way with politics and history that makes it interesting to watch. It's sad to see you leave Kinda Funny as my favourite content on there was PS I Love You XOXO but sometimes good things have to end at some point. Keep up the good work and say hello to your latest supporter. 😁


Wow I appreciate the long post. It HAS sparked a learning fire inside. The evolution is clear and awesome And for my dream cls episode to be about would be about music... Not that u asked

Shawn Cassidy

I'm loving CLS, keep up the great work man! Also, would love to hear your thoughts on E3 in a couple weeks...

Brandon O'Toole

The part where you said "this other thing" in italics seemed in reference to KF but if I was incorrect then I apologize. Keep up the good work dude, and thanks for the postcard!

Joshua Chap

not sure what happened but I got something like 20 updates from this posts. I think patreon wanted me to reallly see this post lol


We just met for two hours to talk about it, but we have nothing to announce yet. We're both busy. It'll be worth the wait. =)

Cory McBride

Keep up the great work, Colin. I've found myself more engaged than ever with politics and history since you began this venture and allowed us to come along for the ride. It seems that I learn something new and intriguing every video (or at the very least see something from a perspective that I never considered before). Looking forward to broadening my horizons further. Thanks for being you!


Very happy to support this. If I'm being honest since you stopped talking about video games and switched to these topics, I haven't been making as much time for video games either. Still game, but now I'm also trying to make time to learn a little bit too. Loved sharing your NASA video this week with some space nerd friends of mine, may have even gotten you a new fan or 2. --- Keep it up man, love this work you're doing.

Jonathan Perez

Colin please give us a list of some of the books that have influenced your political and historical intellect the most.


Thank you for your kind support! I appreciate the "wait and see" approach. I respect it. =)


I'll watch the PlayStation conference in VOD probably, but truthfully, I don't really care about E3. It'll be the first time since 2006 I don't have to be there, and I'm somewhat thrilled about it.


I professionally covered video games for 14 years. That's "the other thing" I was known for.

Scott Rabideau

You're doing great work, and the level of community interaction you've exhibited has been phenomenal. It's nice to know that we can actually reach you. Also, I could really use a CLS lanyard ;)


Will we ever get a podcast? I'm guessing nothing has been planned since you are still in the infancy of the channel

Brandon O'Toole

Right. Sorry to offend - my mistake. Love the content dude and I'm glad to see you're happy, been a fan for years


It's essential to diversify your life, your interests, and how you spend your free time. Too much of anything is bad. I've played video games almost every day for nearly three decades. I have no time these days to play at all. And frankly, I don't even miss it all that much. I'm sure I'll be back when time allows, but in the meantime, enriching your life with other things I believe will pay dividends.


If you mean is CLS a podcast, it already is at the $5+/month level. If you mean will I do a separate podcast, I'm working on a plan, but it won't be a part of CLS or this Patreon.


Yeah I've had the same thing too as I was posting my comment my phone starting buzzing like crazy and I seen I had about 20 updates from Patreon and they were for all your videos you've uploaded.

Kevin Almanzar

Awesome post Colin. Always loved hearing your thoughts on different topics on your past shows and I'm so glad to be supporting you on this channel. Keep it up!


I e-mailed Patreon! I suspect it's an engineering issue (as I've updated a bunch of post tiers), but I'll wait to find out. Could be my fault. Either way, I apologize.


Aww, the link I got sent in my email for your podcast didn't work. 🙁

Brett Geiser

Glad to support your vision! I've reduced my spend a bit due to reworking my budget, but I plan to keep you a part of it for a long while. Keep up the good work - great to see your 'set' and production value continue to evolve. You've silenced a lot of haters with your thoughtful and well researched topics so far. You've not waded into the deep end of spiteful politics. Keep staying above the fray!


I'm so fucking proud of you, man. You're absolutely killing it -- I'll be with you every step. <3


So happy to hear you're happy! It is life's greatest pursuit, and many never get there.


Great to hear it's working for you, Colin! I've really enjoyed what you're doing, and I'm sure it will continue to evolve over time. Just don't burn out with overwork, we need ya!

