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Hey All,

I hope this News Burst finds you well! Not much new to report. Thursday’s episode is filmed; just need to edit it tonight and/or tomorrow. It’s a little different in that there’s no script, I have no bullet points, and kinda just shoot from the hip (the only other similar video is the Berkeley one, I’d say). I’ll be interested to see what you think of it.

Otherwise, I’ve been spending, like, way too much time at the beach playing chess. I’ve gone through three multi-year-long bursts in my life where I become addicted to the game, and I think I’m back in that place again. It’s all-consuming, it really is. Such a special game. And I'm not half bad at it. Erin's mom is coming to visit for a week, though, so I may have to cool my jets for a few. Family time, and all of that.

Anyway, be good!

Manchester Bombing Kills 22 People: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4535388/PM-says-terror-threat-level-critical.html

My Take: The article linked above leads to a pretty good -- and incredibly lengthy -- Daily Mail article with some of the newest information about the terrorist attack, along with details on who the bomber was, the status of the UK now from a terrorist perspective, the health of the surviving victims, and more. It’s worth taking some time out of your day to at least browse it, so as to familiarize yourself with these terrible recent goings-ons.

In case you somehow aren’t in the loop on this (which I’d find hard to believe for this audience), 22 people were killed outside of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. Dozens more were hurt, some seriously. The perpetrator of the bombing -- which was a suicide bombing -- was a British-born man of Libyan descent named Salman Abedi, who was 22 years old. Word is Abedi recently just came back to the UK after a trip to Libya, so it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand what’s going on there. Naturally, ISIS has claimed responsibility for the bombing, therefore owning responsibility for Abedi’s presumed radicalization.

The UK is still under alert for a possible imminent attack, with authorities uncertain if Abedi was acting alone, or if there are other perpetrators of other attacks still in the wild. I’m not going to spend too much more time talking about this awful tragedy, other than to say that Europe has itself a serious problem, and I’m curious when it’s going to try to come to grips with it. This is becoming so routine over there that it’s outright concerning. Radical Islamic Terrorism is a real thing, and real things have real consequences if left unchecked.

(Related Story | Fear Grips British Pop Fans: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-security-manchester-music-idUSKBN18J2YD)

Three People Testify Before Congressional Panels About Possible Trump-Russia Connections: http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/334846-five-takeaways-from-a-busy-day-of-russia-hearings

My Take: If not for the tragedy in Manchester, this obviously would have been a much bigger story. While three people testified about the purported connections between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the Russian government, and about all other manner of accused connections, the biggest of the bunch was undoubtedly ex-CIA chief John Brennan, who said, “there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau,” referring to the FBI (as the CIA typically deals with goings-ons outside of the United States, and not typically within it, with American actors). In other words, there's something to all of this. No surprise there.

The article linked above gives the five “takeaways” from the day’s proceedings, which are absolutely worth a gander. For me, there are two things worth noting, though. The first one is more abstract, but I think worth mentioning: I’m starting to think more and more that this doesn’t go all the way up the chain. I think it’s somewhat clear, with General Flynn taking the fifth, and with Carter Page and Paul Manafort also in the crosshairs, that something’s up with some of these guys. But I don’t know that it penetrates the administration’s highest rungs, and I’m almost certain Trump isn’t in on it. I have nothing to base that on; just my guess. Obviously, I could be wrong.

I think the bigger thing worth mentioning here is something Congressman Gowdy hinted at, however, and a drum that I think -- if we are to be perfectly fair -- bears repeat beating. There is still no evidence, whatsoever, that anyone seems to have in their possession that anything has happened. American intelligence agencies claim Russia trifled with the election, which I’d never dispute (and which I assume has happened in every American election since the 1920s at the earliest, and post-war at the latest), but when it comes to Trump’s connections to Russia, there’s nothing there yet. Where is the evidence? Why aren’t more people clamoring to see it?

Trump’s Mideast Trip Both Successful and Uneventful: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/23/donald-trump-middle-east-visit-238733

My Take: Donald Trump went abroad for the first time in his presidency, but he wasn’t going to friendly territory like Canada, the UK, or Japan. He went to Saudi Arabia and Israel, countries that we have complicated relationships with. Saudi Arabia is clearly only a friend of ours (and the larger west) out of military and economic expediency, and their “moderate” stance when compared so many of their hostile neighbors. Israel is a good friend of America’s, but under the constant threat of policy vacillation as we bounce between Republican and Democratic administrations, which heavily complicates things (although everything should be more straight-forward now than with Obama).

