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Houhghgh we're getting REALLY close to 100 patrons?? THANK YOU everyone for sticking around to help pay my bills!! I truly cannot properly express the level gratitude I have for you all being here.

100 patrons is a big milestone and I should devote a little more time to this place... Coupled with business endeavors outside of this circle picking up, I'm busier than ever!

I was considering what to add for this momentous milestone, what do you guys think?


Masagoria -



While I would really like to have a discord server for this patreon, I'm afraid I have neither the time nor energy necessary to maintain and moderate one

Masagoria -

May I have permission to create and moderate a fan server to you that serves as a news outlet under your twitter and possibly other public accounts you hold?

Spectral Spider

I feel like suggesting something that may not feel like as much work for you (compared to the other two options). Artists Choice! Each month you draw a picture with a character YOU want to draw and add it in to the pool of sundae deluxe sketches for voting at the start of the month :)