Lucas Gremista

You deserve every single bit of the success you are now enjoying and I'm proud to contribute for that to happen. I have a pretty busy schedule but if there's anything I can do to contribute for your work, please let me know and I'll do it pro bono. You don't know the majority of us, but we're all here for you!


I'm so glad for You success Colin. I have followed you and Greg For about 7 years and Your ColinWasRight show is the best Product out of Kinda Funny. I wish you the best of luck for all your hardwork and can't wait for the next video. Your part of the Future of Entertainment and I'm glad I'm here for the ride.

Derek Kelsheimer

Glad to see the CLS train chugging right along. You keep doing what you love, and I'll keep supporting it proudly.


Awesome Colin, so happy your finally enjoying what your doing and getting the support you deserve. Honestly look forward to the your pieces each week and long may it continue, I find them thought provoking and your opinions to be fair and honest. Just one request, more Lola please x

Tasur Seen

Side note, I watched the KF Patreon episode you did with your MIT friend again; man that is good stuff. Maybe something you'd be interested in doing again? Your interview series on Colin is Right was 10/10. Really enjoyed getting to know those individuals so in depth.


Thank you so much Colin, for everything YOU do. It means the world to me, and I know so many others too. Continue to do what you love, and do so well, and we'll all be happy.


Love the content, you make history and politics interesting(even if I don't always agree, but being challenged is after all part of the appeal)

Chad Lewis

Thank you as always Colin.

Josh in Tampa

Thanks for the heartfelt, honest appraisal of where CLS has been and what it means. I expected nothing less from you Colin. I'm not surprised in the least about how informative, fun and engrossing the vids have been. I've always been an avid consumer of the news but have come to really enjoy the News Bursts as well. Nice to have a curated list and your brief thoughts on topic. Keep up the great work Colin.

Aaron Myers

Hi Colin. I'll be honest, when I first came across KF you were the person I related to the least, I actually found you a little annoying. I'm sure I'm not the first person to say that. After spending a lot of time and money on KF I started to come round to you and I surprised myself at how upset I was when you left. Iam so happy now with what you are doing now and you made me realise what I wanted from the internet.. education. Thank you Colin. P.S when is your Dad coming on?


That's okay! I appreciate you supporting me in any way you can. And yeah. Silenced them I believe I have. =)


I am extremely fortunate to have gotten to live my dream multiple times. I don't take it for granted.


Thank you! I work a ton, and I need to get more efficient, but don't worry about it. I will be taking a week break in the summer and the last two weeks of the year off. More on both later.


Ive always been facinated with the way you talk and educate people, im a day one Patreon supporter the minute you twetted that you were creating CLS and i couldnt feel more proud! Thank Mr Moriarty! Youre an inspiration

Sebastian velez

Hi Colin Sebastian from Toronto here! Thanks for everything you do although we've not met you've influenced my views on politics and other things and big ways. You make it feel like it's ok to talk about our values and beliefs openly. This was not always easy for me to do as a use a wheelchair was often shy but watching you do your thing makes me and many others have confidence anyway thanks for everything. I just finished my first year at u of t in Toronto studying political science and part of the inspiration was you. Thanks Colin

Allan Sweeney

Figured I'd post here as well. You were the primary reason I chose Beyond as my go-to video game podcast 5 years ago as I respected your non-sugarcoated opinions and had very similar genre interests to me. I voraciously consumed the Beyond back catelogue and was so happy for everyone when you broke off to make Kinda Funny. When you left I knew I'd support you for a few months as appreciation for providing me so much enjoyment over the years, and I felt awful about what happened to you, but tbh I had zero interest in the plan for Colin's Last Stand. American History? No thanks. But while the commitment to your work and passion did not surprise me at all, what DID shock me was how damn FASCINATING I was finding the content! Even (heck, especially) the American History. All of it. I still enjoy my video game podcasts, but I now look forward each week to learning about new and interesting topics that I probably wouldn't have known existed otherwise. So THANK YOU for staying true to your ideals and creating a show with substance! All the best as CLS continues to grow.