This piece does a nice job of recounting how the trip was planned and what happened once he was there. It’s a nice little peek behind the curtain, and gives a small glimpse into the machinations of the Trump administration. A good read.

Trump’s Budget Both Spends A Lot and Slashes A Lot: http://thehill.com/policy/finance/334705-trump-releases-budget-that-slashes-government-programs

My Take: Finally, we’ve gotten a good, hard, concrete look at Donald Trump’s budget proposal, a proposal that, as usual with pretty much any president, will have little bearing on what Congress ultimately decides. Remember: Congress, and Congress alone controls the purse; the president can obviously have input that will be taken under advisement, but no budget is going to get through unless Congress approves of it, and that pretty much mans it’s going to have to write its own. Nothing new there.

Trump’s budget is making headlines for multiple reasons. First of all, over a 10 year period, it looks to cut non-defense discretionary spending by $1.5 trillion -- which isn’t nearly enough, if we want to start getting our deficit and debt under control -- and it’s looking to cut a similar amount from Medicare over that same stretch of time (Medicaid also gets hammered). For the in-and-outs, you can consult with the attached story above, as well as the links planted below, which give a decent look into the administration’s thought process when it comes to the all-important budget.

Not at all shockingly, many people -- especially those on the left -- are not happy with the budget, because it dices and slices a lot of government programs, some of them deemed essential by a lot of people. Then again, many Republicans aren't pleased, too. But I think the American people understand more than their Representatives and Senators let on. We need to get our spending under control, and frankly, this budget doesn’t go nearly far enough in doing that. Then again, I understand we need to take baby steps, so I’m not going to complain. And either way, this is political theater. Like I said, Congress has the ultimate say here, and they’ve already made it clear that they will produce their own bill that reflects their own policy prescriptions.

(Related Story | Trump’s Vaunted Infrastructure Bill Sneaks Into Budget: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/23/infrastructure-transportation-trump-budget-238741)

(Related Story | Trump’s Budget Eliminates These 66 Programs Completely: http://thehill.com/policy/finance/334768-here-are-the-66-programs-eliminated-in-trumps-budget)

(Related Story | Republicans Give Trump’s Budget “Cold Shoulder”: http://thehill.com/homenews/house/334860-republicans-give-trumps-budget-the-cold-shoulder)


GrisWold Diablo

It's hard to take the White House seriously when they said America First, but cuts schooling budget and increase military budgets. How is more military makes your population better? They honestly dont care about the populace just their donors.


The Manchester bombing is such a tragedy. It's sickening. What's also disturbing is the number of people on social media somehow blaming the performer. As if she some how brought this on by being proactive. I don't think any reasonably intelligent person would blame her but it's gotta be rough for her to see.


Stating as a liberal: I also do not believe the the Russia thing goes to the top of the food chain to Donald Trump. If it did, I think Trump would have slipped and mentioned it publicly, like he seems to do with a lot of information he receives.


You're right Misty, it is a concern. I think people try to find a factor they feel they can control. Like avoiding things that they deem to be inappropriate or unfavourable in their day to day life. It makes them feel like 'this wouldn't happen to me, because I'd never have been there/doing that thing'. In a warped way it makes them feel safe, so they can keep going without fear. I do think it's something we can't ignore though, the fact that a young young female artist who creates provocative music, was the target of this attack. I think it's relevant only in the sense that it potentially paint's part of the picture of what's going on in the head of the attacker. Understanding what they're thinking and how they become radicalised is part of the process of at least attempting to prevent more attacks like this. Beyond that I literally have no clue how this stuff can be tackled. Colin's right, something needs to be done. But, as to what, is something I'm yet to see.


Im not preaching or anything but I'd be wary if citing the Daily Mail Colin, its basically the UKs Brietbart

Jeremy Meyer

Re: Russian "collusion." The war on women. Gender pay gap. Racism! Fascism! Et cetera, et cetera! When have the democrats ever based a talking point on evidence?

Jeremy Meyer

Colin, do you think the state of California is going to raise taxes on you by like 300% so that the liberal super majority can pass their $400 billion single-payer healthcare monstrosity?

Jeremy Meyer

Trump's budget looks like the actuarial equivalent of Monty Python's "The Funniest Joke in the World."

Jeremy Meyer

55% of democrats, in the new YouGov poll, say they believe that Russia tampered with vote tallies to elect Trump.

