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In this episode, we'll interview alleged 'Kia Boy Hunter' Kevin Morse, a local crime watchdog in New Haven who runs a company called OnScene Media.

We'll also interview a victim of the CT Kia Boyz and provide Hyundai and Kia owners with information on how to protect themselves from theft.

More soon.



Tristan Hughes

I was driving home kinda late the other day when this car ran a stoplight and nearly crashed into me before flooring it other direction. Realizing now that it was KIA and some kids probably fucking around., fucking hate that this stupid trend is spreading here.

Paul Hedges

Love your journalism Andrew, keep it up! Long live Truckie

Luke Fender

These little kids trolling the hell out of this man 🤣🤣


Andrew's mustache completes this guy's facial hair

Hunter Bass

Will there ever be a part 4 to the Ocean City Nights video?

Rory Knight

Stealing is just plain wrong. You shouldn't take things that don't belong to you. It's not a small crime, it's a really big deal, and the punishments should be much much more severe.


Get this man a bullet proof car