Tom Koch

You're my favorite historical teacher and political pundit. Quick question do you know where I can finance anything good on the Paris Accords? I can't find anything that goes into detail about what we here in the United States are doing to meet the agreement in comparison to other countries. Essentially I want to know for myself "Is it a good deal?"


Keep up the great work Colin. I had a great teacher in high school that made it enjoyable and fun to learn history. I feel the same about all your content. I never been interested in politics too much but I am learning from you and enjoying all of it. Thank you.


Every episode either makes me say one of three things. 1) Wow, I didn't know about any of this. 2) Hmm, never thought of it that way. 3) Well, that's just nonsense, Colin. Typically, it's the first two, but the bottom line is, I never watch an episode, and just go "meh". I love your passion, even when I don't think you make any sense. Looking forward to seeing what CLS evolves to in the next year and the next five years. This is truly something unique and special.


I'm very impressed with the content you've produced and am excited for what the future holds for you. I wish nothing but the most delicious happiness for you and your family. Keep moving forward and try not to let the haters get you down.

John Barton

Nice lighting you've got going now. I've noticed a difference but be careful! Too much lighting will give glare on the forehead. Then you'll have Erin using her makeup on you lol. Last episode looked good though. Keep it going, this CLS family is behind you!

Drew Packard

You're one of my personal heroes, Colin; your attitude and transparency motivates me to learn every day and has gotten me to care about politics and history. I am proud to be a member of this community. Keep kicking ass.


You've inspired me to finally begin to take action in my life, I honestly can't wait to see what you have in store for the future! Keep it up Colin!

Ross Arbour

Thanks Colin, keep it up, you're doing a great job!


Colin you're great. Honestly I disagree with your view on many things but I have the utmost respect and admiration for you. It's great to hear your viewpoint and I love that it expands my own

Joey Finelli

i've enjoyed each episode you've done and will continue to enjoy it. Keep up the good work.


Colin, my fiancee's least favorite subject in school was history. Last night while making wedding decorations I asked her if I could play your videos (I needed to catch up). Not only did she listen along with me but even asked questions and expressed surprise at how much she enjoyed learning history. The way you present it made it fun and easy for her to understand. You made a fan out of someone who use to hate history. Keep up the amazing work!

Seth Eden

Thanks for taking the time to engage time and time again and its inspiring to see someone taking a risk to do something they have a passion for. Keep up the hard work and I will keep up the support, thanks man.


Colin thank you for this post and your hard work! I just became a patron and am excited to see what the future holds for you. Love from Honduras!!

Kevin Sullivan

Thank you for the note, Colin. Keep up the excellent work! I am glad to be a patron and to support you directly here. As I said in a comment on a YouTube video, it really makes for quite a pleasant viewing experience when I can click a video and simply get right into without sitting through an ad or product placement.

Jeremy Meyer

When you were on Rubin live after the tweet, that was like the most powerful hour of television I've ever seen. Ten years a fan, it was a thing to behold. The sheer fucking defiance. The gesture of friendship. If you can't put money behind that, then money has no worth. But the thing I've learned is this. Colin's Last Stand is this. I don't want you to do what I want you to do. I want you to do what you want you to do. That's when it happens. Let Colin Be Colin.


You're doing great Colin... I was back watching some old KF videos and it did occur to me how much I miss your impromptu humor. I like that we get to hear you doing what you love, and you do mix in some jokes and sarcasm... but I'd love to see you in another "conversational" podcast where you could play off of someone else. I miss the water man, white board, "you're dismissed" - esque humor that naturally developed during conversations... Anyway, I know you're busy. You're killing it! Congrats!

Zack E

As long as you continue what you've been doing: Not having ads thrown to our faces during the videos. Worrying more about the quality and content of your video rather than what click bait-worthy or enticing picture to use as the thumbnail. Not feeling pressured to say something to please any particular group or audience. And above all else, diving into topics that YOU care about and that YOU believe are relevant...then I truly believe you will both enjoy success as well as have a sort of respect that is hardly found with YouTube personalities these days. Don't cater to anything but truth and reason, nor anyone but yourself.


love what you're doing man, keep it up.


Hey love the insight and info. Good luck, can't wait to see what's next. Thanks