Ryan Blushke

The events of the Manchester attack are extremely unfortunate and upsetting, but I will never let it dictate what I choose to do. I've heard so many people talk about avoiding concerts and the like, but I personally would never be able to think that way. I am on a 2 month vacation to Europe at the moment and I am visiting many capital cities and big tourist venues while I'm at it. You can't let the unfortunate events get to you.

Jason Kelley

Can Trump still get dinged for obstruction of justice if the investigation ultimately bears no fruit?

Khalil Sadi

I don't even know how a person could blame her at all, being that she was also a victim of the attack.

Dylan Manuszak

Im going to get good at chess to someday play you and get my ass handed to me. Any tips on where to begin?

Khalil Sadi

Awesome news burst, Col! Watching Trump do the sword dance. There are just no words to describe that. Couldn't stop laughing. Plus, looking at what the Pope gave him as a gift, priceless. A Pope, telling Donald Trump that Climate Change is real. You can't make that shit up. As to Manchester, I just don't know what the hell to expect from these MFers and what could be done to stop them.

Chad Lewis

I wish the burrito shop had made the cut. I'm dealing with something similar currently and would love to hear your thoughts.

James Galos

What about the story of the FISA court saying the Obama administration completely and knowingly violated the 4th amendment??? Huge deal 0 coverage

Jeremy Meyer

Liberals prey on the weak. Rick Bayless can't be touched, but two food truck girls can be personally destroyed.


To be fair, he doesn't really have a slate of major donors. Say what you will about Trump, but he's not financially beholden to anyone.


It's a century-plus old newspaper. I don't think it's anything like Breitbart. (I was just reading criticism about it when I saw your post; doesn't seem there's too much going on when compared to Breitbart.)


You have to keep on keeping on. That was our mantra in New York after 9/11, as well. The fact is, anything can happen at anytime, and any one of us could be in the line of fire. You have to just roll the dice. It's math, and it's in our favor.


It's weird watching him do anything. For some reason, I got a kick out of him wearing a yamaka in Israel. He looked like such a doofus.


I know its an historic paper but in the last decade or 2 it has turned into a far right paper peddling hate (and Kardashians lol). Thats the how most people in the UK see it anyways, just letting you know :)

James Galos

Not surprising I had to go searching to find any coverage of it. Fox News even blew right by it. In short the Obama Administration agreed they had gone too far. Came back some time later and said we did nothing we agreed to and violated the 4th amendment knowingly and repeatedly. Trump holding his wife's hand is a bigger story though...

Chad Lewis

I work at a small local cafe in a town just outside of Concord, MA that my two friends own. Every spring we put our outdoor seating out for the customers to enjoy. We used to have these flimsy lightweight metal tables that often times would peel and dogs would take away and into the traffic when owners would try and tie them down. So this year we decided to go with something different. Four hand made picnic tables. Which the owners (a married couple and long time town residents) put together themselves, sanded, and hand painted. Beautifully, I might add. They have black and orange paw prints (local town mascot is a tiger), a Rainbow Flag design, musical notes that spell cafe, and a sunshine respectively. Here is where the fun starts. We had customer write a letter about how offensive the SUNSHINE table is. Due to what could be seen as appropriation and offensive. This is because the bright yellow and dark purple sunshine drawing looks "to similar" to the Imperial Japanese Army flag and therefore could be effecting not only the comfort of the downtown area but also the multiple neighboring Asian businesses. He asked we remove it immediately. We wrote him back saying we're sorry he felt that way and that we may lose his business over a drawing on a picnic table but they were there to stay. Apparently this guy is so offended by this table that himself and others lodged complaints to the town and local business alliance asking that they remove our tables. The owners now have to meet with the board of selectman and local business Alliance to determine whether or not the table is a detriment to the cultural aspect of the downtown area and that depending on the ruling it could affect our permits to operate. I don't know how to get you a picture of the table but if your familiar with the Republic of Macedonia flag, or simply just google it, think that yellow but with a deep purple instead of red and thats it. Its ludicrous. They just wanted to build something nice and colorful for the customers of there business to enjoy during the nice weather months and somehow wound up offending a group of people with a sunshine painted picnic table and may face consequences that will legitimately affect there business' operation and therefore peoples actual well being. Fingers crossed it doesn't go anywhere and the board is just humoring this guy because of the hassle and nothing actually comes of it.